You still don't understand the difference between an opinion and a conclusion. HA HA HA. The statement that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered J.D. Tippit is a conclusion. A conclusion shared by the DPD and witnesses to the event. Another example of a conclusion is someone stating that Oswald "didn't come down the stairs." Conclusions are a final decision about a matter. An opinion is a belief that leaves open other possibilities. Both conclusions and opinions can be wrong - as evidenced by your stupid conclusion about Oswald not coming down the stairs, but there is clear distinction that appears to have eluded your contrarian brain.
Hilarious. Keep on displaying your total ignorance
The statement that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered J.D. Tippit is a conclusion. And thus an opinion. Or do you foolishly believe you can reach a conclusion without forming an opinion?
Conclusions are a final decision about a matter. An opinion is a belief that leaves open other possibilities.I have just concluded that you are a complete delusional fool and guess what, it's also my opinion.
Both conclusions and opinions can be wrong - as evidenced by your stupid conclusion about Oswald not coming down the stairs,Says the idiot who has claimed that Oswald did come down the stairs unnoticed based on NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. Now there's an conclusion for you.....

Btw, if the Tippit marker is a conclusion and thus a "final decision about a matter", then who came to that conclusion and based on what exactly?
And if the TSBD marker saying Oswald allegedly killed Kennedy is also a conclusion, doesn't the word "allegedly" mean that it leaves open the possibility that he wasn't the shooter?