Your exact words!

It's impossible to have a conversation with somebody who says something then immediately denies having said it. But it is there in black and white for all to see.
It's not an "important detail" to the issue of your false claim. I didn't include what the weather was like at the time either. You were still wrong. Your what-aboutism here is comical.
Cite, please.
This is flat out false. I predict you won't admit this falsehood either. Besides that, Oswald was neither arrested, nor charged with carrying a concealed firearm.
McDonald's report to Curry merely says that Oswald "reached to his waist". "He was drawing it" was a later embellishment. It's pretty clear that McDonald merely assumed that Oswald was going to draw it. All of which is still irrelevant, because your claim was that he pulled out a revolver.
I didn't claim that LHO was innocent. I said that he didn't pull out a revolver. You can't be honest about anything.
I'm still waiting for the names of these "witnesses" who saw Oswald "grab the revolver", much less anybody who saw him pull one out.
Your exact words!
It's impossible to have a conversation with somebody who says something then immediately denies having said it. But it is there in black and white for all to see.I have not denied ever saying it. I responded by saying that McDonald said the same thing in his sworn testimony, therefore it isn't a falsehood. I cannot help it if you don't like what McDonald swore to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Get over it for crying out loud.
It's not an "important detail" to the issue of your false claim. I didn't include what the weather was like at the time either. You were still wrong. Your what-aboutism here is comical.
McDonald swore it to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And it is the same thing that I said, therefore my statement isn't a falsehood. But you claim McDonald's sworn detail isn't an important detail when you are (lamely) trying to claim otherwise?

An honest person should include the details and let others decide for themselves "from a level playing field." Instead of being honest, you just decide that a very important detail, that isn't in agreement with your idea, isn't important. So, you omit that detail. That's dishonest and you should be ashamed.
Cite, please."November 22, 1963: You Are The Jury" by David Belin, page 466: "Carrying a concealed gun is a crime."
You can research the statutes yourself if you want to try to claim Belin was wrong. I'm not that interested.
This is flat out false. I predict you won't admit this falsehood either. Besides that, Oswald was neither arrested, nor charged with carrying a concealed firearm.Mr. HILL. ...about the time Bentley reached in his pocket and got his billfold, the suspect made the statement, "I don't know why you are treating me like this.
The only thing I have done is carry a pistol in a movie."I believe that there are others who testified similarly...
McDonald's report to Curry merely says that Oswald "reached to his waist". "He was drawing it" was a later embellishment. It's pretty clear that McDonald merely assumed that Oswald was going to draw it. All of which is still irrelevant, because your claim was that he pulled out a revolver.There (dishonest) you go again, leaving out (aka: omitting) the details that you don't like. The report to Curry doesn't merely say that. It goes on (in the same freaking sentence) to say "and both of our hands were on a pistol that was stuck in his belt under his shirt." The very next sentence states: "We both fell into the seats struggling for the pistol." You will probably try to claim that the struggle was an assumption by McDonald also. Surely it couldn't possibly be that LHO was struggling for the pistol because he was drawing it. He "just had to" have been trying to keep in in his belt.

McDonald's later testimony was a question and answer examination designed to bring out more details. Just because you don't like the important details, doesn't mean they were an embellishment. My statement says ...pulling out... and so does McDonald. Put your glasses on if you need them to be able to read correctly.
I didn't claim that LHO was innocent. I said that he didn't pull out a revolver. You can't be honest about anything.McDonald said LHO was drawing the revolver. So did I. And, if you were honest, you should also.
I'm still waiting for the names of these "witnesses" who saw Oswald "grab the revolver", much less anybody who saw him pull one out.McDonald is one and CT Walker is another one. I believe the relevant testimonies are already posted earlier in this thread.