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Author Topic: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden  (Read 11509 times)

Offline Joe Elliott

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A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« on: October 13, 2022, 04:06:39 AM »

Fifty-one current and former U.S. intelligence community officials signing onto a 2020 letter claiming the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell had the hallmarks of a "Russian information operation" was itself a deep state operation against the people of the United States, Jesse Watters said Wednesday on "The Five."

I don't know the truth about Hunter Biden. But if 51 CIA officials were approached and ask to lie, to sign a letter that they knew was false, then it would be the first Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy that I ever heard of, which was true.

51 CIA officials were approached. Asked to lie. None bulked. None ever went to the press and informed them that they were asked to sign a letter that they knew was false. All 51 just went along with the program. During a time when the sitting President was against Biden. And none of the 51 officials since then have stepped forward with the truth. They all continue to support the lie. Even the ones currently no longer working for the CIA.

How are the CT JFK conspiracy theories any less believable than this?

I don't believe it. If true, it would be an amazing story. Like all Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracies. But my instincts as a skeptic tell me it is a false story.

How many people who turn in a laptop for repair, and forget to pick it up, have that laptop carefully searched for evidence of crimes? I never heard of such a thing. In the real world, the laptop would be left in some corner and forgotten about until it is junked. But the owners of this repair shop apparently go through the trouble to have experts search all the documents on the laptop and find a gold mine buried in all the documents.

It's more likely to me that instead of going through this trouble, it would be more probable me, at the beginning of the "research", for the parties concerned to make certain a gold mine is found. By getting the laptop into the hands of people who would make certain evidence is found. And none would be better than the Russians. A Trump supporters might ask the Russians to do Trump a favor which they would be happy to do for him.

How likely is it a forgotten laptop would end up proving Hunter Biden was guilty? Why couldn't the Russians pull off a stunt like this, putting on a bunch of fake files to make Hunter Biden seem guilty. I know nothing of spy craft, but to me, a layman, this story does sound super fishy. No wonder 51 CIA officials found this story suspicious. I do as well.

How can any reasonable person not find this story about the Hunter Biden laptop suspicious?

 * * * * *

As an aside, I might ask, how proper is it to have a left behind laptop searched for crimes. If I am a repair shop owner who has a laptop that a customer, let's say, Mr. Jones, forgot to pick up. So I ask a computer expert, Mr. Smith, to check it over for possible evidence of a crime.

Is this a reasonable step to do? Isn't it possible that Mr. Smith won't be interested in solving a crime, but is only interested in fleecing Mr. Jones. He could find all kinds of account codes on the laptop and use this information to transfer funds from Mr. Jones, ruining him.

Why should I believe that a repair shop owner would take these steps?

JFK Assassination Forum

A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« on: October 13, 2022, 04:06:39 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2022, 04:55:12 PM »
When the Repubs take control of the House in a few months all your questions will be answered.  Let the Hunter hearings begin!  It seems obvious that the so called "national security" experts who signed that letter did so for political reasons.  They were all Trump haters.  There was zero evidence of the laptop being the product of Russian disinformation.  None. That was simply a way to bury the story until the election was over.  Actual interference and collusion to influence the results of the election unlike the fake "Russian collusion" nonsense that went on for three years.  The emails and information on the laptop were easily confirmed.  There is no doubt even among the most leftist media like the NY Times and Wash Post that the laptop belonged to Hunter.  The FBI and DOJ have dragged this out as long as possible.  They will give Hutner a slap on the wrist after the midterm election and before the Repubs take over in January to avoid charging him for the numerous documented felonies.  The fix was in from beginning to end.  And the leftists wonder why Trump supporters have no faith in the justice system, media, or government officials.  They are corrupt to the core. That includes many Republicans as well as almost every Dem.

