A man is recalled as wearing an open-necked white or off-white tshirt, and you say 'This on its own rules out Oswald'.
A man is recalled as wearing a very bright plaid shirt, and you say 'Yep, it's definitely this guy':

As for your other arguments, Mr. O'Meara, no disrespect but they are just a medley of 'I choose to focus only on those of various BRW's statements that I like' and Organ-like 'No matter what the witness got wrong----all that SUN! all that DISTANCE!!----he still saw the guy I want him to have seen'.
And you have ignored Mr. Rowland's recollection of two black people in the fifth-floor pair of windows directly underneath the SN at or around the same time.
Hi Alan, I'm glad you agree with the arguments I laid out in that rather lengthy post regarding Rowland's over-estimation of BRW's age.
I'm well aware you are trying to peddle your "Multi-racial Assassination Death Squad" [MADS] theory but we'll just have to agree to disagree on this issue.
You must reject a copious amount of physical and testimonial evidence in order to pursue your MADS theory, which you seem to have accepted without a shred of evidence supporting it.
Why have you done that?
Anyhoo, back to Rowland's testimony. My last post was quite a long one so I didn't feel I had the time and space to deal with all the issues you raise.
Just to recap - after initially lying to the DPD regarding his movements leading up to the assassination, Bonnie Ray is called in by the FBI the day after the assassination, to check his story. Far from having his lunch on the first floor with Norman and Jarman and going up to the 5th floor with them [as he told the DPD on the day of the assassination], Bonnie Ray admits he went up to the 6th floor alone to have his lunch. But he still lies by saying he was only up there for around 3 minutes.
This young black man has lied to the DPD and then lied to the FBI!
He firstly lied about being on the 6th floor at all, he then lied about how long he was up there. Why is he trying to distance himself from the 6th floor?
His WC testimony reveals that in subsequent interviews Bonnie Ray continued to lie about how long he was up there but a pattern emerges - the more he is questioned, the longer he has been up there - 0, 3, 5, 10, 12 and 15 minutes, until finally he blurts out 20 minutes. But even this isn't quite accurate. We know from the testimonies of Harold Norman and Junior Jarman that BRW didn't join them on the floor until 12:25pm at the earliest, meaning he was up on the 6th floor for around 25 minutes.
Ten minutes before this, Rowland observes the man with the rifle on the 6th floor. He has already seen the man at the SN window (and there is no doubt he is specifically referring to the SN window), and continues to see him as he searches for the man with the rifle to show his wife. A few minutes before the motorcade arrives the man at the SN window disappears, reflecting the movements of BRW from the 6th floor to the 5th, to join Norman and Jarman.
Bonnie Ray continues to lie in his WC testimony about where he had his lunch - the Keystone DPD have pictures of the only lunch sack found on the 6th floor and a bottle of Dr. Pepper close by. In the lunch sack are chicken remains and a piece of Fritos - the lunch BRW said he had. The bottle is dusted for prints but the prints aren't Oswald's, so it is dismissed as a piece of evidence. In his WC testimony Day explains:
Mr. Mccloy: On the crime scene, that is, on the sixth floor, did you notice any chicken bones or chicken remnants of a chicken sandwich or lunch or the whereabouts, if you did see them?
Mr. Day: Yes, sir; there was a sack of some chicken bones and a bottle brought into the identification bureau. I think I still have that sack and
bottle down there. The chicken bones, I finally threw them away that laid around there.
In my talking to the men who were working on that floor, November 25, they stated, one of them stated, he had eaten lunch over there.
Day states that lunch remains belonged to one of the men who had worked on the 6th floor - Bonnie Ray.
However, at least seven officers place the lunch remains by the SN window - two officers specifically state that the lunch remains were found on top of one of the stacks that formed the SN. Others state that they saw a half-eaten piece of chicken and a lunch sack on top of some boxes but by the time the DPD take their photos, the chicken has found it's way into the lunch sack and the lunch sack is no longer on top of any boxes, it's on the floor stuffed down the side of the trolley.
So, at around 12:15pm, when it has been firmly established that Bonnie Ray is having his lunch on the 6th floor, Rowland sees a slender, black male at the SN window, the same window by which Bonnie Ray's lunch remains were found. Rowland also notes that just a few minutes before the motorcade arrives in Dealey Plaza, the man in the SN window disappears, perfectly reflecting BRW's movements from the 5th floor to the 6th.
I am not willing to ignore all this evidence. The man in the SN window can only be Bonnie Ray Williams waiting for the motorcade to arrive. He lies about ever being on the 6th floor, he lies about how long he was up there and he lies about where he ate his lunch. Bonnie Ray is doing everything in his power to distance himself from the SN window, the same window Rowland saw a black man at the same time BRW was having his lunch.
As I've explained in my last post there are a number of factors that led to Rowland over-estimating BRW's age. Which leaves us with his observation of Bonnie Ray's very brightly coloured, red and green shirt.
This is the single, tiny detail you are pinning all your hopes on. The pile of evidence pointing towards the man in the SN window has been ignored. All you have is this detail.
It could easily be brushed off by pointing out that Rowland made it perfectly clear he wasn't paying much attention to what this man looked like. He is asked to remember an astonishing amount of things and he got this one small detail wrong.
But Rowland makes the point that the colour was "really bright" and that's why he remembered it. Leaving aside the strange notion of a would-be assassin wearing such a conspicuous garment, there is something suggestive about this "really bright" colour. BRW was wearing a green shirt that day, so where would this really bright red colour be coming from. I believe it was Colin Crow who suggested a perfectly reasonable explanation:
BRW's lunch consisted of a chicken-on-the-bone sandwich and a bag of Fritos. As he waited for the motorcade to arrive Bonnie Ray sat at the SN window munching on his Fritos, while holding the bag up in front of him (I'm sure we've all done something similar at the movies, munching away on a snack while holding the bag up in front of us). In the 1960's, this is what a bag of Fritos looked like:
This is where the bright red colour was coming from. BRW was eating from a large bag of Fritos held up in front of him. Rowland mistook the colour as being part of his shirt but did remember the colour as being "really bright".
And you have ignored Mr. Rowland's recollection of two black people in the fifth-floor pair of windows directly underneath the SN at or around the same time.Your desperation is beginning to show.
Rowland never makes such a recollection and you know it.
Grasping onto tiny details and twisting testimonial evidence to suit your purposes are signs of desperation you should recognise from your "PM=Oswald" days.
I suspect your time would be better spent considering the very large amount of evidence that supports the scenario outlined above.