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Author Topic: Why would the Soviets/KGB withhold info on Oswald's Mexico City impersonator?  (Read 8877 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2022, 07:10:05 PM »
Eldon Rudd cable/memo sent to from Mexico City about the materials he was given by Win Scott. Rudd was a FBI special agent who carried this material to Dallas which was then seen/read by the agents there. As you can see at the bottom he mentions that the tapes had "been erased and are not available for review."

Note as well that the KGB agents were shown the photos of the unidentified person that the CIA believed was "possibly" the person who said he was Oswald - possibly - and all said the man did not identify himself as Oswald. The Oswald they met was the real Oswald.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2022, 08:54:28 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2022, 07:10:05 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2022, 08:20:45 PM »
I’m still not sure what the point of Steve’s question is.

And multiple sources have confirmed that the tapes of Oswald’s alleged phone calls existed after the JFK assassination.

See below from JFKFacts:

The existence of the Oswald tape remained a matter of speculation until 1993 when former Warren Commission staff attorneys David Slawson and William Coleman told author Anthony Summers that Mexico City station chief Win Scott had played the Oswald tape for them during their visit to Mexico City in April 1964.

Why does it matter?

The existence of the Oswald tape was important because a voice comparison of the tape with other recordings of Oswald would have resolved whether Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, as Hoover suggested to LBJ and as Bill Simplich argues in his new book State Secret.

If the voice on the tape was Oswald’s, the CIA could have refuted the claim that Oswald was impersonated by simply releasing the tape. Since the CIA chose not to do this, the possibility that the voice on the tape was not Oswald’s cannot be dismissed.

And if it was ever proven that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, the case for a JFK assassination conspiracy would be strengthened.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2022, 08:22:14 PM by Jon Banks »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2023, 12:37:36 AM »
I’m still not sure what the point of Steve’s question is.

And multiple sources have confirmed that the tapes of Oswald’s alleged phone calls existed after the JFK assassination.

See below from JFKFacts:

The existence of the Oswald tape remained a matter of speculation until 1993 when former Warren Commission staff attorneys David Slawson and William Coleman told author Anthony Summers that Mexico City station chief Win Scott had played the Oswald tape for them during their visit to Mexico City in April 1964.

Why does it matter?

The existence of the Oswald tape was important because a voice comparison of the tape with other recordings of Oswald would have resolved whether Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, as Hoover suggested to LBJ and as Bill Simplich argues in his new book State Secret.

If the voice on the tape was Oswald’s, the CIA could have refuted the claim that Oswald was impersonated by simply releasing the tape. Since the CIA chose not to do this, the possibility that the voice on the tape was not Oswald’s cannot be dismissed.

And if it was ever proven that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, the case for a JFK assassination conspiracy would be strengthened.

The existence of the Oswald tape remained a matter of speculation until 1993 when former Warren Commission staff attorneys David Slawson and William Coleman told author Anthony Summers that Mexico City station chief Win Scott had played the Oswald tape for them during their visit to Mexico City in April 1964.

David Belin was with Slawson and Coleman on that trip. I don’t believe that he has corroborated this. Also, the link you provided to the web page has a dead link to the video.

(Summers explains how he got the story in this video from Mary Ferrell Foundation.)

Have you seen Summers’ video explanation? Do you have a working link to it?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2023, 12:37:36 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2023, 02:07:42 AM »
I’m still not sure what the point of Steve’s question is.

And multiple sources have confirmed that the tapes of Oswald’s alleged phone calls existed after the JFK assassination.

See below from JFKFacts:

The existence of the Oswald tape remained a matter of speculation until 1993 when former Warren Commission staff attorneys David Slawson and William Coleman told author Anthony Summers that Mexico City station chief Win Scott had played the Oswald tape for them during their visit to Mexico City in April 1964.

Why does it matter?

The existence of the Oswald tape was important because a voice comparison of the tape with other recordings of Oswald would have resolved whether Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, as Hoover suggested to LBJ and as Bill Simplich argues in his new book State Secret.

If the voice on the tape was Oswald’s, the CIA could have refuted the claim that Oswald was impersonated by simply releasing the tape. Since the CIA chose not to do this, the possibility that the voice on the tape was not Oswald’s cannot be dismissed.

And if it was ever proven that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City, the case for a JFK assassination conspiracy would be strengthened.

