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Author Topic: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"  (Read 13806 times)

Online John Iacoletti

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Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« on: November 30, 2022, 07:08:09 PM »
The members of the cult of the WC often like to point to their prophet Bugliosi and his "53 pieces of evidence" supposedly pointing to Lee Oswald's guilt in the assassination of John Kennedy.  If you examine the list, you'll find that 46 of them are not evidence at all, they are lawyer rhetoric and speculative confirmation bias.  4 items point to a particular weapon, not a person.  8 items are questionable or tainted in some way.  Some items fall into more than one category.

NE - not evidence with regard to JFK's murder
PW - points to a weapon, not a shooter
TQ - tainted or questionable

1. Oswald went to Irving with Frazier on a Thursday - NE
2. Oswald told Frazier he was going to Irving to pick up some curtain rods - NE
3. Oswald told Frazier he wouldn't be going home with him on Friday - NE
4. Oswald was not chatty about Kennedy's upcoming Dallas visit on Thursday evening - NE
5. Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170 - NE
6. Oswald placed a long, bulky package on the rear seat of Frazier's car - NE
7. Frazier said it was the first time Oswald did not bring his lunch - NE
8. Oswald walked ahead of Frazier to the building from the parking area - NE
9. Oswald did not read the newspaper in the domino room that morning - NE
10. Oswald asked Jarman why people were gathering outside and then which way the president was coming - NE
11. Howard Brennan told the FBI on December 18 that he was "sure" that Oswald was the man he had seen in the window, after initially failing to make a positive identification - TQ
12. We know that Kennedy’s assassin was at the subject sixth-floor window - NE (not even true)
13. Oswald slipped up and placed himself on the sixth floor at the time of the assassination - (this isn't even true)
     Givens (over 4 months later) placed Oswald on the 6th floor at 11:55 - NE
     Oswald (supposedly) preferred Dr Pepper to Coke - NE
14. Why would Oswald go up to get a Coke after hearing all the commotion? - NE
15. Oswald was apparently uninterested in watching the motorcade outside - NE
16. Oswald left work within minutes of the shooting - NE
17. Oswald walked east and got on a bus heading back toward the TSBD - NE
18. Oswald got off the bus after a few blocks - NE
19. Oswald wasn't chatty with the cab driver - NE
20. Oswald had the cab driver drop him off a few blocks past his rooming house - NE
21. Roberts said Oswald seemed to be in a hurry - NE
22. Oswald allegedly picked up his revolver at the rooming house - NE
23. Oswald allegedly changed some of his clothing at the rooming house - NE
24. Oswald was allegedly chosen by Markham (in the unfair lineup) as the one who killed Tippit - NE as far as JFK goes, TQ
25. Oswald looked funny to Brewer - NE
26. Oswald allegedly “ducked in” to the theater without buying a ticket - NE
27. According to McDonald, Oswald said "it's all over now" - NE
28. Oswald allegedly punched McDonald and reached for a gun in his waistband - NE
29. Oswald didn't sufficiently cooperate with police after arrest - NE
30. Oswald showed reporters his handcuffed hands and his fist was clenched - NE
31. Oswald supposedly refused to take a lie detector test - NE
32. Marina thought his eyes looked guilty - NE
33. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Klein's order coupon - TQ
34. The 2 large fragments supposedly found in the limo and CE399 were fired by C2766 - PW, TQ
35. The shells supposedly found by the window were fired by C2766 - PW
36. Two of Oswald's prints were found on a wrapper that was supposedly found by the window - NE
37. Oswald's prints were found on boxes near the window - NE
38. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Seaport Traders coupon for the CE143 revolver - NE as far as JFK goes, TQ
39. 1 of 8 firearms experts thought one Tippit bullet was fired from CE143 - TQ, PW, NE for JFK
40. Cartridge cases supposedly found near 10th and Patton were matched to CE143 - TQ, PW, NE for JFK
41. Paraffin test on Oswald’s hands indicated the presence of nitrates - TQ
42. Oswald supposedly left his blue jacket in the TSBD - NE
43. Police supposedly found a light-colored jacket in a Texaco parking lot - NE
44. A clipboard attributed to Oswald with unfilled orders was supposedly found on the 6th floor a week later - NE
45. Oswald allegedly denied purchasing the Carcano rifle - NE
46. Oswald allegedly questioned the authenticity of a backyard photograph - NE
47. Oswald allegedly said he had never seen the photograph before, but handwriting analysts said it was his writing on the DeMohrenschildt print that turned up 4 years later - NE
48. Oswald allegedly denied ever living at the Neely apartment - NE
49. Oswald allegedly denied telling Frazier he was getting curtain rods - NE
50. Oswald allegedly denied putting a long package on the backseat of Frazier's car - NE
51. Oswald allegedly told Fritz that the only package he brought to work contained his lunch - NE
52. Oswald (by Fritz's account) allegedly said he had lunch with Jarman and another employee, but Jarman said he did not have lunch with Oswald - NE
53. Oswald allegedly said he bought his handgun in Fort Worth - NE

