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Author Topic: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.  (Read 18022 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2023, 10:30:00 PM »
There's no evidence in the article that you shared. It's just uncorroborated claims if the article doesn't cite specific evidence.

Well, if you bothered to have read the pdf file IN the article, you would have seen the evidence United States Intelligence officials reported that details the Russian interference in the 2022 election. Why didn't you read it?   

Russia has been interfering in elections around the world for DECADES, especially in the United States. And for you to think the Russians are magically going to stop meddling in the 2022 U.S. midterm election is laugh out loud hilarious. That's why your claim is absurd and you can't provide any evidence to support it.         

CIA has been tracking Russian interference in U.S. elections since 1982
Declassified memo shows Agency considered possibility of a Soviet “scheme” to tip the 1984 presidential race

Ok, let's recap this thing:

You made the false claim that Russia "did not" interfere with the 2022 election. But you still provide zero evidence to support your false claim. All you do is deny the solid evidence I provided that proves Russia DID interfere in the 2022 election.

So I ask you again, where is your evidence to prove your false claim? All you're doing is posting your opinion. That's not factual evidence. Where is YOUR evidence to prove that Russia "didn't" meddle in the 2022 election as you falsely claim? Are you going to post this evidence or are you going to continue to post your "opinion"?         

Russia's Prigozhin admits interfering in U.S. elections
November 7, 2022

I posted documented evidence of a Russian official who admitted that he meddled in the 2022 election (and previous elections) which was reported by every single respected world news organization and confirmed by US Intelligence.

Immediately, without any evidence whatsoever you claim that "It's a lie", "he was just joking", he is a "Russian troll".   

Where is your "evidence" for that false claim? You still provide nothing. All you're doing is denying and making up stuff trying to discredit factual documented evidence.

Russia tried to influence U.S. elections in 2022 and will do it again, nation’s top intel agency says
Next, I posted documented evidence from the top United States Intelligence agency documenting the Russian interference in the 2022 election.

Once again, you dismiss top United States Intelligence as "vague" and "uncooberated" when they did the actual investigation. You didn't even bother to read the United States Intelligence Report on the 2022 U.S. election and Russian Interference. The pdf file is highlighted right there in the article.

So again, you make false claims and provide zero evidence to support your false claim, but then you dismiss my solid documented evidence without any evidence of your own to support your false narrative.           

And like I said, even if it's true that Russia continued to use social media to meddle in US politics in 2022, who cares? Do you really believe a single vote was affected by silly posts on Twitter or Facebook? Do you really believe that kind of stuff is worse than foreign governments spending millions to directly influence our politicians?

What do you mean "if it's true"? United States Intelligence says IT IS true that Russia interferes in United States elections and will continue to do so. Where is your evidence to prove that it's "not true" as you falsely claim?     

United States Intelligence reports determined votes were affected by Russian disinformation on the internet. Thats why Russia continues to do it.   

State Department singles out Russian troll farm while offering $10 million for information on election interference
July 28, 2022

US officials are bracing for a mix of foreign interference and domestic disinformation campaigns about the voting process as the midterm vote approaches.

FBI and NSA directors warn of evolving Russian interference threat ahead of US midterms

New Evidence Shows How Russia’s Election Interference Has Gotten More Brazen

Some strategies and tactics for election interference were the same as before. Russia’s trolls pretended to be American people, including political groups and candidates. They tried to sow division by targeting both the left and right with posts to foment outrage, fear, and hostility. Much of their activity seemed designed to discourage certain people from voting. And they focused on swing states.

Russian propagandists targeted African Americans to influence 2016 US election
Operatives used social media to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, new research finds

So yes, suppressing votes by discouraging people from voting IS worse, since it affects the outcome of certain election races. That's why Russian disinformation artists target specific election races to attack since it changes the outcome of that race. 

I find it absurd that we've spent the last few years obsessing over what people post on social media.

Like I stated above, you're only offering your "opinion" and not providing any real evidence to support your false claim of "Russia did not interfere with the 2022 election".

I've provided solid documented evidence to prove that Russia DID indeed interfere with the 2022 election. You have posted zero evidence to support your false claim "they didn't", you only continue post your opinion like you've done once again in your quote above.         

