This is from a recent post on Reddit:
The TSBD still stands, despite the City's efforts at one time to demo it. You can still hoist yourself up and stand on the exact spot Zapruder stood. You can walk down to the Elm Street and stand on the X and look back at the TSBD of look ahead to the triple underpass. All still there. You can walk up the Grassy Knoll and go behind the picket fence. The fence itself has been replaced and the dirt parking area is now paved over and used by the Museum for parking. Walk down the steps to the "infield" and stand where the Babuska Lady stood and where all the people we see in the Zapruder movie stood. The Dal-Tex Building still stands and looks the same from the outside. The old county jail and courthouse, where Oswald was being taken that Sunday, and the place where Ruby's trial was held still stands. Walk up Main to the Old City hall and police station. Until about 5 years ago you could still walk down the ramp just as Jack Ruby did. You could even enter the police station through that route. Ruth Paine's house stlll unchanged and cannot be missed. Likewise, the Beckley Street boarding house is a must visit. The Neeley Street house where the backyard photos were taken remains pretty much unchanged. The intersection of 10th and Patton now has a sign memorializeing its place in history. Walk down the street and stand where JD Tippit took his last breath. Walk over to Jefferson, stop and look in the shoe store window just as Oswald did, then continue on down to the Texas Theater. You can even drive to Tippit's old house, where he went home for lunch that Friday. Drive down Main and take a right on Houston then a sharp left on Elm. Go under the Triple Underpass then a quick right on Stemmons, now I-35. Drive past the Dallas Trade Mart on the right. Market Hall is essentially unchaged and the "Welcome" sign that was to greet JFK and Jackie is still there. Keep on Stemmons then exit for Parkland. Up until just a few years ago you could park and walk on the driveway to reach the very spot where the limo was parked, under the sign "Ambulances Only."