JFK Assassination Forum

Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« on: November 30, 2022, 07:08:09 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2022, 02:07:13 PM »
This entire thread:  NE.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2022, 09:44:13 PM »
Let's go through the list in the way that a reasonable person would analyze this evidence with the totality of context rather than every event happening in its own separate universe (Contrarian world):

1. Oswald went to Irving with Frazier on a Thursday - Marina confirms he kept his rifle at this location.  It would turn out to have the same serial number as the one left at the crime scene with Oswald's palmprint on it.
2. Oswald told Frazier he was going to Irving to pick up some curtain rods - No such curtain rods were needed or taken by Oswald that morning.  This would turn out to be a lie.  Why would Oswald lie about the contents of a long bag that morning unless it contained something incriminatory.
3. Oswald told Frazier he wouldn't be going home with him on Friday - Oswald's usual pattern would have been to travel wilth Frazier on Friday.  Any variation in that pattern is important.
4. Oswald was not chatty about Kennedy's upcoming Dallas visit on Thursday evening - If Ruth Paine and Marina or others intended to frame Oswald, this would be an odd thing to say.
5. Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170 - This demonstrates foreknowledge on Oswald's behalf that he would not be returning home.  The only reason for that was because he planned to assassinate JFK that day.
6. Oswald placed a long, bulky package on the rear seat of Frazier's car - Yes, his rifle!
7. Frazier said it was the first time Oswald did not bring his lunch - Another variation from usual routine on the day of the assassinaiton.  And Oswald lies about his to DPD telling them he carried his lunch that morning.
8. Oswald walked ahead of Frazier to the building from the parking area - He had things to do like hide the rifle on an upper floor.
9. Oswald did not read the newspaper in the domino room that morning - Another variation.  And Oswald planned on making the news that day.
10. Oswald asked Jarman why people were gathering outside and then which way the president was coming - Playing dumb or confirming his understanding of the motorcade.
11. Howard Brennan told the FBI on December 18 that he was "sure" that Oswald was the man he had seen in the window, after initially failing to make a positive identification - Witness confirmation of Oswald as the assassin
12. We know that Kennedy’s assassin was at the subject sixth-floor window - Multiple witnesses saw a rifle in that window at the moment of the assassination.  Other evidence links Oswald to that location including prints, bullet casings from his rifle, witness ID
13. Oswald slipped up and placed himself on the sixth floor at the time of the assassination - (this isn't even true)Oswald confirmed he was in the building from which the shots were fired
     Givens (over 4 months later) placed Oswald on the 6th floor at 11:55 - NE
     Oswald (supposedly) preferred Dr Pepper to Coke - NE
14. Why would Oswald go up to get a Coke after hearing all the commotion? - And why get a drink it he planned to immediately leave and get on a bus.
15. Oswald was apparently uninterested in watching the motorcade outside - Oswald had a lifelong interest in politics and had read JFK's book but no interestin the motorcade or assassination.  It's move time!
16. Oswald left work within minutes of the shooting - Fleeing the crime while he had the chance.
17. Oswald walked east and got on a bus heading back toward the TSBD - He was getting out of Dodge as quickly as possible
18. Oswald got off the bus after a few blocks - Suddenly in a hurry.  Wonder why?
19. Oswald wasn't chatty with the cab driver - Exercising his right to remain silent
20. Oswald had the cab driver drop him off a few blocks past his rooming house - Making sure the coast was clear before entering his boardinghouse.  Suggests that he had cause to believe the police may have already ID him as the suspect.
21. Roberts said Oswald seemed to be in a hurry - He was for good reason as the most wanted man in the world.
22. Oswald allegedly picked up his revolver at the rooming house - Oswald admitted this and his revolver when arrested.  Did he think he would need it in broad daylight on the way to the movies?
23. Oswald allegedly changed some of his clothing at the rooming house - Probably not.