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2023, 10:30:00 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2023, 02:10:16 AM »
Let's assume that Russia did attempt to meddle in the election.  Is there any evidence whatsoever that they influenced a single vote?  Contrast that situation with changing the election laws in almost every state in the months leading up to the 2020 election under false pretenses, censoring speech on social media, and covering up information that would have been harmful to Biden (or even lead to his arrest for corruption).   Which had the greater impact on the outcome?  Russian interference or American interference?

There’s no proof that Russia’s meddling via social media was effective. Many Liberal Democrats just can’t accept that Hillary lost fair and square in 2016.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2023, 02:19:03 AM »
I've posted facts. Which of these indisputable facts are you taking issue with?

Sorry, you haven't posted any facts, just more debunked conspiracy theories. I take issue with everything you posted.     

FACT:  The election laws in almost every state were changed just prior to the 2020 in a way that was advantageous to Ukraine Joe under false pretenses.

So, are you really going to claim that red states or states that voted blue in 2020 that had a Republican Governor or a Republican controlled state legislature was plotting against Trump to elect Joe Biden? Now that's a real conspiracy theory. :D

Donald Trump and his band of joker "lawyers" tried to make these same phony claims in court in various states. Trump's own appointed judges threw out these same phony claims in the lawsuits stating "it has no merit".

Trump's own judge ruled against your false claim. So no, you did not post a "fact".         

Trump-Appointed Judge In Wisconsin Shuts Down Campaign’s Legal Argument For Why Election Was Rigged
Dec 12, 2020

FACT:  Even Lord Fauci confirmed it was perfectly safe for people to go to the polls.
You left off the part where Dr. Fauci said "as long as polling place workers and voters adhere to safety guidelines and recommendations."

In right wing districts, people refused to adhere to those safety guidelines. They refused to wear masks to stop the spread of the virus. So there was no need for someone to take the risk in getting COVID when they could easily mail in their ballot which is perfectly legal.

How was it "perfectly safe to go to the polls" when in November of 2020 the United States had MORE COVID cases than most countries had all year? That was because of the incompetence and failure of Donald Trump which is another reason why he lost the 2020 election in a blowout. And as a result, more people mailed in their ballots because of a deadly pandemic which is perfectly legal. Not sure why you're taking an issue with that.

U.S. reported more COVID-19 cases in November than most countries had all year
NOVEMBER 30, 2020

FACT:  The media censored news stories such as Dirty Hunter's laptop, bribery and widespread corrupt on the entire Biden family including the Big Guy.
And yet, you have no hard evidence to prove any of these conspiracy theories.

Right wingers are just angry the mainstream media didn't flood the airwaves with lies and disinformation against Biden like they did to Clinton in 2016.

Let's see, the top prosecutor in Ukraine confirmed his investigation found no wrongdoing with Hunter Biden.

Bill Barr did not appoint a special counsel in 2020 to investigate these phony claims and conspiracy theories against Biden because he knew they were bogus.

The House GOP just issued their own report stating they found no wrongdoing with Biden.

Yet, you keep pushing these same phony and bogus conspiracy theories as "facts".         

If there were anything to these fake Biden conspiracy theories, Donald Trump would have used it against Biden in 2020. What did Donnie do Instead? He threatened President Zelensky of Ukraine over the phone to manufacture a phony scandal against Joe Biden to damaging his candidacy or he wouldn't release the United States military aid to Ukraine. That's why Donnie got impeached for the first time and it's why the MAGA radical right hates President Zelensky.     

Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutor
JUNE 4, 2020

Barr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probe

Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden
A 65-page report, a press conference, and nothing to show for it
May 10, 2023

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal
November 26, 2019

The illegality of the funding hold is important to the impeachment inquiry, as it adds further weight to the case that Trump abused his authority as president to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 U.S. election.

FACT:  There is zero evidence that the Russians changed any minds in the 2016 or 2020 elections.  None.  Talk about election denial.  Absolutely nothing in history tops the fake Russian collusion hoax after the 2016 election.

Wow!...this is an outrageous falsehood! You just falsely posted "there is zero evidence that the Russians changed any minds in the 2016 or the 2020 elections. None."

Well, our United States Intelligence has debunked your absurd claim. They have done MASSIVE investigations detailing Russians suppressed votes for Clinton and Biden.   

So no, what you posted is not a "fact", it's disinformation. United States Intelligence confirmed that the Russians influenced the 2016 election, and 2020, and 2022. Why are you defending Russian election interference?   

