The "6.5 mm" fragment seen in the AP view is the 7 x 2 mm fragment that Humes removed from above and somewhat behind the President's right eye.
Phew! LOL! Are you stuck in a time warp and living in the early 1990s or something? Even most of your fellow WC apologists have abandoned that silly argument. The 7 x 2 mm fragment was in the front of the skull and is readily identifiable on the AP skull x-ray. The 6.5 mm object is on the rear outer table of the skull and is undeniably well below and to the right of the 7 x 2 mm fragment on the AP x-ray, not to mention the fact that the 6.5 mm object is not metallic.
Sheesh, read some research that was published after 1998 before you talk about the JFK case again.
Posted by: Charles Collins:
To believe Mantik’s theory, one would have to believe that Jerrol and Ebersole processed the X-rays back on 11/22/63 and that there was no “6.5-millimeter” artifact on that X-ray. (This is because Mantik claims it was added later.) However, neither Ebersole or Jerrol have said anything like: “Wait a minute, I don’t remember seeing that artifact on the X-ray during the autopsy.”
HUH??? Incredibly, Ebersole was never asked about the 6.5 mm object when he spoke with the HSCA medical panel, and he said nothing about it in his testimony. When Dr. Mantik asked Ebersole about the 6.5 mm object, he refused to discuss it.
There's also the fact that when the ARRB asked the autopsy doctors about the 6.5 mm object, they said they never saw it during the autopsy. They didn't say, "Oh, that was identified by the radiologist as an artifact during the autopsy." No, they said they never saw it.
As for Custer, I've already pointed out that in all of Custer's many interviews with Dr. Mantik (the two became friends over the years), Custer never once claimed that he saw the 6.5 mm object on the skull x-rays, and he never said that Ebersole identified such an object as an artifact. And I've showed herein that, even based solely on Custer's words in his ARRB testimony, it is by no means clear that Custer was referring to the 6.5 mm object when he mentioned Ebersole's artifact conclusion. Even David Von Pein admits that he's not certain that Custer was referring to the 6.5 mm object.
And, again, in all of his conversations with Dr. Mantik, Custer never said he saw the 6.5 mm object on any x-ray during the autopsy, and never said that Ebersole identified such an object as an artifact.
Posted by: Jerry Organ:
I doubt that "WC apologists" have been promoting an "acid drop". Pat Speer did some actual research on the matter of artifacts on x-ray and found this image from the 1969 book "Radiography in Modern Industry". "A drop of fixer" -- not "acid". It's something to consider, as is the idea it was an artifact recognized as such on the night of the autopsy.
Uh, Larry SPersonivan, one of your leading lone-gunman-theory experts, whose book received rave reviews from your crowd, has been peddling the acid-drop theory as a possible explanation for the 6.5 mm object since 2005.
No, the 6.5 mm object was not recognized as an artifact during the autopsy. Your only "evidence" for this claim is an ambiguous statement from Custer during his ARRB interview. Moreover, as mentioned, Ebersole never breathed a word about the object in his HSCA testimony and refused to discuss the object when Dr. Mantik asked him about it. Additionally, as also mentioned, in all of his numerous interviews with Dr. Mantik, Custer never once claimed that he saw the 6.5 mm object on the x-rays during the autopsy, and never said that Ebersole identified such an object as an artifact during the autopsy.
Oh, Pat Speer has done some "real research" on this issue, hey?! Is this the same Pat Speer who erroneously said that Dr. Mantik didn't do any OD measurements on any of the unenhanced autopsy x-rays (when those were the only x-rays he used), who claimed that the overlapping bone in the lateral x-rays is the white patch (when the overlapping bone is in a different part of the skull), who claimed that the skull x-rays were overexposed (when they clearly were not, as confirmed by OD measurements), who claimed that the club-shaped object in the forehead is "basically invisible to the naked eye" on the original x-rays (when it is actually very easy to see on the extant x-rays at the National Archives), and who still claims that it is "obvious" that the 6.5 mm object
is a cross-section slice from a bullet (when SPersonivan exploded that fantasy years ago, and when virtually everyone now agrees that the object is an artifact)? That Pat Speer?
For your and Pat Speer's information,
fixing solution is acidic. Leaving aside that inconvenient fact, and just for the sake of argument, how exactly would a drop of fixing solution have gotten onto the AP x-ray at a time and in a way to cause an artifact, much less a perfectly circular artifact with a semi-circular chip neatly carved out of it, given the fact that x-rays are developed by placing them in a tray filled with fixing solution? Furthermore, when x-rays are developed, they are subjected to a "final wash" specifically "to remove residual fixer chemicals, i.e., acid, thiosulfate, and silver salts from the film" (
Posted by: Jerry Organ:
"Since it is not seen on the lateral x-rays, it is by definition an artifact. An artifact may be a real object or a defect in film processing ... The term does not mean that it is an artificial object." -- Dr. Chad Zimmerman to Vincent Bugliosi, letter dated March 15, 2006
Umm, again, your own top expert, SPersonivan, has explained why the 6.5 mm object cannot be an FMJ bullet fragment. What's more, Dr. Fitzpatrick acknowledged that there is no object on the lateral x-rays that corresponds in density and brightness with the 6.5 mm object on the AP x-rays, which, of course, is a physical impossibility unless the x-rays have been altered.
Posted by: Jerry Organ:
Maybe I missed something, but I can't see where the 1991 "Conspiracy of One" or the 1993 book "Case Closed", for example, promote the 6.5 mm object as a sheared bullet fragment.
Are you serious? This is just silly. Juvenile. And dishonest cherry-picking. Did Moore or Posner raise a single question about the 6.5 mm object? Did they discuss a single problem with the idea that it was an FMJ bullet fragment? Hey?
Let's do a quick history review, shall we? Just to show how dishonest and misleading your evasive polemic is.
For years, both sides assumed the 6.5 mm object was a bullet fragment, but skeptics argued, citing powerful forensic and wound ballistics science, that it could not be a fragment from an FMJ bullet. But you guys ignored all this evidence and kept citing the Clark Panel, the RC medical panel, and the HSCA medical panel.
Then, along came the OD measurements, performed by two separate experts, one a physicist and radiation oncologist, and the other a neurologist, which proved that the 6.5 mm object is not metallic and that it is positioned over the image of a small genuine bullet fragment. But you guys ignored this hard science and kept citing the Clark Panel, the RC medical panel, and the HSCA medical panel.
But then, in 2005, Larry SPersonivan went public with his case for why it is impossible for the 6.5 mm object to be an FMJ bullet fragment. Only then did you guys finally face forensic and wound ballistics reality about the object.
But how many years is it going to take to get you guys to admit that there is no rational, credible innocent-artifact explanation? Both sides now agree that the 6.5 mm object is an artifact, but you guys can't bring yourselves to face the obvious fact that it was added after the autopsy and instead float ridiculous innocent explanations for it, only one of which is even theoretically possible.