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Author Topic: Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !  (Read 60160 times)

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #144 on: May 22, 2018, 05:46:08 PM »

I'm not sure that anyone responded to my question, so, to the best of my knowledge....

In the Janney interview, Janney gives Dino a copy of Zapruder frame 313 to look at. Brugioni says that he remembered the "scatter" extending up higher in the film, 3-4 feet high. Janney then tells Brugioni that 313 is the only frame showing a cloud of blood and CSF. Brugioni responds by saying that he remembered that cloud on the film for a few frames, not just one. There is no point in either interview that I can find where he says that he thought the film was altered, only that the one frame he was shown wasn't how he remembered it.

 I am not sure what your question is Apparently when someone describes serious discrepancies in the film they saw originally and the one we see now the implication is film has not been altered?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #144 on: May 22, 2018, 05:46:08 PM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #145 on: May 23, 2018, 12:07:48 AM »

        Whenever a JFK Assassination Eyewitness provides information that is contrary to the Deep State narrative that has been maintained for 54+ years, we always hear the "memory" baloney. With a case that is now 54+ years old, we are lucky to have anyone still around that was front-and-center in Dealey Plaza that day, or had Hands On regarding critical evidence. My 2 cents = SA Clint Hill Witnessed far more than he has thus far revealed.

Just so you know: using "deep state" as a magical incantation doesn't work.

Eyewitness memory, and human memory in general, gets a bad rap. The problem is, the bad rap is pretty well studied and well deserved.

for example:


Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #146 on: May 23, 2018, 12:36:54 AM »
I am not sure what your question is Apparently when someone describes serious discrepancies in the film they saw originally and the one we see now the implication is film has not been altered?

It only really implies that the image Dino was being shown didn't quite look the way he remembered it did when he last set eyes on it 50 years before. Could that mean it was altered? Possibly, but you need something stronger that "hey, I don't remember it this way." Especially when one of those "I don't remember that" things resulted from Janney telling Brugioni something that simply isn't true.

Now for a kind of thought experiment:

When you think of frame 313, what image comes up in your minds eye?

I'll bet your brain is now full of the terrible picture of John Kennedy's head enveloped in a horrific halo of bloody mist. Maybe the image includes Mrs Kennedy's puzzled face obscured by said halo. And maybe some of the limo. Extra credit if you saw Greer still looking around behind him.

I'll bet you aren't thinking that the top 80% of the frame is an image of the grassy lawn between Elm and Main, or that Toni Foster and her coat appears mid-stride left of center, walking across it. Some people well-versed in the film remember seeing Clint Hill about to catch up to the bumper, but he doesn't appear until about frame 330.

I'll also bet Brugioni is just as liable to the same self-selection process that blots out Toni and the lawn to concentrate on the limousine proper, and the awful deed being played out there.

For that matter, they made enlargements of the Zap film for the briefing boards. I'd suspect that they cropped out a lot of the image to concentrate on JFK and the limousine. That image of 313 would definitely put the "scatter" well up in the resulting image.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #146 on: May 23, 2018, 12:36:54 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #147 on: May 23, 2018, 01:28:26 AM »
It only really implies that the image Dino was being shown didn't quite look the way he remembered it did when he last set eyes on it 50 years before. Could that mean it was altered? Possibly, but you need something stronger that "hey, I don't remember it this way." Especially when one of those "I don't remember that" things resulted from Janney telling Brugioni something that simply isn't true.

Now for a kind of thought experiment:

When you think of frame 313, what image comes up in your minds eye?

I'll bet your brain is now full of the terrible picture of John Kennedy's head enveloped in a horrific halo of bloody mist. Maybe the image includes Mrs Kennedy's puzzled face obscured by said halo. And maybe some of the limo. Extra credit if you saw Greer still looking around behind him.

I'll bet you aren't thinking that the top 80% of the frame is an image of the grassy lawn between Elm and Main, or that Toni Foster and her coat appears mid-stride left of center, walking across it. Some people well-versed in the film remember seeing Clint Hill about to catch up to the bumper, but he doesn't appear until about frame 330.

I'll also bet Brugioni is just as liable to the same self-selection process that blots out Toni and the lawn to concentrate on the limousine proper, and the awful deed being played out there.

For that matter, they made enlargements of the Zap film for the briefing boards. I'd suspect that they cropped out a lot of the image to concentrate on JFK and the limousine. That image of 313 would definitely put the "scatter" well up in the resulting image.

     Why not get yourself up-to-speed on Brugioni/2 briefing board sessions, THEN express your opinion? 1st off, why was Brugioni examining an 8MM Z Film from which still frames were used for briefing boards , vs. the following night a 16MM Z Film was examined from which still frames were used for briefing boards?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #148 on: May 23, 2018, 09:41:10 PM »
B.  Yeah.  Oswald's rifle. I am allowed to believe that Oswald killed President Kennedy.

Sure you are.  It's your stating your beliefs as fact that I have a problem with.

C.   Get real, John.  where do you think those fragments that we see flying out of frame in the Zapruder , which were estimated to be traveling around 80 MPH into the air, went to?

Is there any good reason to believe that the "head matter" that you see rising up in the Z film includes the Harper and Burris fragments?  And even if so, it's going up in the air, not in a straight line from above and to the rear.

Obviously, the skull fragments did not travel to the right, because they were discovered straight ahead of where the limousine was located at the time of the fatal shot.

There you go again.  They must have landed there because they landed there.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #148 on: May 23, 2018, 09:41:10 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #149 on: May 23, 2018, 09:43:48 PM »

 No, let's not consider the McClelland sketch.  It is impossible, it is erroneous and it a worthless description of the head wound.

So your "evidence" that the medical staff couldn't have seen a back of the head wound with him lying on his back is that you don't believe he had a back of the head wound.

How circular.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #150 on: May 23, 2018, 09:48:05 PM »
FYI. The film was never "edited". It was damaged by an employee at Life magazine!  I thought everyone already knew this, but apparently not you.

LOL.  It wasn't edited, it was "damaged".  And then edited.  That's totally different.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #151 on: May 23, 2018, 09:53:34 PM »
Page 163 shows a series of high speed photograms showing a human skull shattering from the impact of a bullet fired from Oswald?s rifle. It shows the skull exploding even though the bullet was a non-explosive bullet.

Where did SPersonivan get Oswald's rifle?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Motorcycle Policeman Hargis said Limo stopped !
« Reply #151 on: May 23, 2018, 09:53:34 PM »