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Author Topic: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination  (Read 17173 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #72 on: December 24, 2022, 10:31:35 AM »
I don't have subscription TV, but I do watch Clips of Tucker's show on YouTube. I like him. I think he's the most honest of the bunch. He does occasionally say stupid or unsupportable things from time to time though. I don't know what he was hoping to accomplish by throwing that bone to the conspiracy believers. It all over the web that the CIA admitted to being involved in the assassination. People are stupid.

Tucker's show is not really a straight up news program. It is an entertainment program to some degree. The program's team of lawyers did what they were hired to do. They used the same defense that Rachel Maddow's lawyers did. That's not something that lefties like you ever bring up.

"The most honest of the bunch." The judge and Fox News lawyers agreed Tucker is not to be taken seriously.
His performances are bait to attract eyeballs to his high paying advertisers' messaging.

OAN employed a Kremlin paid journalist and the political propaganda OAN puts out is identical to Russian disinfo,
 OAN loses appeal in defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow
by Celine Castronuovo - 08/17/21

A columnist of this right wing extremist newspaper supports my point about the difference between Carlson and Maddow,
By Tom Rogan, National Security Writer & Online Editor   July 31, 2019
"..One America News network and the Kremlin's Sputnik outlet like to spread fake news relating to Syria. At times they do so using the same Russian government front. This effort serves the Kremlin's interests.

And that's why One America News network will fail to get the Daily Beast retract a story on OAN's sometime-synergy with the Kremlin. OAN's lawyers are making the same demand of MSNBC, which referenced the Daily Beast's reporting on a recent episode of Rachel Maddow's show.."
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 10:59:49 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #72 on: December 24, 2022, 10:31:35 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #73 on: December 24, 2022, 02:38:17 PM »
I don't have subscription TV, but I do watch Clips of Tucker's show on YouTube. I like him. I think he's the most honest of the bunch. He does occasionally say stupid or unsupportable things from time to time though. I don't know what he was hoping to accomplish by throwing that bone to the conspiracy believers. It all over the web that the CIA admitted to being involved in the assassination. People are stupid.

Tucker's show is not really a straight up news program. It is an entertainment program to some degree. The program's team of lawyers did what they were hired to do. They used the same defense that Rachel Maddow's lawyers did. That's not something that lefties like you ever bring up.

There was a time when the liberals questioned what they were told by the government, supported free speech, and opposed endless war.  Sadly those days are long gone.  It's now the conservatives who do those things while the leftist media tows the line like a state sponsored propaganda network.  Tucker gets some things wrong like this bit about a conspiracy to kill JFK.  But at least he questions the nonsense that is espoused by the corrupt establishment.  Most recently that Russia blew up its own pipeline.  Something that makes absolutely no sense but that is what they told the public.  And then silence. 

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #74 on: December 24, 2022, 03:41:34 PM »
There was a time when the liberals questioned what they were told by the government, supported free speech, and opposed endless war.  Sadly those days are long gone.  It's now the conservatives who do those things while the leftist media tows the line like a state sponsored propaganda network.  Tucker gets some things wrong like this bit about a conspiracy to kill JFK.  But at least he questions the nonsense that is espoused by the corrupt establishment.  Most recently that Russia blew up its own pipeline.  Something that makes absolutely no sense but that is what they told the public.  And then silence.

On this we agree. I consider myself to be politically Progressive and vehemently disagree with most of Tucker's content.

But what annoys me the most is that there's currently no one in the so called "Liberal media" that questions US foreign policies and challenges the military industrial complex as strongly as Tucker does. People like Michael Moore and Oliver Stone have basically been neutered by today's Liberal media which frequently defends the FBI and CIA.

The truth about the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage will be swept under the rug because it's clear that Russia didn't do it. 
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 03:43:18 PM by Jon Banks »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #74 on: December 24, 2022, 03:41:34 PM »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #75 on: December 24, 2022, 04:05:02 PM »
"The most honest of the bunch." The judge and Fox News lawyers agreed Tucker is not to be taken seriously.
His performances are bait to attract eyeballs to his high paying advertisers' messaging.

OAN employed a Kremlin paid journalist and the political propaganda OAN puts out is identical to Russian disinfo,
 OAN loses appeal in defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow
by Celine Castronuovo - 08/17/21

A columnist of this right wing extremist newspaper supports my point about the difference between Carlson and Maddow,
By Tom Rogan, National Security Writer & Online Editor   July 31, 2019
"..One America News network and the Kremlin's Sputnik outlet like to spread fake news relating to Syria. At times they do so using the same Russian government front. This effort serves the Kremlin's interests.

And that's why One America News network will fail to get the Daily Beast retract a story on OAN's sometime-synergy with the Kremlin. OAN's lawyers are making the same demand of MSNBC, which referenced the Daily Beast's reporting on a recent episode of Rachel Maddow's show.."
interesting stuff, oui, tom?  merry christmas+

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2022, 04:29:36 PM »
Anyone else find it strange how Carlson accusing the CIA of killing JFK was broadly ignored by the mainstream media?

