The cat image is the same because both are from 133a. Oswald was shopped out of the empty photo. there are several telltale artifacts of the photo shop like the right bottom half of the picket fence is a cut and paste from the left side. Look at the space between the pickets, the 3rd from the right is the same image as the 6th from the right. Once they took Oswald out they had to paste in the fence that was behind him in 133a. The grass is the hardest part to replace without making it obvious that it is a cut and paste from another section with matching patterns. I photo shopped Oswald out of 133a once and used many small pieces of grass with rotation and some slight smudging and it looked pretty good. Taking Oswald out is not too difficult. I don't think this image was ever put forth as a real photo, just an interesting test to see how well it could be done.