The Slawson/Coleman report on their trip to MXC was finally released a few years ago, having been classified and held back in 1964. In that report, Coleman and Slawson said they were allowed to peruse the "materials" related to Oswald in a secure room. They don't say tapes or anything that would lead one to believe they heard tapes, but they also don't say anything that precludes these "materials" from including tapes.


They don't say that Win Scott played a tape of Oswald for them. In this 1964 version, the tape Win Scott plays for them is a recoding of phone traffic between the Cuban Embassy in MXC and Comrade Fidel himself. Not an Oswald call. In '64, they never mention anything specifically about listening to a tape of Oswald when they were in MXC, which would be a strange omission had they heard one. Also, IIRC, in Shennon's book, Coleman's and Slawson's later version of what happened is more ambiguous than what Summers reported.

And if we assume, arguendo, that Win Scott actually had tapes of the Oswald calls, it is not a given that he would have turned them over to the FBI.

There is an interesting coda to this. The MXC station's Russian translators, the Tarasoffs, were responsible for both transcribing the tapes and translating the contents. The Tarasoffs said their turnaround from receiving a tape to returning it with a transcription was 3-4 days. Anne Goodpasture , who oversaw the wiretap program in MXC, said that the tapes were returned to her after a week. It's certainly possible that one Tarasoff's "3-4 days" could be another Goodpasture's "one week," but I wonder if the tapes were being diverted to a third party for a day or two for copying. The obvious suspect here would be Win Scott's partners in the wiretap program, his friends in the upper reaches of the dominant faction of the PRI. If you go back and read the documents from Newman's original Lancer presentation, there is a cable from MEXI station saying that a source in the Mexican government claims to have "conversations." Given this, it's not much of a stretch to believe that there might be a separate source for the recordings. Just one that the CIAs MXC station did nopt have direct access to.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2023, 02:22:00 AM by Mitch Todd »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2023, 03:37:58 PM »

The existence of the Oswald tape remained a matter of speculation until 1993 when former Warren Commission staff attorneys David Slawson and William Coleman told author Anthony Summers that Mexico City station chief Win Scott had played the Oswald tape for them during their visit to Mexico City in April 1964.

David Belin was with Slawson and Coleman on that trip. I don’t believe that he has corroborated this. Also, the link you provided to the web page has a dead link to the video.

(Summers explains how he got the story in this video from Mary Ferrell Foundation.)

Have you seen Summers’ video explanation? Do you have a working link to it?

It’s an old article. I think Anthony Summers’ blog is down permanently.

The article cites several examples of people who claimed that the tapes existed after the JFK assassination.

Given how much the CIA has lied and obstructed in the JFK assassination investigations, it seems plausible that the Mexico City stuff is another cover-up. And the CIA, not the Soviets, are responsible for the murkiness and ambiguity of this issue…

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2023, 03:37:58 PM »

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2023, 11:02:37 PM »
NOVEMBER 24, 2013 · 5:20 PM↓ Jump to Comments
Intended Talk to COPA by Anthony Summers: Where the JFK Case Sits 11/22/2013
Dallas talk for COPA….November 22, ’13…..from Anthony Summers
(did not go ahead, because of technical problems)

"..Two of the calls Oswald supposedly made to the Soviet Embassy appear not to have been made by the real Oswald. Could one not establish whether that is so by comparing the voice on the tape with the known voice of the authentic Oswald? A good specimen was available, a recent broadcast he had done in connection with his pro-Castro activity in New Orleans.

Well no, said the CIA. It claimed the Mexico surveillance tapes had been “routinely” wiped weeks before the assassination – because, it claimed, Oswald had supposedly, been of no interest at the time.
Except, we now know from the draft memoir left behind by the then CIA station chief in Mexico City, Winston Scott, that – in his words – Oswald “had been a person of great interest to us” during his visit. “We kept a special watch” on him.
Except, too, that we now know the tapes were not routinely wiped before the assassination. Senior Warren Commission counsel William Coleman and his fellow Commission attorney David Slawson, and – in his retirement – the CIA station chief’s deputy, all told me that they listened to Oswald’s tape-recorded voice in April 1964 months after the assassination. What became of the recording – and indeed of the photographs that must have been snapped of Oswald on one of a total of five visits to the Communist embassies?