Stupidity is also not a defense to a crime.  Hunter would be judgment proof is that were the case.  He was on drugs and not too bright to begin with.  The fact that he did something idiotic is not surprising.  It's the old CTer Oswald argument that there is so much evidence against him that the only possible conclusion is that he is innocent.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2022, 10:14:25 PM »

When the Repubs take control of the House in a few months all your questions will be answered.  Let the Hunter hearings begin!  It seems obvious that the so called "national security" experts who signed that letter did so for political reasons.  They were all Trump haters.  There was zero evidence of the laptop being the product of Russian disinformation.  None. That was simply a way to bury the story until the election was over.  Actual interference and collusion to influence the results of the election unlike the fake "Russian collusion" nonsense that went on for three years.  The emails and information on the laptop were easily confirmed.  There is no doubt even among the most leftist media like the NY Times and Wash Post that the laptop belonged to Hunter.  The FBI and DOJ have dragged this out as long as possible.  They will give Hutner a slap on the wrist after the midterm election and before the Repubs take over in January to avoid charging him for the numerous documented felonies.  The fix was in from beginning to end.  And the leftists wonder why Trump supporters have no faith in the justice system, media, or government officials.  They are corrupt to the core. That includes many Republicans as well as almost every Dem.

Stupidity is also not a defense to a crime.  Hunter would be judgment proof is that were the case.  He was on drugs and not too bright to begin with.  The fact that he did something idiotic is not surprising.  It's the old CTer Oswald argument that there is so much evidence against him that the only possible conclusion is that he is innocent.

Let's get some answers now. To the best of your knowledge:

1. Why would a laptop repair shop launch an investigation into a laptop left by a customer?

2. Can you cite another example of when this was done?

3. What safeguards were used to ensure that the people searching for evidence on the laptop would not simply look for account codes that they could use to steal money from the laptop owner?

4. What assurances do I have, if the Republican's take over the house (not unlikely, due to gerrymandering) that my questions will even be addressed? Might they prefer to just ignore these issues, just as you have been doing, at least up to now?

5. How do you find 51 CIA officials, all of whom agree to sign on for a lie? Why wouldn't some of those approached blow the whistle instead? The Republican defense of this is that this was a Deep State operation. Exactly the same sort of defense used by CTers to argue the JFK assassination was a Deep State operation.

And how, exactly, is this not an example of a Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy Theory?

6. As an aside, why couldn't Hillary Clinton, as a Secretary of State, make classified secrets unclassified, just by thinking about it? Which would allow her to email information that would otherwise be sensitive. I know there is no law that allows a Secretary of State to do this, but there is no law that allows a President to do this either.

It sounds like to me that a routine occurance, a busy person turned in a laptop for repair and forgot about it. And the owner of the shop asked himself, "This belongs to the son of Joseph Biden. How can I turn this to Donald Trump's advantage?". That's what it sounds like to me. And if this true, why not look for ways to make certain this turns to Trump's advantage, rather than go through the hard work of wading through hundreds or thousands of files in the hope you find something of a criminal nature, and which a shop owner can recognize as such?

7. Wouldn't such a shop owner need to be an expert in international law?

Not a question but a final point, in 2016, Trump called for the Russians to release/fabricate evidence against Hillary Clinton on her emails. Obviously, they couldn't do that because it would be too obvious. But it seems possible they would look for other ways to help Trump, like doctoring evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop. Something Trump did not publicly ask them to do.

If you don't see a plausible answer to these question, then just admit you don't currently see a plausible answer to these questions? Dodging these questions will be taken as response that you do not currently see any plausible answers. And if you don't, I don't ever expect I will ever receive plausible answers from the Republicans.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2022, 10:14:25 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2022, 01:51:53 PM »
Let's get some answers now. To the best of your knowledge:

1. Why would a laptop repair shop launch an investigation into a laptop left by a customer?

2. Can you cite another example of when this was done?

3. What safeguards were used to ensure that the people searching for evidence on the laptop would not simply look for account codes that they could use to steal money from the laptop owner?

4. What assurances do I have, if the Republican's take over the house (not unlikely, due to gerrymandering) that my questions will even be addressed? Might they prefer to just ignore these issues, just as you have been doing, at least up to now?

5. How do you find 51 CIA officials, all of whom agree to sign on for a lie? Why wouldn't some of those approached blow the whistle instead? The Republican defense of this is that this was a Deep State operation. Exactly the same sort of defense used by CTers to argue the JFK assassination was a Deep State operation.

