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Author Topic: The Remains of Bonnie Ray  (Read 17404 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2022, 10:01:25 PM »
And, of course, there is nothing in your fantasy that precludes Oswald himself from telling BRW to beat it from the 6th floor.

Riiiiiiiight, because
a) Mr Oswald would have had authority to order Mr Williams to leave the floor  Thumb1:
b) his telling Mr Williams to leave the floor would have given Mr Williams no grounds at all to raise the alarm  Thumb1: Thumb1:
c) Mr Oswald would have had no fear that Mr Williams would be able to identify Mr Oswald afterwards as the man who kicked him off the floor.  Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:
d) after the Sunday Mr Williams would have been terrified of Mr Oswald's ghost coming after him for telling what happened  Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:

What a genius you are, Mr Smith!   :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2022, 10:01:25 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2022, 02:26:24 PM »
Riiiiiiiight, because
a) Mr Oswald would have had authority to order Mr Williams to leave the floor  Thumb1:
b) his telling Mr Williams to leave the floor would have given Mr Williams no grounds at all to raise the alarm  Thumb1: Thumb1:
c) Mr Oswald would have had no fear that Mr Williams would be able to identify Mr Oswald afterwards as the man who kicked him off the floor.  Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:
d) after the Sunday Mr Williams would have been terrified of Mr Oswald's ghost coming after him for telling what happened  Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:

What a genius you are, Mr Smith!   :D

By what "authority" did your fantasy conspirators order BRW to the leave the floor?  LOL.  Strangers in the building ordering BRW to leave a floor minutes before the president was driving by wasn't grounds to be alarmed?  At least Oswald had a reason to be in the building since he worked there.  Don't you think BRW would have mentioned to his friends that some strangers had just ordered him off the 6th floor?  Your fantasy conspirators allow BRW to leave the floor after seeing them, trust him to remain forever, silent, leave evidence framing Oswald for the crime but make no effort to ensure that he didn't have an alibi for the moment of the assassination.  That is what you are suggesting happened?  Wow.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2022, 03:05:07 PM »
By what "authority" did your fantasy conspirators order BRW to the leave the floor?  LOL.  Strangers in the building ordering BRW to leave a floor minutes before the president was driving by wasn't grounds to be alarmed?

A flash of credentials, and problem solved

At least Oswald had a reason to be in the building since he worked there.

But no authority to order a co-worker off the floor, duh

Don't you think BRW would have mentioned to his friends that some strangers had just ordered him off the 6th floor?

He would have told (at a minimum) Messrs Norman & Jarman----------just BEFORE the assassination

Your fantasy conspirators allow BRW to leave the floor after seeing them, trust him to remain forever, silent,

Yikes, Mr Smith, your low reading comprehension levels are becoming quite a worry....... I've already addressed this point

leave evidence framing Oswald for the crime but make no effort to ensure that he didn't have an alibi for the moment of the assassination.

Yikes, Mr Smith, your low reading comprehension levels are becoming quite a worry....... I've already addressed this point too

Concerned Regards,

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2022, 03:05:07 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2022, 10:54:10 PM »
Scenario A: The conspirator shooter and or accomplice were on the 6th floor from
12:15 to 12:24 coincident with BRW and told BRW to leave the floor.

Scenario B: Oswald was the 6th floor shooter on the floor between 12:15 to 12:24 and told BRW to leave the floor.

Scenario C:BRW was an accomplice to the 6th floor shooter.

Scenario D: the Black man at the SW 6th floor twindow that  Arnold Rowland saw at 12:15 and 12:20 was NOT Bonnie Ray Williams.

Scenario A is improbable because BRW would not have been allowed to live to tell of such event.

Scenario B is improbable unless BRW was an accomplice that operated the east elevator to take Oswald down to the 2nd floor lunchroom by 50sec  post shots, then BRW returned east elevator  to the 5th floor by 70 secs post shots

Scenario C is improbable  because BRW did not have a motive and there is no evidence to suggest connection to conspiracy.

Scenario D: improbable because the other TSBD black employees were accounted for. Neither Euins  nor Brennan described the shooter as a black man so it is improbable the 6th floor man seen by Rowland was some unknown black man.

Therefore Bonnie Ray Williams only motive to not say exactly that he was the man at the SE window from 12:15 to 12;23 ( seen by Rowland) must be due to some other reason.

rReason 1: BRW feared he would be accused by the Fritz white man team of being  the shooter for an accomplice.

