Someone is arrogant with few scruples. This is like you claiming all LNers believe the SBT occurred at Z224. Most LNers now go with the "cowlick"-level inshoot. Try to get up to speed on these things.
A near-EOP shot would have shattered the lower right skull and half the floor, with little metal, if any, exiting That's inconsistent with the autopsy photos and descriptions, and the gaping head wound location seen in the Zapruder film.. Humes saw the problem in the 1967 "Military Review" and the "Clark Panel" saw it immediately. If Humes had bared the EOP (there's a lot of attachments there to clear away), I believe he would have taken a picture of the skull entry wound in relation to the bared EOP. Instead Humes relied on feeling through the scalp for the EOP and reflecting the scalp without baring the EOP
Humes seems to have measured from the skull mid-line to the skull entry wound ("2.5 cm. laterally"). Problem is there's no mid-line visible on the exterior of the occipital bone, but there is a mid-line right over from the "cowlick"-level entry wound (Clark Panel, HSCA).
LOL! Oh my goodness. You once again prove that you have no clue what you are talking about. For the benefit of newcomers, I should list all the stunning howlers you have provided over just the last three years in this forum, but interested readers can check out our exchanges earlier in this thread and on threads about the SBT, the skull x-rays, the 11/22/63 Parkland medical reports, the backyard rifle photos, and other topics.
A few points in reply:
-- You might want to read your own and best wound ballistics expert, Dr. Larry SPersonivan, regarding why the cowlick entry site is pure bunk.
-- Dr. Finck had photos taken of the rear head entry wound, as he told the ARRB, but those photos never made it into the official record.
-- The idea that two pathologists in anatomy (Humes and Boswell), a board-certified forensic pathologist (Finck), not to mention the chief autopsy photographer (Stringer) and the radiologist (Ebersole), "mistook" a wound in the cowlick for a wound that was nearly 4 inches lower is preposterous, especially given the fact that that they had the hairline, the EOP, and the lamda as reference points.
-- Every single autopsy witness,
every single one, who commented on the location of the rear head entry wound said it was exactly where the autopsy doctors placed it.
-- Dr. Boswell told both the HSCA and the ARRB that part of the rear head entry wound was contained in a late-arriving skull fragment, and he specified that the wound was in the location described in the autopsy report.
-- A bullet that entered at the EOP site would
not have "shattered the lower right skull and half the floor" if it had been fired from a lower window of the Dal-Tex Building or the County Records Building.
-- A bullet fired from the sixth-floor window and that entered at the debunked cowlick entry site would have entered at a 15-degree downward angle and would have been traveling at a leftward horizontal angle (right to left)--and therefore could not have exited above the right ear. Only someone willing to self-delude themselves could claim otherwise.
-- The HSCA's trajectory expert operated without knowing where the Forensic Pathology Panel (FPP) placed the alleged path of the bullet and without knowing that the FPP had to assume that JFK's head was tilted forward by about 27 degrees to make the path "work"--and the FPP was using the cowlick entry site. Canning put the forward tilt of JFK's head at just 11 degrees.
Andrew Mason's reply is gibberish. The WC's own diagram of the bullet's alleged path (CE 388) has Kennedy leaning nearly 60 degrees forward, as scholars have been noting for decades. See h
-- One of the HSCA's radiologists noted that the high fragment trail does
not align with the cowlick entry site. Dr. Joseph Riley, Dr. Gary Aguilar, Dr. David Mantik, and many others have made the same point. In fact, as they have also pointed out, the fragment trail does not even extend to or from the cowlick site.
-- The back-of-head fragment within the 6.5 mm object is
below the cowlick entry site, which, among other things, means it could not have "sheared off" an FMJ bullet that was entering at a downward angle--any shearing would have occurred at the top of the bullet, not the bottom. This is one of the cold, hard facts of physics that Donahue zeroed in on as he delved into the forensic evidence regarding the 6.5 mm object.
-- No FMJ missile in the history of forensic science has ever deposited a fragment on the outer table of the skull as it entered the skull, especially not from its cross section. Not one of the bullets fired into skulls in the WC's wound ballistics tests behaved in this manner. To make matters worse, in the JFK case, per the lone-gunman theory, the 6.5 mm object would have had to come
from the bullet's cross section, since the nose and tail of the bullet were found in the limousine. As Dr. SPersonivan noted, this is simply an impossible fantasy.