Russian propagandists targeted African Americans to influence 2016 US election
Operatives used social media to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, new research finds

Putin Authorized Russian Interference in 2020 Election
Russian Interference in 2020 Included Influencing Trump Associates, Report Says

The assessment was the intelligence community’s most comprehensive look at foreign efforts to interfere in the election.

You then go on to post your usual absurd claim that I've debunked many times in various threads, "Absolutely nothing in history tops the fake Russian collusion hoax after the 2016 election."

As I've pointed out to you many times, our United States Intelligence Committee detailed in their report that there was Russian collusion in 2016 between Trump and the Russains. Russia even admitted it. Donald Trump admitted that his son Junior met with the Russians. George Papadopoulos, Trump's advisor, went to prison for lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians which is Russian collusion. Yet, you still post this same disinformation all the time. So ridiculous and it's not a "hoax" as you continue to falsely post.

US Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign's Russia links
Bipartisan intelligence panel says that Russian who worked on Trump’s 2016 bid was career spy, amid a stunning range of contacts

Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House
Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy

Trump admits son met Russian for information on opponent
August 6, 2018

Trump (Again) Admits His Son Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Clinton

George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison
November 26, 2018

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about the timing of meetings with alleged go-betweens for Russia and was sentenced in September.

Again, all of this documented evidence is "Russian collusion", and yet you still falsely call it a "hoax" even after I debunked your false claim many times in here.   

If all these circumstances had occurred in the election in some other country, every reasonable person would conclude that fix was in. Putin has absolutely nothing on corruption and bias of the current American political situation. He is a rank amateur compared to Old Joe.

Ah, more Joe Biden conspiracies. :D :D :D

First you post that Joe Biden is an "old senile man with dementia" and now you're posting that Biden is more corrupt that murderous dictator Vladimir Putin.

Which is it? It can't be both.     

That's why all these Joe Biden accusations are more phony than a 3 dollar bill.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2023, 02:19:03 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2023, 02:29:50 AM »
There’s no proof that Russia’s meddling via social media was effective. Many Liberal Democrats just can’t accept that Hillary lost fair and square in 2016.

"No proof" he says without offering proof to substantiate his false claim.

Here's my proof, Mr. Banks. Where is yours? You only post your "opinions" with zero evidence to support your false claim.

I guess Mr. Banks' personal opinion outweighs the knowledge of the Republican U.S. Senate Committee and our top US Intelligence officers who have done intensive investigations on Russian influence in our elections. :D :D :D

Senate Report: Russians Used Social Media Mostly To Target Race In 2016

The report, written by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee, also said the Internet Research Agency, which worked "at the direction of the Kremlin," increased its activity after Election Day in 2016.

Following the 2016 election, "Instagram activity increased 238 percent, Facebook increased 59 percent, Twitter increased 52 percent, and YouTube citations went up by 84 percent," the report found.

The committee's work also affirmed the conclusions of earlier investigations on Russian interference in the elections, including the Mueller report's findings and the Jan. 6, 2017, Intelligence Community Assessment.

"The Committee found that IRA social media activity was overtly and almost invariably supportive of then-candidate Trump," the report reads. "The Committee found that the Russian government tasked and supported the IRA' s interference in the 2016 U.S. election."

The Senate committee found that the Internet Research Agency sought to harm Democrat Hillary Clinton and support Donald Trump "at the direction of the Kremlin."

Russian propagandists targeted African Americans to influence 2016 US election
Operatives used social media to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, new research finds

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2023, 04:38:42 AM »
So here it is folks, a bipartisan report from the United States Senate from 2020 (which includes both Republicans and Democrats) proved that Russia helped to interfere in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign welcomed it. And you have to be totally naive to believe that an "aggressive and sophisticated campaign" by the Russians "wasn't effective" in changing votes. That's why the Russians have been interfering in United States elections since 1982. And the phony claim that "Russian collusion is a hoax" is laugh out loud hilarious when it's been detailed in this Republican led Senate report since August of 2020 that Trump's people had "extensive contacts with the Russian Intelligence officers". Paul Manafort gave internal polling to the Russians. And why would that be? So, the Russians could target specific districts in the United States to push disinformation to change votes. That is called Russian collusion folks!           

Senate Releases Final Report On Russia's Interference In 2016 Election

A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016.

