Sarcasm aside, what is the point of anyone looking at the evidence, so they can decide for themselves, if they are going to assume that they are seeing what they expect to see?
How LNers are different from most people, is that there are a lot of things that line up with a shot at z-222:
* The movement of Connally's "soon to be hit" right shoulder from z-223 forward.
* The movement of Connally's "soon to be hit" coat from z-223 through z-225.
* The jerking up of Connally's "soon to be hit" right wrist from z-226 through z-232.
* The jerking up of both of JFK's "hit well before" elbows starting at z226, where both elbows are held high (and more or less locked in place) through z-312.
* The Zapruder camera blurring at z-227.
* The alignment (as far as we can tell) of the sniper's nest, JFK's neck wounds and Connally's back wound right around z222.
A fantastic set of coincidences, if the SBT is false and a bullet did not strike both, right about at z-222.
I don't see why it would be a coincidence for both men to react to the first shot. They are both reacting to the same stimulus. So they are not independent events. A coincidence would be events having independent causes occurring at the same time.
Don't see any coincidences?
How about Connally's initial reactions being related to his wounds?
* The forward movement of Connally's
right shoulder, both the location and direction of the bullet corresponding to the location and direction of Connally's movement.
* The movement of the
right side of Connally's coat, again, near the location of the bullet exiting Connally's chest.
* The movement of Connally's
right wrist, again, near the location of the bullet striking the wrist.
* There is also the jerking up of JFK's elbows right at the time, although, yes, this could be the result of JFK being wounded, while Connally was reacting to hearing this same shot. Although it would be strange that Connally movements correspond to Connally's wounds that would occur about three seconds later, movement of his shoulder, coat and wrist.
* And the coincidence of the lining up of the sniper's nest, JFK's neck wound and Connally's back wound. LNers were fantastically lucky that this movement of Connally occurred in the z220's, when these wound locations line up so well with the SBT. It would have been far better for CTers if these movements started after z-240, when these locations were not lined up.
* And the coincidence of the Zapruder camera jiggle at z-227, corresponding with a shot at z-222.
These may all be coincidences. But if so they are real coincidences that support the SBT. If there were plotters behind this assassination, they were very lucky to have so many things fall their way. Not at least seeing some coincidences shows how strong your bias is.