I've posted facts. Which of these indisputable facts are you taking issue with?
Sorry, you haven't posted any facts, just more debunked conspiracy theories. I take issue with everything you posted.
FACT: The election laws in almost every state were changed just prior to the 2020 in a way that was advantageous to Ukraine Joe under false pretenses.
So, are you really going to claim that red states or states that voted blue in 2020 that had a Republican Governor or a Republican controlled state legislature was plotting against Trump to elect Joe Biden? Now that's a real conspiracy theory.

Donald Trump and his band of joker "lawyers" tried to make these same phony claims in court in various states. Trump's own appointed judges threw out these same phony claims in the lawsuits stating "it has no merit".
Trump's own judge ruled against your false claim. So no, you did not post a "fact".
Trump-Appointed Judge In Wisconsin Shuts Down Campaign’s Legal Argument For Why Election Was Rigged
Dec 12, 2020https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2020/12/12/trump-appointed-judge-in-wisconsin-shuts-down-campaigns-legal-argument-for-why-election-was-rigged/?sh=7830de6a15d9FACT: Even Lord Fauci confirmed it was perfectly safe for people to go to the polls.
You left off the part where Dr. Fauci said
"as long as polling place workers and voters adhere to safety guidelines and recommendations."In right wing districts, people refused to adhere to those safety guidelines. They refused to wear masks to stop the spread of the virus. So there was no need for someone to take the risk in getting COVID when they could easily mail in their ballot which is perfectly legal.
https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-fauci-in-person-voting/fact-check-fauci-said-there-is-no-reason-why-we-cant-vote-in-person-if-guidelines-are-followed-idUSKBN25U2BBHow was it "perfectly safe to go to the polls" when in November of 2020 the United States had MORE COVID cases than most countries had all year? That was because of the incompetence and failure of Donald Trump which is another reason why he lost the 2020 election in a blowout. And as a result, more people mailed in their ballots because of a deadly pandemic which is perfectly legal. Not sure why you're taking an issue with that.
U.S. reported more COVID-19 cases in November than most countries had all yearNOVEMBER 30, 2020https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-november-cases-united-states/FACT: The media censored news stories such as Dirty Hunter's laptop, bribery and widespread corrupt on the entire Biden family including the Big Guy.
And yet, you have no hard evidence to prove any of these conspiracy theories.
Right wingers are just angry the mainstream media didn't flood the airwaves with lies and disinformation against Biden like they did to Clinton in 2016.
Let's see, the top prosecutor in Ukraine confirmed his investigation found no wrongdoing with Hunter Biden.
Bill Barr did not appoint a special counsel in 2020 to investigate these phony claims and conspiracy theories against Biden because he knew they were bogus.
The House GOP just issued their own report stating they found no wrongdoing with Biden.
Yet, you keep pushing these same phony and bogus conspiracy theories as "facts".
If there were anything to these fake Biden conspiracy theories, Donald Trump would have used it against Biden in 2020. What did Donnie do Instead? He threatened President Zelensky of Ukraine over the phone to manufacture a phony scandal against Joe Biden to damaging his candidacy or he wouldn't release the United States military aid to Ukraine. That's why Donnie got impeached for the first time and it's why the MAGA radical right hates President Zelensky.
Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutorJUNE 4, 2020https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-impeachment-ukraine/ukraine-found-no-evidence-against-hunter-biden-in-case-audit-former-top-prosecutor-idUSKBN23B2RBBarr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probehttps://www.npr.org/2020/12/21/948787251/barr-says-no-need-for-special-counsel-for-hunter-biden-probe-election-fraud-claiRepublicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe BidenA 65-page report, a press conference, and nothing to show for itMay 10, 2023https://newrepublic.com/post/172627/republicans-admit-no-incriminating-evidence-joe-bidenTrump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was IllegalNovember 26, 2019The illegality of the funding hold is important to the impeachment inquiry, as it adds further weight to the case that Trump abused his authority as president to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 U.S. election.https://www.justsecurity.org/67489/trumps-hold-on-ukrainian-military-aid-was-illegal/FACT: There is zero evidence that the Russians changed any minds in the 2016 or 2020 elections. None. Talk about election denial. Absolutely nothing in history tops the fake Russian collusion hoax after the 2016 election.
Wow!...this is an outrageous falsehood! You just falsely posted
"there is zero evidence that the Russians changed any minds in the 2016 or the 2020 elections. None." Well, our United States Intelligence has debunked your absurd claim. They have done MASSIVE investigations detailing Russians suppressed votes for Clinton and Biden.
So no, what you posted is not a "fact", it's disinformation. United States Intelligence confirmed that the Russians influenced the 2016 election, and 2020, and 2022. Why are you defending Russian election interference?
Russian propagandists targeted African Americans to influence 2016 US electionOperatives used social media to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, new research findshttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/dec/17/russian-propagandists-targeted-african-americans-2016-electionPutin Authorized Russian Interference in 2020 ElectionRussian Interference in 2020 Included Influencing Trump Associates, Report SaysThe assessment was the intelligence community’s most comprehensive look at foreign efforts to interfere in the election.https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/16/us/politics/election-interference-russia-2020-assessment.htmlYou then go on to post your usual absurd claim that I've debunked many times in various threads,
"Absolutely nothing in history tops the fake Russian collusion hoax after the 2016 election."As I've pointed out to you many times, our United States Intelligence Committee detailed in their report that there was Russian collusion in 2016 between Trump and the Russains. Russia even admitted it. Donald Trump admitted that his son Junior met with the Russians. George Papadopoulos, Trump's advisor, went to prison for lying to the FBI about meeting with Russians which is Russian collusion. Yet, you still post this same disinformation all the time. So ridiculous and it's not a "hoax" as you continue to falsely post.
US Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign's Russia linksBipartisan intelligence panel says that Russian who worked on Trump’s 2016 bid was career spy, amid a stunning range of contactshttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/18/donald-trump-us-senate-report-russia-campaignKremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White HouseExclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracyhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/15/kremlin-papers-appear-to-show-putins-plot-to-put-trump-in-white-houseTrump admits son met Russian for information on opponentAugust 6, 2018https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45079377Trump (Again) Admits His Son Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Clintonhttps://www.npr.org/2018/08/06/635860399/trump-admits-his-son-met-with-russian-lawyer-to-get-dirt-on-clintonGeorge Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prisonNovember 26, 2018Papadopoulos pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about the timing of meetings with alleged go-betweens for Russia and was sentenced in September.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46347887Again, all of this documented evidence is "Russian collusion", and yet you still falsely call it a "hoax" even after I debunked your false claim many times in here.
If all these circumstances had occurred in the election in some other country, every reasonable person would conclude that fix was in. Putin has absolutely nothing on corruption and bias of the current American political situation. He is a rank amateur compared to Old Joe.
Ah, more Joe Biden conspiracies.

First you post that Joe Biden is an "old senile man with dementia" and now you're posting that Biden is more corrupt that murderous dictator Vladimir Putin.
Which is it? It can't be both.
That's why all these Joe Biden accusations are more phony than a 3 dollar bill.