Today we got perhaps the most detailed look yet at Russia's efforts to influence the presidential race four years ago. The Senate Intelligence Committee has released the final report from its bipartisan investigation into Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

And all of that digging has gone into this report, and the committee concludes that Russia conducted a sophisticated and aggressive campaign to influence the U.S. election to help Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and that folks on Team Trump were more than happy to accept help from the Russians. But what's really important about that conclusion is that it is a bipartisan one. It is endorsed by both Democrats and Republicans.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2023, 04:38:42 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2023, 11:26:05 AM »
Let's assume that Russia did attempt to meddle in the election.  Is there any evidence whatsoever that they influenced a single vote?
Russia DID interfere in the 2016 election.   

"The IRA is alleged to have employed dozens of Russians whose job was to create hundreds of fake American personas online to broadly inflame divisions in American society and undermine democratic institutions, and more specifically damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The new reports say the effort spread to just about every popular social media platform."

"The Oxford report says one goal was to persuade African-Americans to boycott the election or to follow incorrect voting procedures to suppress the vote. The same tactics, the report said, have more recently been employed targeting Mexican-American and Hispanic voters to undermine their faith in U.S. institutions.

Contrast that situation with changing the election laws in almost every state in the months leading up to the 2020 election under false pretenses

Once again, this is false because Trump's own appointed judges threw your same bogus claims out of court in 2020. 

Trump-Appointed Judge In Wisconsin Shuts Down Campaign’s Legal Argument For Why Election Was Rigged
Dec 12, 2020

Trump-appointed judges among 86 who have so far dismissed election fraud law suits

censoring speech on social media

This is false too.

Twitter Admits in Court Filing: Elon Musk Is Simply Wrong About Government Interference At Twitter

"To date, not a single document revealed has shown what people now falsely believe: that the US government and Twitter were working together to “censor” people based on their political viewpoints. Literally none of that has been shown at all."

and covering up information that would have been harmful to Biden (or even lead to his arrest for corruption).
Even more falsehoods.

What Biden "corruption"? Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr, Republican Investigations in 2020, and the Republican House last month found no corruption on the Biden's. It's nothing but Russian disinformation.   

If you want to talk about corruption and arrests, then let's talk about Donald Trump, who was indicted and arrested in New York on 34 felonies. Trump was just indicted by the Feds in Miami for espionage on 37 felony counts, and will be arrested again on Tuesday. Then he will be indicted and arrested again in DC for insurrection and Fulton County, Georgia for election fraud and racketeering sometime in August. Let's not forget Trump was recently found guilty of sexual assault in a civil court. That's what you call corruption. 

Barr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probe

GOP report: No wrongdoing in Biden son ties to Ukraine firm
September 23, 2020

Republican Inquiry Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Biden
The report delivered on Wednesday appeared to be little more than a rehashing of unproven allegations that echoed a Russian disinformation campaign.
Sept. 23, 2020

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden
After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.
May 10, 2023

Which had the greater impact on the outcome? Russian interference or American interference?

In 2020, we had both Russian interference and American interference helping Trump but he still ended up losing in a blowout. That's how overwhelmingly unpopular he is.

Donald Trump, the Republican party, the right wing media, and Trump MAGA supporters all colluded to steal the presidency from Joe Biden and the majority of Americans who voted for him.   

Donald Trump lied about the election being stolen from him which was amplified by the right wing media. The Republican party took active measures trying to prevent the winner Joe Biden from taking office.

When that didn't work, Trump's supporters engaged in a violent coup to take over the government by force to stop the transfer of power.

That is clear treason, a political party trying to overturn an election because they didn't like the results.

Now the Republican party is defending Donald Trump's espionage. The Republican party is not a real political party, they are a deranged cult. They only exist to protect Donald Trump from his crimes and to steal elections for him.

Republicans do not care about our national security or the lives of Americans when they are now covering for a brazen criminal who was just indicted by the DOJ for espionage.

How can the GOP care about our national security when say it's ok for Trump to hoard our most sensitive secret intelligence and show it off for his friends at Mar a Lago? Anyone could get access to these documents and it could trigger a nuclear war since nuclear documents were in Trump's possession.

So, the American election interference occurred from Republicans in 2020 after Trump lost the election in a blowout.