Carlson currently has the most popular prime time news show and the MSM has covered him when he has said other controversial stuff. Most notably when he accused the NSA of tapping his phone.

But it's been crickets from them on the JFK assassination episode. So weird...
Carlson had an anonymous guest on making completely unsubstantiated claims. What is there to report on? You think this was good journalism on Carlson's part? Challenging the government is fine but that doesn't mean the challenges themselves go unchallenged. Isn't the complaint that people who challenged the Trump Administration and President Trump were uncritically relied upon?

Question: Why would the same media that exposed the abuses by Hoover and the FBI, e.g., Cointelpro, the CIA's abuses, the lies of Vietnam and Watergate and other abuses/crimes cover up for the CIA's murder of JFK? Why would they expose one but not the other?

This was the sainted JFK, a hero to the liberal establishment. I find it completely illogical for the media like the NY Times and Washington Post who certainly didn't care for LBJ or Hoover or the CIA to then turn around and cover for the murder of Kennedy. It's even worse than illogical, there isn't the slightest evidence for it. No one who worked for those outlets, to my knowledge, has ever come forward and exposed this corruption.

The idea that all of these people over nearly 60 years - several generations of Americans in government and outside - have covered up for the CIA's murder of JFK has no basis in fact whatsoever. Is there a group of guardians in government over these decades who have kept this secret? Even today? Is this remotely possible?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2022, 04:29:36 PM »

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #77 on: December 24, 2022, 04:37:13 PM »
About two months before the assassination, Oswald goes to Mexico City to try to defect to Cuba. He tells the Soviet Embassy people/KGB agents that he meets that he needs to escape the US, that "I am afraid...they'll kill me!" He brings out a revolver and says he needs it to protect himself.

This is a man who does not like the US, he thinks "they'll kill me". If he did like it, he wouldn't be trying to escape to Cuba.

But if you think this was all an act, that when he was 16 and 17 and expressed radical views that he was really pretending to hold them (for what reason? He's a 17 year old HS dropout; is he nuts?), then never mind.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 05:13:30 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2022, 04:53:26 PM »
Carlson had an anonymous guest on making completely unsubstantiated claims. What is there to report on? You think this was good journalism on Carlson's part?

As I said, in the past, when Tucker has made controversial or hateful remarks on his show, the mainstream media has covered it even when they were skeptical about his credibility.

The best example from last year was his claim that the NSA spied on him:

Tucker Carlson claimed the NSA is spying on him. Even his own colleagues don’t seem to believe it

The AP, NY Times, and NBC News also published articles about Tucker's claim about the NSA.

Do I think Tucker refusing to name his CIA source is good journalism? No. I don't think he should've made such a bold claim without citing documentary evidence or naming his source. But regardless of how weak his allegation is, it's newsworthy that such a serious allegation was made on a popular prime time cable TV show. Tucker has a huge audience.

As they did with Tucker's NSA allegation, why couldn't the mainstream media reported on Tucker's JFK claim with heavy skepticism and fact-checks? Their silence speaks volumes.

I'm not saying the silence means that Carlson's claim is credible. What I believe it mean is, JFK assassination conspiracy speculation is still very taboo in the mainstream media even while there are signs that things may be changing.

Question: Why would the same media that exposed the abuses by Hoover and the FBI, e.g., Cointelpro, the CIA's abuses, the lies of Vietnam and Watergate and other abuses/crimes cover up for the CIA's murder of JFK? Why would they expose one but not the other?

The media didn't expose all of those things. Whistleblowers came forward and the news media at least did their jobs and reported on the revelations that the Whistleblowers highlighted. The same is true of the Wikileaks and Edward Snowden stuff. The media reported on their information but didn't break the stories via their own investigations.

In contrast, revelations about the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK have been for the most part ignored or downplayed by the mainstream media. You have to be blind to not see how their behavior is different on those sensitive topics.

This was the sainted JFK, a hero to the liberal establishment. I find it completely illogical for the media like the NY Times and Washington Post who certainly didn't care for LBJ or Hoover or the CIA to then turn around and cover for the murder of Kennedy. It's even worse than illogical, there isn't the slightest evidence for it. No one who worked for those outlets, to my knowledge, has ever come forward and exposed this corruption.

It's not corruption. News outlets have the right or privilege to cover or not cover whatever stories they want and put whatever spin on the stories that they want. We can speculate on their motives but we'll never know for certain. It's not something that would need to be explained in court.

Operation Mockingbird was real and it didn't end in the 1970s. The example of NBC's Ken Dilanian is proof of that.

National security reporters build close relationships with their sources in the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc and don't want to ruin those relationships by publishing stuff that embarrasses the military or spy agencies.

But also, people like me don't get hired at the Washington Post or NBC News. They hire likeminded people who are middle of the road in their political views, not people who are critics of the military industrial complex and the CIA.

So Groupthink plays a role too. There's no need for a conspiratorial explanation when certain explanations are more obvious. These folks attend the same elite colleges, live in the same neighborhoods between DC and NYC, think alike, and have the same interests.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 08:12:45 PM by Jon Banks »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #79 on: December 26, 2022, 12:41:28 AM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #79 on: December 26, 2022, 12:41:28 AM »