The CIA has offered no satisfactory answer. We do know, though, that – when Station Chief Scott died some years afterwards – CIA Counterintelligence’s James Angelton flew down to Mexico within hours, searched through the deceased man’s belongings, seized Scott’s draft memoir and what has been described as a stack of reel-to-reel tapes labelled “Oswald,” and ordered that they be flown to headquarters in Washington. Though some of the memoir has since been returned to the station chief’s next of kin, it appears that the other material was disposed of under a CIA “destruction order.”

There is still , meanwhile, the extraordinary episode that has been called the “Rosetta Stone” of the case, which probably occurred when the authentic Oswald was on his way from Mexico to Dallas, where he was to spend the few remaining weeks before the assassination. I refer to the testimony of the Odio sisters, Cuban exiles Silvia and Annie. I know, I know, this is a hoary old angle. But it is as central to the case as ever it was. The sisters were visited by a trio of men who said they were anti-Castro militants. Two of them, Hispanics, introduced their companion, an American who – the sisters would insist after the assassination looked just like Oswald – as “Oswald,” “Leon Oswald.”

Later, in what seemed to be a very deliberate way, the leader of the group would say Oswald was an “ex-Marine…an expert marksman…” who said “we should have shot Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs…should have done something like that.”

This posed a problem for the Warren Commission probe into the assassination – one that never was resolved. Commission attorneys took the view that the Odio women were excellent, credible witnesses and that their account seemed truthful. (I obtained what I believe were the first independent interviews with them – and I share that view.) Silvia and Annie’s account, of course, suggests that there was an attempt to set Oswald up – just weeks before the assassination – as a would-be presidential assassin..."

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2023, 07:24:36 PM »
In KGB agent Oleg Nechiporenko's book, "Passport to Assassination", he quotes from a top secret memo sent by KGB chairman Vladimir Semichastny to Anastas Mikoyan, one of Khrushchev's top advisors. Nechiporenko was one of the three KGB agents who met Oswald at the Soviet Embassy. He said the KGB in Mexico City sent a memo to Moscow shortly after the assassination detailing the meeting with Oswald. The KGB was worried that they would be blamed for the assassination.

As you can see, nowhere is there any mention of an impostor. The KGB in Mexico City informed Moscow the man they met was indeed Oswald and not an impostor. Period. And the KGB and Politburo in Moscow forwarded this same information out. If they knew it was an impostor why would they tell their superiors it wasn't? Note as well that they mentioned Oswald saying he was being "harassed by the FBI."

« Last Edit: January 02, 2023, 09:03:00 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2023, 07:53:49 PM »
In KGB agent Oleg Nechiporenko's book, "Passport to Assassination", he quotes from a top secret memo sent by KGB chairman Vladimiar Semichastny to Anastas Mikoyan, one of Khrushchev's top advisors. Nechiporenko was one of the three KGB agents who met Oswald at the Soviet Embassy. He said the KGB in Mexico City sent a memo to Moscow shortly after the assassination detailing the meeting with Oswald. The KGB was terrified that they would be blamed for the assassination.

As you can see, nowhere is there any mention of an impostor. The KGB in Mexico City told Moscow the man they met was Oswald. Period. And the KGB and Politburo in Moscow gave the same information out. If they knew it was an impostor why would they tell their superiors it wasn't? Note as well that they mentioned Oswald saying he was being "harassed by the FBI."

The ‘Oswald was impersonated’ claims originated from the FBI and CIA interpretations of phone calls to the embassies, not his alleged in-person visit to the Soviet embassy. That he wasn’t photographed entering or leaving the Soviet or Cuban embassies beggars disbelief but I’ve always leaned towards the probability that Oswald visited Mexico City.

The CIA and FBI, not the Soviets, are responsible for the murkiness and unanswered questions surrounding Oswald’s visit to Mexico.

If I remember correctly, someone at the Cuban consulate described a man claiming to be Oswald who didn’t fit Oswald’s description.

Beyond that example, are you referring specifically to JFK assassination researchers who deny that the real Oswald visited Mexico City?

The consensus (I think) is that he was there in Mexico City but also that the phone calls where he was impersonated by someone were listened to after the Assassination and covered up by the CIA and FBI.

It seems like a strawman argument to claim that what the Soviets said about his visit proves that he wasn’t impersonated in phone calls. How would they have known that someone was impersonating Oswald in phone calls?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2023, 08:15:40 PM by Jon Banks »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why would the Soviets/KGB Cover up for Oswald's Mexico City Impersonator?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2023, 07:53:49 PM »