It also happened on January 6, 2021 when Trump incited an insurrection and his deranged supporters engaged in a violent coup to overthrow the U.S. government. That is the worst interference of all which was done by Republicans.  .                       
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 04:39:09 AM by Rick Plant »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #38 on: June 12, 2023, 04:21:37 PM »
So many words but no evidence that the Russians influenced a single vote in 2016 or 2020.  Imagine being so obsessed by the topic to spend this much time on it.  And, of course, the leftist conspiracy theory wasn't just that the Russians meddled in the elections (and remember when it was the Dems that the Soviet Union were sympathetic with) but that Trump COLLUDED with Putin to win the 2016 election.  A conspiracy theory for which there was not an iota of evidence and was used to undermine Trump's presidency and divide the country.  The biggest hoax in American history and extremely divisive.  The fact that some radicalized Trump haters are still making this claim is unreal and laughable.  Surely even "Rick" understands he was played by the establishment (which includes both Dems and Republicans who want no outsider challenging their power structure). 

The irrefutable fact is that there is zero evidence that Russia influenced a single vote in the 2016 or 2020 elections.  Tens of millions of votes, however, were influenced by the changes just prior to the 2020 election under the false premise that it was unsafe to vote in person.  This allowed Dems to harvest millions of votes from universities and minority communities in a way that changed the outcome of the election.  The results speak for themselves.  An outlandish statistical outlier that Old Joe, an 80-year-old career politician who barely campaigned received more votes than any candidate in American history.  More than JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Obama, FDR, or anyone.  No one can believe that was not the product of the changes in the election laws using COVID as a pretext.  If the reverse had happened, and Trump had changed the election laws in a way that advantageous to him to win the election, leftists would have started a civil war.  The "insurrection" would have been a patriotic cause to save democracy instead of Jan. 6 hysteria.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2023, 06:50:58 PM by Richard Smith »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2023, 08:36:11 AM »
So many words but no evidence that the Russians influenced a single vote in 2016 or 2020.

This is another falsehood. US Intelligence and the US Senate said it did.

"A Senate inquiry has concluded that a Russian fake-news campaign targeted "no single group... more than African-Americans."

It says Russian operatives used social media to deter black people from voting and planted subtly racist content to incite conflict between ethnicities.

The report comes two years into the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the 2016 election.

African-American community voters were discouraged from voting, and from supporting Hillary Clinton."

Imagine being so obsessed by the topic to spend this much time on it.  And, of course, the leftist conspiracy theory wasn't just that the Russians meddled in the elections (and remember when it was the Dems that the Soviet Union were sympathetic with) but that Trump COLLUDED with Putin to win the 2016 election.  A conspiracy theory for which there was not an iota of evidence and was used to undermine Trump's presidency and divide the country.  The biggest hoax in American history and extremely divisive.  The fact that some radicalized Trump haters are still making this claim is unreal and laughable.  Surely even "Rick" understands he was played by the establishment (which includes both Dems and Republicans who want no outsider challenging their power structure).

Wrong again.

No Hoax: Bipartisan Probe Says US Intelligence Made Right Call on Russian Election Meddling

The irrefutable fact is that there is zero evidence that Russia influenced a single vote in the 2016 or 2020 elections.

Still false.

Russian propagandists targeted African Americans to influence 2016 US election
Operatives used social media to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, new research finds

Tens of millions of votes, however, were influenced by the changes just prior to the 2020 election under the false premise that it was unsafe to vote in person.  This allowed Dems to harvest millions of votes from universities and minority communities in a way that changed the outcome of the election.  The results speak for themselves.  An outlandish statistical outlier that Old Joe, an 80-year-old career politician who barely campaigned received more votes than any candidate in American history.  More than JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Obama, FDR, or anyone.  No one can believe that was not the product of the changes in the election laws using COVID as a pretext.  If the reverse had happened, and Trump had changed the election laws in a way that advantageous to him to win the election, leftists would have started a civil war.  The "insurrection" would have been a patriotic cause to save democracy instead of Jan. 6 hysteria.

Donald Trump tried to use these same bogus election conspiracy claims in court and his own appointed judges threw these phony claims out of court.

Trump-Appointed Judge In Wisconsin Shuts Down Campaign’s Legal Argument For Why Election Was Rigged
Dec 12, 2020

Trump-appointed judges among 86 who have so far dismissed election fraud law suits

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Russians Interference with the 2022 Elections.
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2023, 08:36:11 AM »