24. Oswald was allegedly chosen by Markham (in the unfair lineup) as the one who killed Tippit - Witness links Oswald directly to the crime. No "allegedly" about this.
25. Oswald looked funny to Brewer - We know this true because Brewer followed him.  Do you think Brewer went around following lots of peopel.  Oswald had good cause to look "funny" having just killed the president and a police officer with the cops on his tail.
26. Oswald allegedly “ducked in” to the theater without buying a ticket - No allegedly about it.  He was so suspicious he was drawing the attention of random citizens.
27. According to McDonald, Oswald said "it's all over now" - Why would he say this instead of just asking what is going on if he had done nothing?
28. Oswald allegedly punched McDonald and reached for a gun in his waistband - Resisting arrest and attempting to kill a cop is a crime itself.  And no reason unless he believed there was no other choice.
29. Oswald didn't sufficiently cooperate with police after arrest - see above
30. Oswald showed reporters his handcuffed hands and his fist was clenched - Proud of his act.  Commie revolutionary celebrating his triumph.  An innocent person might be a bit overwhelmed by the attention and fact that they were under arrest for murder.
31. Oswald supposedly refused to take a lie detector test - Lucky for him.
32. Marina thought his eyes looked guilty - His own wife accepted his guilt.
33. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Klein's order coupon - No doubt about it.  Also used a known alias and his PO Box for delivery.  The rifle he was sent can't be accounted for in any other way except to be sent to Oswadl
34. The 2 large fragments supposedly found in the limo and CE399 were fired by C2766 - Speaks for itself.  Links the bullets to Oswald's rifle.
35. The shells supposedly found by the window were fired by C2766 - Same
36. Two of Oswald's prints were found on a wrapper that was supposedly found by the window - Link to location of shooting.
37. Oswald's prints were found on boxes near the window - Same
38. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Seaport Traders coupon for the CE143 revolver - Links Oswald to the murder of a police officer less than an hour after the assassination.
39. 1 of 8 firearms experts thought one Tippit bullet was fired from CE143 - Links Oswald's gun to the murder.
40. Cartridge cases supposedly found near 10th and Patton were matched to CE143 - Same
41. Paraffin test on Oswald’s hands indicated the presence of nitrates - Confirmation that he had fired a gun (as he had)
42. Oswald supposedly left his blue jacket in the TSBD - Gotta go fast.
43. Police supposedly found a light-colored jacket in a Texaco parking lot - Seen leaving the boardinghouse with a jacket.  Arrested without a jacket.  Attempt to change appearance.
44. A clipboard attributed to Oswald with unfilled orders was supposedly found on the 6th floor a week later - Oswald puts it down to retrieve the rifle.
45. Oswald allegedly denied purchasing the Carcano rifle - Lie about the murder weapon.
46. Oswald allegedly questioned the authenticity of a backyard photograph - Lie to avoid being connected to murder weapons
47. Oswald allegedly said he had never seen the photograph before, but handwriting analysts said it was his writing on the DeMohrenschildt print that turned up 4 years later - Links Oswald to murder weapons
48. Oswald allegedly denied ever living at the Neely apartment - Lie because he didn't want to be associated with BY photos
49. Oswald allegedly denied telling Frazier he was getting curtain rods - Lie to cover up carrying long narrow package.
50. Oswald allegedly denied putting a long package on the backseat of Frazier's car - Same
51. Oswald allegedly told Fritz that the only package he brought to work contained his lunch - Same
52. Oswald (by Fritz's account) allegedly said he had lunch with Jarman and another employee, but Jarman said he did not have lunch with Oswald - Lie to provide an alibi.  No one else saw him
53. Oswald allegedly said he bought his handgun in Fort Worth - Lie as confirmed by documents
« Last Edit: December 04, 2022, 02:22:07 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2022, 09:44:13 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2022, 10:54:15 PM »
Let's go through the list in the way that a reasonable person would analyze this evidence with the totality of context rather than every event happening in its own separate universe (Contrarian world):

