Detective Paul Bentley from "No More Silence": "Officer McDonald and the other officers were checking people on the lower floor. McDonald walked up in the row in front of this particular suspect, who was later identified as Oswald, as and he walked in front of him Oswald jumped up and
pulled a pistol from his waist. At that instant I dove over about three or four rows of seats and came down on the side of Oswald...."
Hugh Aynesworth, in the theater during the search: from "November 22, 1963: Witness to History":
"Oswald stood up, raised his hands in an apparent gesture of surrender and then socked McDonald in the face with his left first. With his right hand he
pulled a .38 Smith & Wesson from his belt...."
Maybe they're wrong; maybe McDonald and Walker are right. But to state that it's a lie that Oswald pulled out a revolver is false.
It's interesting when the Oswald defenders know things with certainty and when they don't. If it absolves Oswald it's a fact; if it doesn't it's tainted or corrupt.