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Author Topic: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination  (Read 17196 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #64 on: December 18, 2022, 09:21:38 PM »
The conspiracy believers have a mythical Oswald - he was really a CIA agent pretending to hold radical views - and a mythical JFK - he was really a critic of American foreign policy and was going to end the Cold War - and out of these myths they create this incredible conspiracy involving hundreds of people over decades. It's insanity.

The WC faithful have a mythical Oswald too — one who murdered the president.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #64 on: December 18, 2022, 09:21:38 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2022, 10:55:00 PM »
Long read and deep-dive into the career of Dr. Jolly West:


The most sensitive work was conducted far from Langley — farmed out to scientists at colleges, hospitals, prisons, and military bases all over the United States and Canada. The CIA gave these scientists aliases, funneled money to them, and instructed them on how to conceal their research from prying eyes, including those of their unknowing subjects.

Their work encompassed everything from electronic brain stimulation to sensory deprivation to “induced pain” and “psychosis.”
They sought ways to cause heart attacks, severe twitching, and intense cluster headaches. If drugs didn’t do the trick, they’d try to master ESP, ultrasonic vibrations, and radiation poisoning. One project tried to harness the power of magnetic fields.

MKUltra was so highly classified that when John McCone succeeded Dulles as CIA director late in 1961, he was not informed of its existence until 1963. Fewer than half a dozen agency brass were aware of it at any period during its 20-year history.
West’s professional fascination with LSD was practically as old as the drug itself. For several decades, he was one of an elite cadre of scientists using it in top-secret research. Lysergic acid diethylamide was synthesized in 1938 by chemists at Switzerland’s Sandoz Industries, but it was not introduced as a pharmaceutical until 1947. In the fifties, when the CIA began to experiment on humans with it, it was a new substance. Albert Hofmann, the Swiss scientist who’d discovered its hallucinogenic qualities in 1943, described it as a “sacred drug” that gestured toward “the mystical experience of a deeper, comprehensive reality.”

In the ’50s, even before hippies embraced the drug, “Very few people took LSD without having somebody being a ‘trip leader,’” Charles Fischer, a drug researcher, told me. The suggestibility from LSD was akin to that associated with hypnosis; West had studied the two in tandem. “You can tell somebody to hurt somebody, but you call it something else,” Fischer explained. “Hammer the nail into the wood, and the wood, perhaps, is a human being.”
Surviving records named 80 institutions, including 44 universities and colleges, and 185 researchers, among them Louis Jolyon West. The Times identified West as one of less than a dozen suspected scientists who’d secretly participated in MKUltra under academic cover.

Yet not one researcher was ever federally investigated, nor were any victims ever notified. Despite the outrage of congressional leaders and more than three years of headlines about the brutalities of the program, no one — not the “Black Sorcerer” Sidney Gottlieb, nor senior CIA official Richard Helms, nor Jolly West — suffered any legal consequences.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2022, 08:33:32 PM »
Jeff Morley: Tucker Carlson, the Liberal Media, and JFK

The coverage of the U.S. government’s latest JFK document dump on December 15 marked a sea change in how American mass media talks about Kennedy's assassination.

“I turned on “Morning Joe” and I thought I was at a conference in Dallas,” one researcher told me. Jim DiEugenio, producer of Oliver Stone’s JFK documentary, laughed at out loud when I asked him about Tucker Carlson’s scorching JFK segment on Fox, which JFK’s nephew, Robert Kennedy Jr., called, in a now-deleted tweet, “the most courageous broadcast in 60 years,”

Katy Tur at MSNBC expressed hope for full JFK disclosure soon. So did Jim Acosta at CNN. NBC’s Chuck Todd was even tougher, reporting “The law demands full JFK record release, but ‘clearly the CIA doesn’t care about those consequences.”’

When I got together with two experienced national security reporters, Mike Isikoff of Yahoo News, and Phil Shenon, former New York Times reporter, we had a serious discussion about details at the heart of the enduring controversy about the causes of Kennedy’s murder. They made a cogent case for their views. I did the same for mine. We didn’t bicker about conspiracy theories. We talked about the facts.

The coverage on the Smithsonion magazine web site was respectful. The New York Post published a fine feature on Mary Ferrell, a Dallas legal secretary whose JFK research became the basis for the web site of the Mary Ferrell Foundation. The internet’s largest collection of searchable, authenticated JFK documents. (Full disclosure: the author is the vice president of the foundation.)

The traditional mode of mainstream JFK journalism—airy (or vitriolic) dismissal of anyone with doubts about the official story—was replaced by common sense skepticism about the CIA’s penchant for assassination secrecy, a willingness to hear alternative views, and in Carlson’s case, a full-throated prime time TV attack on the government’s credibility.

Nothing like this has happened in decades. The landscape of the JFK assassination story has shifted beneath our feet.

I mentioned earlier how the mainstream media seems to be shifting away from the habit of avoiding conspiracy speculation in JFK assassination reporting. Jeff seems to have noticed the trend as well.

While this is a welcome change, the real test for the media will be their handling of the 60th anniversary next year. Hopefully the coverage won't be as one-sided as the 50th anniversary.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 08:46:57 PM by Jon Banks »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #66 on: December 19, 2022, 08:33:32 PM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #67 on: December 20, 2022, 03:22:46 PM »
Quote from: Steve M. Galbraith on December 18, 2022, 04:37:42 PM
The conspiracy believers have a mythical Oswald - he was really a CIA agent pretending to hold radical views - and a mythical JFK - he was really a critic of American foreign policy and was going to end the Cold War - and out of these myths they create this incredible conspiracy involving hundreds of people over decades. It's insanity.