1. Oswald went to Irving with Frazier on a Thursday - Oswald's confirms he kept his rifle at this location.  It would turn out to have the same serial number as the one left at the crime scene with Oswald's palmprint on it.
2. Oswald told Frazier he was going to Irving to pick up some curtain rods - No such curtain rods were needed or taken by Oswald that morning.  This would turn out to be a lie.  Why would Oswald lie about the contents of a long bag that morning unless it contained something incriminatory.
3. Oswald told Frazier he wouldn't be going home with him on Friday - Oswald's usual pattern would have been to travel wilth Frazier on Friday.  Any variation in that pattern is important.
4. Oswald was not chatty about Kennedy's upcoming Dallas visit on Thursday evening - If Ruth Paine and Marina or others intended to frame Oswald, this would be an odd thing to say.
5. Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170 - This demonstrates foreknowledge on Oswald's behalf that he would not be returning home.  The only reason for that was because he planned to assassinate JFK that day.
6. Oswald placed a long, bulky package on the rear seat of Frazier's car - Yes, his rifle!
7. Frazier said it was the first time Oswald did not bring his lunch - Another variation from usual routine on the day of the assassinaiton.  And Oswald lies about his to DPD telling them he carried his lunch that morning.
8. Oswald walked ahead of Frazier to the building from the parking area - He had things to do like hide the rifle on an upper floor.
9. Oswald did not read the newspaper in the domino room that morning - Another variation.  And Oswald planned on making the news that day.
10. Oswald asked Jarman why people were gathering outside and then which way the president was coming - Playing dumb or confirming his understanding of the motorcade.
11. Howard Brennan told the FBI on December 18 that he was "sure" that Oswald was the man he had seen in the window, after initially failing to make a positive identification - Witness confirmation of Oswald as the assassin
12. We know that Kennedy’s assassin was at the subject sixth-floor window - Multiple witnesses saw a rifle in that window at the moment of the assassination.  Other evidence links Oswald to that location including prints, bullet casings from his rifle, witness ID
13. Oswald slipped up and placed himself on the sixth floor at the time of the assassination - (this isn't even true)Oswald confirmed he was in the building from which the shots were fired
     Givens (over 4 months later) placed Oswald on the 6th floor at 11:55 - NE
     Oswald (supposedly) preferred Dr Pepper to Coke - NE
14. Why would Oswald go up to get a Coke after hearing all the commotion? - And why get a drink it he planned to immediately leave and get on a bus.
15. Oswald was apparently uninterested in watching the motorcade outside - Oswald had a lifelong interest in politics and had read JFK's book but no interestin the motorcade or assassination.  It's move time!
16. Oswald left work within minutes of the shooting - Fleeing the crime while he had the chance.
17. Oswald walked east and got on a bus heading back toward the TSBD - He was getting out of Dodge as quickly as possible
18. Oswald got off the bus after a few blocks - Suddenly in a hurry.  Wonder why?
19. Oswald wasn't chatty with the cab driver - Exercising his right to remain silent
20. Oswald had the cab driver drop him off a few blocks past his rooming house - Making sure the coast was clear before entering his boardinghouse.  Suggests that he had cause to believe the police may have already ID him as the suspect.
21. Roberts said Oswald seemed to be in a hurry - He was for good reason as the most wanted man in the world.
22. Oswald allegedly picked up his revolver at the rooming house - Oswald admitted this and his revolver when arrested.  Did he think he would need it in broad daylight on the way to the movies?
23. Oswald allegedly changed some of his clothing at the rooming house - Probably not.
24. Oswald was allegedly chosen by Markham (in the unfair lineup) as the one who killed Tippit - Witness links Oswald directly to the crime. No "allegedly" about this.
25. Oswald looked funny to Brewer - We know this true because Brewer followed him.  Do you think Brewer went around following lots of peopel.  Oswald had good cause to look "funny" having just killed the president and a police officer with the cops on his tail.
26. Oswald allegedly “ducked in” to the theater without buying a ticket - No allegedly about it.  He was so suspicious he was drawing the attention of random citizens.
27. According to McDonald, Oswald said "it's all over now" - Why would he say this instead of just asking what is going on if he had done nothing?
28. Oswald allegedly punched McDonald and reached for a gun in his waistband - Resisting arrest and attempting to kill a cop is a crime itself.  And no reason unless he believed there was no other choice.
29. Oswald didn't sufficiently cooperate with police after arrest - see above
30. Oswald showed reporters his handcuffed hands and his fist was clenched - Proud of his act.  Commie revolutionary celebrating his triumph.  An innocent person might be a bit overwhelmed by the attention and fact that they were under arrest for murder.
31. Oswald supposedly refused to take a lie detector test - Lucky for him.
32. Marina thought his eyes looked guilty - His own wife accepted his guilt.
33. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Klein's order coupon - No doubt about it.  Also used a known alias and his PO Box for delivery.  The rifle he was sent can't be accounted for in any other way except to be sent to Oswadl
34. The 2 large fragments supposedly found in the limo and CE399 were fired by C2766 - Speaks for itself.  Links the bullets to Oswald's rifle.
35. The shells supposedly found by the window were fired by C2766 - Same
36. Two of Oswald's prints were found on a wrapper that was supposedly found by the window - Link to location of shooting.
37. Oswald's prints were found on boxes near the window - Same
38. Oswald's handwriting was supposedly found on a Seaport Traders coupon for the CE143 revolver - Links Oswald to the murder of a police officer less than an hour after the assassination.
39. 1 of 8 firearms experts thought one Tippit bullet was fired from CE143 - Links Oswald's gun to the murder.
40. Cartridge cases supposedly found near 10th and Patton were matched to CE143 - Same
41. Paraffin test on Oswald’s hands indicated the presence of nitrates - Confirmation that he had fired a gun (as he had)
42. Oswald supposedly left his blue jacket in the TSBD - Gotta go fast.
43. Police supposedly found a light-colored jacket in a Texaco parking lot - Seen leaving the boardinghouse with a jacket.  Arrested without a jacket.  Attempt to change appearance.
44. A clipboard attributed to Oswald with unfilled orders was supposedly found on the 6th floor a week later - Oswald puts it down to retrieve the rifle.
45. Oswald allegedly denied purchasing the Carcano rifle - Lie about the murder weapon.
46. Oswald allegedly questioned the authenticity of a backyard photograph - Lie to avoid being connected to murder weapons
47. Oswald allegedly said he had never seen the photograph before, but handwriting analysts said it was his writing on the DeMohrenschildt print that turned up 4 years later - Links Oswald to murder weapons
48. Oswald allegedly denied ever living at the Neely apartment - Lie because he didn't want to be associated with BY photos
49. Oswald allegedly denied telling Frazier he was getting curtain rods - Lie to cover up carrying long narrow package.
50. Oswald allegedly denied putting a long package on the backseat of Frazier's car - Same
51. Oswald allegedly told Fritz that the only package he brought to work contained his lunch - Same
52. Oswald (by Fritz's account) allegedly said he had lunch with Jarman and another employee, but Jarman said he did not have lunch with Oswald - Lie to provide an alibi.  No one else saw him
53. Oswald allegedly said he bought his handgun in Fort Worth - Lie as confirmed by documents