Reason 2: BRW was coerced  to cooperate with the Fritz team to change his position to another window to satisfy the developing narrative that Oswald was the 6th fllor SE window shooter.

iOf the above possibilities, Reason no.2 is the most probable .imo.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2022, 12:16:11 AM »
Scenario A: The conspirator shooter and or accomplice were on the 6th floor from
12:15 to 12:24 coincident with BRW and told BRW to leave the floor.

Scenario B: Oswald was the 6th floor shooter on the floor between 12:15 to 12:24 and told BRW to leave the floor.

Scenario C:BRW was an accomplice to the 6th floor shooter.

Scenario D: the Black man at the SW 6th floor twindow that  Arnold Rowland saw at 12:15 and 12:20 was NOT Bonnie Ray Williams.

Scenario D
Scenario E: The conspirator shooter and/or accomplice were on the 6th floor BEFORE 12:15 and told Mr Williams to leave the floor BEFORE 12:15. Mr Williams did not join Messrs Norman & Jarman on five less than five minutes before the motorcade----------------they joined him

If Mr Williams afterwards says he was tricked into believing the man/men were protection for Mr Kennedy, then so what? It's no more a problem than Mr Brennan, Mr Fischer & co. seeing the SN shooter (who made no attempt to hide his face). Were any of those street eyewitnesses murdered for saying what they saw? No, because the assassination conspirators were not trying to make everyone believe the assassination was the work of one man, Mr Oswald, acting alone. That ridiculous theory was the work of the 'investigators'----------post-assassination. If the men on the sixth floor were mercenaries from out of town, they were long gone and had nothing to worry from Dallasites who had seen their faces once and only once and would never be seeing them in a lineup

As for Scenario D, all problems are resolved if
a) the 'elderly Negro' was not an employee
b) the 'elderly Negro' was not the white man seen at the SN window at 12:30pm

Mr Rowland's description of the 'elderly Negro' just doesn't fit Mr Williams.

And remember: Mr Rowland recalled seeing two black people at the window directly under the SN window BEFORE he noticed the 'elderly Negro' in the SN window ~12:15pm. That's not a problem for my theory, it's a problem for those who insist that the 'elderly Negro' was Mr Williams------------because they need to find TWO black employees to account for that sighting. Without Mr Williams as one, they're down to Mr Piper and...........Mr West
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 09:28:57 AM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2022, 12:16:11 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2022, 08:53:55 AM »

'Kicking workers off the sixth floor on supposed "security" grounds but letting them go to a window on the fifth floor would have made no sense from a credibility point of view-----the fifth floor would have been just as dangerous as a potential place from which to fire at the motorcade'


That wouldn't have been the line (stated or implicit). Instead: We are commandeering this floor as it gives us a good vantage point from which to keep an eye on the crowd

That was the assumption, after all, of Mr Arnold Rowland and Ms Carolyn Walther when they saw an armed presence up there. They were both extremely upset afterwards when they realized what the true purpose of that presence had been. Just imagine how upset Mr Williams must have been............

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #70 on: October 05, 2022, 08:59:42 AM »
This comes down to a very simple question:

If there was a conspiracy, would this conspiracy have been
a) carefully planned?
b) left to chance?

Anyone who thinks b) needs their head examined!

And anyone who thinks a) but believes that a careful plan would NOT have included measures for commandeering the sixth floor needs their head examined!

(And, while we're at it, anyone who thinks a Lone Nut Depository employee would choose the sixth [with every chance of other employees showing up] rather than seventh floor [little or no chance of that] needs their head examined too!)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2022, 09:10:52 AM »

~12:15pm: Mr Rowland's 'elderly Negro' is 'hanging out' at the soon-to-be SN window------i.e. he is not back from the window, but leaning out at it-------i.e. he is making himself visible.

Messrs Norman & Jarman are down in the street (with Mr Givens and Mr Arce). In all likelihood, at least one of them will have noticed the 'elderly Negro' up at the sixth-floor window.

Scenario A: The 'elderly Negro' is Mr Bonnie Ray Williams. Therefore Messrs Jarman & Norman, in choosing to go to the fifth floor, are choosing NOT to join Mr Williams. Strange!

Scenario B: The 'elderly Negro' is not Mr Bonnie Ray Williams, who is instead at the window below him. Messrs Jarman & Norman know he is there. Therefore, once they hear on the police radio that the motorcade is still a few minutes away, they choose to go upstairs after all and choose the fifth rather than (the more obvious choice:) sixth floor because they have decided to join their friend/co-worker. Logical!
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 09:25:14 AM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Remains of Bonnie Ray
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2022, 09:10:52 AM »