Anyway, WC apologists, as we've seen, have no even halfway credible answers for the Z186 shot reactions. Admitting that the Zapruder film shows that JFK was hit before Z190 was perhaps the most contentious and controversial issue that the HSCA PEP discussed, because of the obvious implications, given the fact that the sixth-floor gunman's view of JFK would have been obstructed by the oak tree from Z166-210.
Let's have a look at some of Michael's "obvious facts".
This is from the OP:
"...the HSCA admitted that the Zapruder film shows that JFK was hit with a shot at around Z186-190. JFK's cheeks puff at Z188. At around Z200, JFK's movements suddenly freeze; his right hand abruptly stops in the middle of a waving motion; his right hand also drops to the chin or throat level in a fraction of a second and stays there until he disappears behind the freeway sign at Z207; and his head moves rapidly from the right toward his wife on his left. The HSCA's photographic experts detected a strong blur/jiggle episode from Z189-197. Here's the problem for the lone-gunman theory: The sixth-floor gunman's view of JFK was obscured by the intervening oak tree from Z166-209. Obviously, this shot did not come from the sixth-floor window."One of the key "shot reactions" put forward by the HSCA was a rapid movement of JFK's head from right to left. Over two years ago, in my "The First Shot" thread, I debunked this notion:
Look at the hairline of JFK in the following frames:

In the top pic (z207, just before he passes behind Stemmons sign) the parting in his hair on the left side of his head can just be made out. Certainly the way his fringe sweeps up to the parting is clearly visible.
In the second pic (z225, first full frame of JFK emerging from behind Stemmons) his parting is not so visible but the sweep of his hair up to it is.
In the bottom pic (z230, JFK facing straight ahead) the part of his forehead revealed by the sweep of his hairline up to the parting is no longer visible.
Far from turning to his left JFK is still looking to his right as he passes behind the Stemmons sign (z207).
There is no head-snap to the left and, therefore, no reason to suspect JFK is reacting to anything.In this thread, Reply #32, Gerry posted this clip, also demonstrating there was no head snap from right to left:

The HSCA were completely wrong about this point and this has been clearly demonstrated.
If they were wrong about such a fundamental claim, what other "obvious facts" are in doubt?
Did JFK's hand "freeze" before he passed behind the Stemmons sign?
Looking at Gerry's clip, it's not what I'm seeing - JFK is waving to the crowd, his head is turned to the right, he begins to turn his head forward and he lowers his hand.
That's all!!
JFK is still lowering his hand as he passes from behind the Stemmons sign - that is a fact! Therefore he is not grabbing for his throat.
There are zero obvious "shot reactions"
before JFK passes behind the Stemmons sign. Not a single one.
So much for "obvious facts".