Was drawing” is not the same as “pulled out”. In fact, it’s merely an assumption.
LOL, try explaining that one to Tippit’s family…. 
And now we have the claim that Aynesworth wasn't there at all. It's called being a reporter. Other people who were there can verify his presence at these events such as fellow reporter Jim Ewell. Did he and they lie too? There are news reports in the Dallas
Time Herald Morning News by Aynesworth where he reported on these events including Oswald's arrest. Did he make it all up? It never ends; everything and everyone is corrupt.
Added: Victor Robertson, WFAA radio reporter, rode with Aynesworth and WFAA news photographer Ron Reiland to the Tippit scene:
WC testimony
Mr. GRIFFIN. How long did you remain at the Depository?
Mr. ROBERTSON. Until the call came over the police radio about the officer having been shot.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Then where did you go?
Mr. ROBERTSON. I went out there.
Mr. GRIFFIN. Who did you go out with?
Mr. ROBERTSON. I drove out with Ron Reiland and Hugh Aynesworth of the Dallas Morning News.
They then followed the police to the theater:
Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you arrive [at the theater] before he [Oswald] was actually taken into custody?
Mr. GRIFFIN. What did you see the police officers doing as you got there?
Mr. ROBERTSON. It was kind of confused. He rose in his seat. and
lifted his arm with his pistol just about simultaneously with the time they landed all over him.
Note: "Lifted his arm with the pistol..."
But remember, they're not conspiracy believers, they're just skeptics.
Aynesworth on the right with the police during their search for the killer of Tippit.