And how, exactly, is this not an example of a Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy Theory?

6. As an aside, why couldn't Hillary Clinton, as a Secretary of State, make classified secrets unclassified, just by thinking about it? Which would allow her to email information that would otherwise be sensitive. I know there is no law that allows a Secretary of State to do this, but there is no law that allows a President to do this either.

It sounds like to me that a routine occurance, a busy person turned in a laptop for repair and forgot about it. And the owner of the shop asked himself, "This belongs to the son of Joseph Biden. How can I turn this to Donald Trump's advantage?". That's what it sounds like to me. And if this true, why not look for ways to make certain this turns to Trump's advantage, rather than go through the hard work of wading through hundreds or thousands of files in the hope you find something of a criminal nature, and which a shop owner can recognize as such?

7. Wouldn't such a shop owner need to be an expert in international law?

Not a question but a final point, in 2016, Trump called for the Russians to release/fabricate evidence against Hillary Clinton on her emails. Obviously, they couldn't do that because it would be too obvious. But it seems possible they would look for other ways to help Trump, like doctoring evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop. Something Trump did not publicly ask them to do.

If you don't see a plausible answer to these question, then just admit you don't currently see a plausible answer to these questions? Dodging these questions will be taken as response that you do not currently see any plausible answers. And if you don't, I don't ever expect I will ever receive plausible answers from the Republicans.

To my knowledge, no one is still claiming the laptop was the product of Russian disinformation.  Even the leftist NY Times and Wash Post have given up on that fake conspiracy theory.  It has served its purpose by covering up the damage until after the election.  Do you really think the owner of this computer store was working for the Russians?  That is tin foil hat nonsense.  Hunter was high.  He stupidly left his computer at this shop and forgot it.  There are many examples of individuals who have been prosecuted for having illegal images on their computers etc.  But again, the hearings are coming after January.

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2022, 08:58:03 PM »

To my knowledge, no one is still claiming the laptop was the product of Russian disinformation.  Even the leftist NY Times and Wash Post have given up on that fake conspiracy theory.  It has served its purpose by covering up the damage until after the election.  Do you really think the owner of this computer store was working for the Russians?  That is tin foil hat nonsense.  Hunter was high.  He stupidly left his computer at this shop and forgot it.  There are many examples of individuals who have been prosecuted for having illegal images on their computers etc.  But again, the hearings are coming after January.

Let’s take these points one at a time.

To my knowledge, no one is still claiming the laptop was the product of Russian disinformation.  Even the leftist NY Times and Wash Post have given up on that fake conspiracy theory. . . .

I see no reason to discount this theory. How do we know the Russians didn’t modify this laptop? The owner of the shop was clearly unfriendly to the Biden’s. He has motive. Donald Trump in a public debate with Hilary Clinton called upon the Russians to help him out, to find/fabricate email evidence against Hilary Clinton. Clearly the laptop owner would likely know the Russians would likely help him if he went to them. And the Russians have clear motives to help because they clearly liked Trump, as Trump likes Putin. Trump sees Putin as a role model as Hitler saw Mussolini. It is a theory that has no evidence, it would, of course, have no evidence whether true or false. But I see no reason to discount it. The shop owner and the Russians have the motive. The idea and its merits should be obvious to both. I see no reason to discount this theory.

To get a guilty verdict against Hunter Biden, a jury, at a minimum, would have to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that this did not happen. How could a reasonable jury conclude that this did not happen?

Do you really think the owner of this computer store was working for the Russians? . . .

He doesn’t have to be “Working for the Russians”. Like being some kind of paid agent. All he has to do is go himself, or better yet have a friend go, to the Russian Embassy, explain that they have Hunter Biden’s laptop. It has too many files on it. And they don’t have the expertise to recognize any documents indicating illegal acts. Could the Russians look it over? I’m sure the Russians would be all to happy to look it over. In a few weeks they could come back with information that, yes, curiously enough they have ‘found’ such evidence, and point out the files which show this. And the Russians might say that it would be best to not mention the Russian involvement, since this might allow Hunter Biden to get off on a ‘technicality’.

