What about the movement and head turn left of SS agent Hickey coincident with the Willis girl stopping?

Aah...the Conspiratorial Mind at work.
And the Golden Rule of the Conspiratorial Mind -
"if two things happen at the same time, they must be connected".
This thread is a product of this Golden Rule. Pick a point in the Z-film, and any detail that happens at that point is a "shot reaction".
Hickey moves while Willis is stopping...so what?
As Willis stops JFK begins to wave to the crowd. Are you telling me these things are connected?
In fact, why don't we create a new conspiracy theory centered around Rosemary Willis and her movements...
Notice, no-one else in Dealey Plaza is running alongside the presidential limo. RW is the only one. Why? It's almost as if she's tracking the vehicle.
Notice that one second after RW stops running JFK is shot in the throat. Are you telling me that's a coincidence?
Notice it is RW's own father who takes the last picture of JFK before he is shot. Coincidence? Really?
Notice that RW is the only person in Dealey Plaza wearing a hood. It turned out to be a beautiful day yet RW feels the need to cover up. Is she trying to disguise herself?
Notice RW is wearing red and white. A red star on a white background ringing any bells? "A symbol that has often historically been associated with communist ideology". What a shock.
Could it be that this so-called little girl is actually renowned Russian midget assassin, Bogdan Stashinsky, who is signalling for the shooting to begin. This would explain the hooded disguise, the colours and the fact the shooting begins immediately after "she" signals.
I fully expect this new conspiracy theory to be doing the rounds within the next few weeks.