Surely you're not comparing what you do with good police work? LOL! You dispute every bit of the "first day evidence" and 48-hour-evidence found by the Dallas Police Department and the FBI.
You're lying and misleading again. Now, you knew when you wrote this tripe that I was referring to honest detectives and policemen dealing with genuine evidence in an ethically handled case, which is not what we had with the Dallas Police Department and the FBI in the JFK case.
As you well know, or certainly should know, Dallas Police Department Chief Jesse Curry admitted to the
Dallas Morning News in a 1969 interview that they did not have any proof that Oswald shot JFK:
We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did.
Nobody's yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand. (Dallas Morning News, 6 Nov 1969; for more info on this, see Don Thomas, "Rewriting History: Bugliosi Parses the Testimony,"
To get some idea of the questionable, suspicious, and contradictory nature of the evidence against Oswald, see my article:
Faulty Evidence: Problems with the Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald "second gunman" finding (not accept by all of the Committee's members) was largely based on acoustical analysis (a science then in its early stages). The HSCA acoustics findings were overturned in 1982 by the National Research Council. In science, a theory can be challenged by subsequent analysis.
You're lying and misleading yet again. You know full well that the National Research Council (NRC) panel that rejected the HSCA acoustical evidence did not include a single acoustical scientist, and that the panel was driven by a long-time ardent WC apologist who was later caught misrepresenting data from his own ballistics tests. Why didn't you mention that?
You know full well that the NRC panel's claims were strongly challenged by the HSCA acoustical scientists. You know that in recent years Dr. Josiah Thompson arranged for several acoustical scientists at BBN to conduct additional tests on the acoustical evidence, and that those tests confirmed the acoustical evidence and refuted the NRC panel's main claim about the timing of the impulse patterns on the dictabelt. Dr. Thompson published this historic information last year in his book
Last Second in Dallas. I pointed out all of these facts in a long thread on the acoustical evidence, and you participated in that thread. Yet, here you are citing the NRC panel's bogus findings.
For those who want to see just how flawed and unreliable the NRC panel's analysis is, see the following article:
The HSCA's Acoustical Evidence: Proof of a Second Gunman in the JFK Assassination Justice Department in 1988 reviewed the HSCA findings, finding "reliable acoustic data do not support a conclusion that there was a second gunman" and "that no persuasive evidence can be identified to support the theory of a conspiracy in … the assassination of President Kennedy".
LOL! The 1988 DOJ "review" is a joke. Not a single acoustical scientist participated in that review.
"The acoustic evidence that was the sole objective, scientific support for the existence of a conspiracy in the HSCA investigation was debunked." -- Larry SPersonivan, 2005
You might have mentioned to our readers that SPersonivan is a long-time WC apologist, that he has no background in acoustical science, and that his neuromuscular-reaction theory has been exposed as not just wrong but downright whacky. You might have mentioned that to support his neuromuscular-reaction theory, SPersoniven cited the video of a goat being shot in the head, and that the goat's reaction looks nothing like JFK's reaction in the Z film.
The opposite is true. Oswald didn't speak fluent Russian.
"Lessons took place in a second-floor room after work ... Shushkevich just worked on verbs, and occasionally tried to teach this American colloquial Russian....Their lessons proceeded without great enthusiasm, and Oswald found Russian difficult. He did get to a point where he could achieve understanding if Shushkevich spoke slowly, used gestures, wrote words on pieces of paper, and sometimes brought out a dictionary." -- Stanislav Shushkevich, engineer at the Minsk Factory (Norman Mailer, "Oswald’s Tale" 1995)
I already exposed this claim as erroneous in a previous reply, citing numerous Russian speakers who spoke with Oswald and who said he spoke excellent Russian. I'm mentioning your bogus claim again to provide another example of the fact that you repeatedly make bogus claims that were debunked years ago.
One of your fellow LNers here has already ditched your bogus claim in this very thread and has instead argued that the normally Russian-fluent Oswald suffered some kind of panic or anxiety episode and forgot how to speak Russian when he called the Soviet Consulate in Mexico City.
Yeah, makes perfect sense! The same Oswald who was calm and collected when the gun-toting Officer Baker confronted him less than 2 minutes after Oswald had allegedly shot JFK--this same Oswald became so flustered and excited while requesting a visa over the phone from the Soviet Consulate in Mexico City that he forgot how to speak Russian!
You mean where Blakey wrote to the Secretary of Defense: "Our photographic experts have determined that this camera, or at least the particular lens and shutter attached to it, could not have been used to take JFK's autopsy pictures."? That simply means that if the Graphic View camera provided by the DoD was the 1963 one, then the lens was different. Or there was a additional or different camera used in 1963 that the DoD was not aware of. This does nothing to undermine how the HSCA determined authenticity of the autopsy photographs.
Nope, sorry. You are once again years behind the information curve. I won't accuse you of lying in this instance, because I think the problem is that you simply have not read the post-ARRB research on this issue.
Dr. Gary Aguilar and RN Kathy Cunningham discuss this issue in their article "How Five Investigations Into JFK's Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got It Wrong": HSCA authenticated the Backyard Photographs using, in part, the actual camera that took the photos. Most critics didn't accept that either.
You're lying and misleading again. In a thread on the backyard photos, I personally explained to you, at great length, the gaping holes, dubious claims, and suspicious omissions in the HSCA Photographic Evidence Panel's (PEP) "authentication" of the backyard rifle photos.