There are many examples of individuals who have been prosecuted for having illegal images on their computers etc. But again, the hearings are coming after January.

Yes. Like in cases where the FBI or police get a search warrant from a judge, go to the home of a suspect and pick up the laptop directly. So, the laptop went from:
Suspect -> Authorities
directly, with no intermediaries who might plant false evidence.

Never in a case where the laptop passed from:
Suspect -> A person possibly unfriendly to the Suspect -> Authorities
Because it is impossible to tell if the files were put on the laptop by the suspect, or by the unfriendly person, or by someone else the unfriendly person made arrangements with.

You would need a real Jim Garrison to take on this case. And any reasonable jury would toss it out, if the judge didn’t do it for them.

I’m not saying it’s impossible for Hunter Biden to be guilty. I’m saying that using the laptop to ‘prove’ this is hopeless. And no, I don’t think points about Hunter Biden being unqualified to hold his positions are any kind of proof. Sometimes it’s not what you know or who you know. A company might hire Hunter Biden in the hopes he would put in a good word for them with his father, in the hopes the company might gain some advantage. It may be a long shot but worth trying, considering the relatively low cost compared to the possible gains. There is no proof that Hunter Biden did anything illegal.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2022, 08:58:03 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2022, 03:25:52 PM »
There is no credible evidence that the Russians were behind Hunter's laptop.  That baseless conspiracy theory has been debunked even by the leftist media.  They suppressed the story until after the election using this baseless lie.   They have now all conceded that it is legitimate.  The idea of recruiting Hunter doubles and computer repair guys in Delaware is so ludicrous as to be laughable.   I can't believe anyone is still pushing this disinformation.  With or without the laptop, Hunter and Biden, Inc. are stone cold guilty of numerous felonies.  If the corrupt DOJ were not in the pocket of the leftists, they would all be in prison including the "big guy." 

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2022, 04:18:13 AM »

There is no credible evidence that the Russians were behind Hunter's laptop.  That baseless conspiracy theory has been debunked even by the leftist media.  They suppressed the story until after the election using this baseless lie.   They have now all conceded that it is legitimate.  The idea of recruiting Hunter doubles and computer repair guys in Delaware is so ludicrous as to be laughable.   I can't believe anyone is still pushing this disinformation.  With or without the laptop, Hunter and Biden, Inc. are stone cold guilty of numerous felonies.  If the corrupt DOJ were not in the pocket of the leftists, they would all be in prison including the "big guy."

You are misrepresenting the arguments in favor of Hunter Biden. Just like CTers do supporting assassination conspiracy.

The defenders are not pushing the idea that their were Hunter doubles. Or a Russian run computer repair shop. Only the reasonable idea that Hunter Biden did turn in a laptop for repair. And that the computer repair shop owner may have modified the contents of the laptop. Or had someone else do so. Possibly the Russians, which would be an obvious thing for the repair shop owner to do, if he wished to help Trump. In any case, someone did modify the laptop after Hunter turned it in.

A forensic information analyst described the data as a "disaster", from a point of view of proving Hunter's guilt. The laptop had clearly been modified after the laptop was turned in. And 51 former intelligence agents, some under Trump, stated that the laptop had the earmarks of a Russian operation. Not that they had proof of it. But it had the earmarks.

Without the laptop, which was modified after Hunter last possessed it, they have no case against Hunter Biden.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2022, 02:18:26 PM »
Where is the thread asking why the SFPD hasn't released the Paul Pelosi 911 call and police body cam footage?  All information that belongs to the public.  The Dems are suddenly not in favor of police transparency.  Where is the police report or any explanation of what went on?   The failure to provide the basic information lends itself to all types of speculation.  If someone broke into the home as the authorities have indicated, then what possible reason would cause them to suppress the evidence that supports that claim?  The suspect is custody.  He has allegedly confessed.  So let's see the evidence.  They won't even confirm whether there was an alarm system.  Unreal.  I guess we will have to wait until after the election to find out.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: A Large-Secret-Enduring Conspiracy - for Hunter Biden
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2022, 02:18:26 PM »