Really? CIA and FBI agents who were working in a covert capacity pretended to hold different political views rather frequently. There's nothing wild or insane about assuming that Oswald was doing the same, especially given the evidence we now have regarding his intelligence connections.

And who says the conspiracy involved "hundreds of people"? "Hundreds"? Where do you get that? Most of the people who took part in the cover-up were not conspirators, had no knowledge of a conspiracy, and were just following orders. All the military medical aides/technicians at the autopsy were placed under a gag order and were threatened with a court martial if they violated it--that's why many years passed before any of them began to talk about what they had seen. The few Dallas law enforcement officers who spoke out about suspicious things they had witnessed were subject to harassment and threats--one of them was murdered.

Do you have any idea how many secret and illegal government operations went undiscovered for decades, even though dozens of people participated in them? It took over 20 years before the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on blacks were uncovered. It took at least 10 years before information about the illegal radiation tests on inmates in the early 1960s began to come to light, and only in the 1990s did we learn the full scope of the illegal program. Take a guess how many years passed before the 1962 Joint Chiefs of Staff's Operation Northwoods proposal was revealed? 35 years--it was finally uncovered in 1997 by the ARRB.


Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2022, 04:25:07 PM »
And who says the conspiracy involved "hundreds of people"? "Hundreds"? Where do you get that?

It’s a strawman that the WC faithful invented so that they can say “Isn’t this insane? Therefore Oswald did it”.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #68 on: December 20, 2022, 04:25:07 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #69 on: December 20, 2022, 04:32:53 PM »
Really? CIA and FBI agents who were working in a covert capacity pretended to hold different political views rather frequently. There's nothing wild or insane about assuming that Oswald was doing the same, especially given the evidence we now have regarding his intelligence connections.

True. While I believe Oswald probably was politically Liberal (like Ruth and Michael Paine), I don't believe he 'hated America' or was a devoted Communist.

His actions in 1959 and when he moved to New Orleans in 1963 smell like intelligence operations. He typically was a quiet and private guy but in both cases (Russia in 1959 and New Orleans in 1963) he went out of his way to draw attention to himself and get noticed by the Press.

And who says the conspiracy involved "hundreds of people"? "Hundreds"? Where do you get that? Most of the people who took part in the cover-up were not conspirators, had no knowledge of a conspiracy, and were just following orders. All the military medical aides/technicians at the autopsy were placed under a gag order and were threatened with a court martial if they violated it--that's why many years passed before any of them began to talk about what they had seen. The few Dallas law enforcement officers who spoke out about suspicious things they had witnessed were subject to harassment and threats--one of them was murdered.

Do you have any idea how many secret and illegal government operations went undiscovered for decades, even though dozens of people participated in them? It took over 20 years before the Tuskegee syphilis experiments on blacks were uncovered. It took at least 10 years before information about the illegal radiation tests on inmates in the early 1960s began to come to light, and only in the 1990s did we learn the full scope of the illegal program. Take a guess how many years passed before the 1962 Joint Chiefs of Staff's Operation Northwoods proposal was revealed? 35 years--it was finally uncovered in 1997 by the ARRB.

Conflating the plausible conspiracy and confirmed coverups is how they avoid addressing legit questions about the former.

Of course, no one here has assumed that every person involved with the conspiracy or coverups knew the truth. People who are directly or indirectly involved stay silent in order to protect their livelihoods and families. Some people don't want to know the truth if it's going to get them in trouble.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 04:45:01 PM by Jon Banks »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #70 on: December 23, 2022, 09:52:54 PM »
Anyone else find it strange how Carlson accusing the CIA of killing JFK was broadly ignored by the mainstream media?

Carlson currently has the most popular prime time news show and the MSM has covered him when he has said other controversial stuff. Most notably when he accused the NSA of tapping his phone.

But it's been crickets from them on the JFK assassination episode. So weird...

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #71 on: December 24, 2022, 02:08:14 AM »
I think this thread explains a lot about what people believe and who they believe in. Carlson is nothing but a showman. A liar. He'll say anything as long as it drums up ratings for the network he works for. You simply cannot trust anything that comes out of his mouth, yet there are people - like those replying here - who do actually believe the nonsense he talks about.

And he was sued for it too.

And when things get too close to home this is what happens:

I'm amazed there are people on here who actually take his word for anything he says. At the same time, I shouldn't be too amazed on here as there really are a huge number of biased folks on here who simply can't handle the truth about the JFK murder.

I don't have subscription TV, but I do watch Clips of Tucker's show on YouTube. I like him. I think he's the most honest of the bunch. He does occasionally say stupid or unsupportable things from time to time though. I don't know what he was hoping to accomplish by throwing that bone to the conspiracy believers. It all over the web that the CIA admitted to being involved in the assassination. People are stupid.

Tucker's show is not really a straight up news program. It is an entertainment program to some degree. The program's team of lawyers did what they were hired to do. They used the same defense that Rachel Maddow's lawyers did. That's not something that lefties like you ever bring up.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2022, 02:19:10 AM by Tim Nickerson »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Tucker Carlson on the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #71 on: December 24, 2022, 02:08:14 AM »