Let's go through the list in the way that a reasonable person would analyze this evidence

How can somebody who begins with lies at item 1 on the list ever be considered to be a reasonable person?

1. Oswald went to Irving with Frazier on a Thursday - Oswald's confirms he kept his rifle at this location.  It would turn out to have the same serial number as the one left at the crime scene with Oswald's palmprint on it.

Nothing of this is even remotely true. Oswald never confirmed he kept a rifle at Irving and there is no evidence whatsoever that shows that the rifle in Ruth Paine's garage (if there was one) is the same as the one found on the 6th floor. Oswald's palmprint only magically appeared about a week after Oswald's death. Lt Day claimed he had lifted the print from the rifle but the FBI lab found no trace of any print when they examined the MC rifle within 24 hours after the murder.

2. Oswald told Frazier he was going to Irving to pick up some curtain rods - No such curtain rods were needed or taken by Oswald that morning.  This would turn out to be a lie.  Why would Oswald lie about the contents of a long bag that morning unless it contained something incriminatory.

There is no evidence to determine what was in the package Oswald carried to the TSBD on Friday morning. This alone makes the claim that Oswald did not take curtain rods to Dallas complete speculation. The completely made up claim that Oswald lied about the content of the bag is insignificant as long as we don't know what was actually in the bag.

I'm not going to go through all the items as it is beyond obvious that they are of very little significance and full of Richard's speculation.

But's let pick out a few more;

5. Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170 - This demonstrates foreknowledge on Oswald's behalf that he would not be returning home.  The only reason for that was because he planned to assassinate JFK that day.

Total BS. Oswald leaving his wedding ring behind doesn't demonstrate anything of the kind. It is in fact far more likely and plausible that he left the ring simply because Marina refused to live with him again and he saw that as his marriage being over. Marina and Ruth Paine both testified they believed Oswald came to Irving to make up with Marina and thus save his marriage.

6. Oswald placed a long, bulky package on the rear seat of Frazier's car - Yes, his rifle!

Complete speculation for which there is not a shred of evidence. There is in fact evidence that shows that the package wasn't even big enough to contain a broken down rifle. It's a good example of how witnesses were ignored in favor of an unsubstantiated opinion that fits the desired narrative.