-- I pointed out to you that the PEP found only incredibly small differences in the distances between the objects in the backgrounds of the photos, a wildly implausible outcome for photos that were supposedly taken with a lever-operated handheld camera that was passed back and forth between each exposure.
-- I pointed out to you that the PEP was unable to duplicate the variant shadows seen in the backyard photos.
-- I pointed out to you that, incredibly, the PEP refused to publish the Penrose measurements for the backyard figure's chin.
Yet, here you are citing the PEP's alleged authentication again.
For those who want to read more about the HSCA PEP's dubious "authentication" of the backyard rifle photos, here's an article that I've written on the subject:
The HSCA and Fraud in the Backyard Rifle Photos have long acknowledged the Oswald connection to 544 Camp Street. But what Oswald-Shaw connection did the HSCA publish? The CAP picnic photo was accepted by LNers. They didn't go around saying it was faked.
Eee-gads! This is too silly to waste much time on, given the veritable tsunami of evidence that we now have that Oswald worked with Banister, Shaw, and Ferrie. And, for the record, when the CAP picnic photo first came out, most LNers dismissed it as unimportant and argued that it did not prove a Ferrie-Oswald relationship. Remember?
No problem with "hard scientific evidence". Problem with non-peer-reviewed Mantik's "hard scientific evidence". You likewise push forward hardened over-dramatized conclusions rather than focus on a single element and "drill down".
You're lying and misleading again. I've repeatedly pointed out to you that Dr. Mantik's OD research was reviewed by Dr. Arthur Haas, who was the director of Kodak's Department of Medical Physics at the time. I've repeatedly pointed out to you that Dr. Michael Chesser, a neurologist, did his own OD measurements on the autopsy x-rays at the National Archives and that his measurements mirror Dr. Mantik's. I've noted that Dr. Greg Henkelmann, a radiation oncologist, has endoresed Dr. Mantik's OD research. In fact, let's quote from Dr. Henkelmann's endorsement:
Unlike other evidence, optical density data are as “theory free” as possible, as this data deals only with physical measurements. To reject alteration of the JFK skull X-rays is to reject basic physics and radiology. Dr. Mantik has a PhD in physics and has practiced radiation oncology for nearly 40 years; he is thus eminently qualified in both physics and radiology.
Other scientists who have endorsed Dr. Mantik's OD research include Dr. Donald Siple (former chief radiologist at Maryland General Hospital), Dr. Gary Aguilar (an ophthalmology specialist and a former professor of ophthalmology at Stanford University and the University of California), and Dr. Phil Bretz, a general surgeon who has worked extensively in the field of treating certain forms of cancer.
Dr. Bretz was one of the pre-publication reviewers of Dr. Mantik's new book. In fact, Dr. Bretz argued for a stronger title for the book; one of the titles he recommended was "JFK Assassination Paradoxes: Scientific Proof of Conspiracy."
Just look at your pitiful attempts to explain the 6.5 mm object over the years (and in this thread). For years and years, you guys insisted that the object was a bullet fragment, even after Dr. Mantik published his OD measurements on the object. You blindly cited the findings of three government medical panels that said it was a bullet fragment, and you ignored the powerful wound ballistics evidence that the object could not be a fragment from an FMJ bullet, and you ignored Dr. Mantik's OD findings. Then, along came Larry SPersonivan, who, to his great credit, explained why the object could not be an FMJ bullet fragment, and suddenly you guys began to admit that the object was not a bullet fragment after all.
So then you guys were left scrambling to come up with an explanation for how an artifact could have been accidentally formed on a skull x-ray during a presidential autopsy, and how that artifact could be perfectly circular in 3/4 of its shape, could appear on only one skull x-ray and not on any of the others, could end up with a notch that is remarkably neat in shape, could end up perfectly overlapping the image of a small genuine bullet fragment, and could end up being, by what you say is just another coincidence, 6.5 mm in diameter, the same diameter as the ammo allegedly used by Oswald.
We've drilled-down on your claims many times here (ie: the Brehm boy in the Zfilm) and, rather than concede you were proven wrong, you posted more deflections in the form of cut-n-paste "conclusions".
It is comical that you would claim that I was "proven wrong" about the Brehm boy's movements in the Z film. Neither you nor your fellow WC apologists did any such thing. I invite interested readers to go read the exchanges I had with Organ et al on the Brehm boy in the Z film.
I repeat my standing challenge to WC apologists to conduct a simulation of the Brehm boy's movements. If your test subject manages to duplicate those movements in 0.56 seconds, post the video. I conducted my own simulation with my youngest son, and he could never come close to duplicating the Brehm boy's movements in the allotted time.
For more info on the evidence of alteration in the Zapruder film, see my article:
Evidence of Alteration in the Zapruder Film Some of what Mantik believes:
- The Zapruder film is faked ("Special Effects in the Zapruder Film: How the Film of the Century was Edited" 1998)
- Witnesses say Kennedy was struck in the head by two separate shots
- The limousine is stopped in the Moorman Photo
And? You cite these science-backed claims as if they were dubious. Yet, you say nothing about the mountain of research that supports these claims. Are you aware of the Hollywood film experts who've concluded that the Z film has been altered? Are you aware of the new evidence that shows that the Z film was taken to a CIA-contracted lab in New York and that two versions of the film were viewed and briefed at the CIA? Of course you are, because I've discussed these things many times in this forum and in threads in which you participated. Yet, you said nothing about any of this evidence but repeated your talking points.
And, just to clarify, Dr. Mantik has not claimed that witnesses said "JFK was hit in the head twice." He has said that the eyewitness accounts describe two head shots, which they do.