12. We know that Kennedy’s assassin was at the subject sixth-floor window - Multiple witnesses saw a rifle in that window at the moment of the assassination.  Other evidence links Oswald to that location including prints, bullet casings from his rifle, witness ID

There is no credible witness ID that places Oswald at the 6th floor window. Bullet casings allegedly fired by the MC rifle found on the 6th floor tells us nothing about the identity of the shooter. We don't even know if the MC rifle was even fired on 11/22/63. And Oswald's prints on boxes only prove that he touched those boxes. As he worked on the 6th floor and his job was to move boxes and take books from them, any prints found anywhere on the 6th floor are worthless as evidence against Oswald.

14. Why would Oswald go up to get a Coke after hearing all the commotion? - And why get a drink it he planned to immediately leave and get on a bus.

This is one of the most silly arguments. I'm not sure what it is supposed to be evidence of, but the one thing that is for sure is that Oswald was encountered by Truly and Baker inside the 2nd floor lunchroom, which justifies the question what he was doing there - if not getting a Coke - when he could have walked out of the building through the office space before Truly and Baker even got to the lunchroom. Seems odd behavior for somebody who is supposed to be trying to escape from the building.

23. Oswald allegedly changed some of his clothing at the rooming house - Probably not.

A classic example of how utter selfserving speculation based on absolutely nothing is regarded by this LN clown as "evidence. Even worse, how can something that's only "probable" be evidence?

32. Marina thought his eyes looked guilty - His own wife accepted his guilt.

The President of the United States is murdered and BS as this makes it on a list of items to demonstrate Oswald's guilt. Even worse it seems to be the best the "Oswald did it" crowd could come up with. It's just as hilarious as it is pathetic. Any prosecutor who would try to introduce this into evidence at court would probably be thrown out by the Judge for pure incompetence.

But thank you, Richard. At least this gives reasonable people some idea how your warped mind works....  Thumb1:

« Last Edit: December 03, 2022, 01:02:37 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2022, 11:44:52 PM »
But thank you, Richard. At least this gives reasonable people some idea how your warped mind works....  Thumb1:

Exactly right. Anything and everything becomes “evidence” when you speculate a completely made-up story about what it means.

Oswald wore boxers instead of briefs that day. Aha! That was so he’d be comfortable waiting for the president to arrive so he could murder him.

Oswald drank a cup of coffee that morning. Aha! That was because he was awake all night thinking about killing the president.

This is how ridiculous it gets.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2022, 11:44:52 PM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2022, 05:02:57 PM »
5. Oswald left behind his wedding ring and $170 - NE

Actually, the story that Oswald left behind his wedding ring on 11/22/63 is open to serious doubt:

Tom Bargas was Shop Foreman at Leslie Welding. He told the FBI that he knew Oswald was married only because it said so on his application. (Oswald 201 File, Vol 3, Folder 9B, Part 1, p. 40) Bargas had interviewed Oswald for the job, (WCH Vol X, p. 163) so we know from this, that Oswald was wearing no wedding ring at the time of the interview—or at work at any other time. . . .

Marina Oswald is the sole witness to a ring left on the dresser that morning and as we can see, her statements about the ring have little or no consistency. Nor were they made early on. The claims did not start emerging until at least a week after the assassination, during a period in the protective custody of the Secret Service. We will look more closely at this later.

The closest statement to the truth made about this subject by Marina was possibly one made to Priscilla Johnson McMillan for her book, Marina & Lee. In this statement, she said that “by some miracle” the police missed seeing it in their search. Since the police took Marina, Ruth Paine and Michael Paine in for questioning immediately after the search, she most likely put her own ring there some time prior to leaving the Paine household for good. In short, it was not there at the time of the police search. This explains the police not taking it. It also explains why she did not lead them to it.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2022, 05:06:07 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2022, 03:55:54 PM »
And accounts differ on who found it and when it was found. But either way, it’s not evidence of anything.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2022, 03:56:14 PM »
Actually, the story that Oswald left behind his wedding ring on 11/22/63 is open to serious doubt:

Oswald wore his wedding ring on his right hand in the Russian tradition.  That might be a source of confusion to an American who is used to seeing wedding rings only on the left hand.  And likely completely unaware of Oswald's kooky background.  There is zero doubt that Oswald wore a wedding ring.  According to his own wife, he wore it every day.   There are pictures of Oswald wearing his ring.  And we were recently told here that no one has ever suggested that family members lied to frame Oswald.  Oswald is not wearing the wedding ring when arrested.  Sherlock Holmes does not need to be consulted to connect the dots.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Deconstructing Bugliosi's "53 pieces of evidence"
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2022, 03:56:14 PM »