Here's a photo showing Euins pointing at the sniper's window from what appears to me to be his location at the time of the shooting. I have flipped the photo horizontally (similar to a mirror image) and tilted it 17-degrees in order to have the image of Euins simulate the position of a shooter in the sixth floor window looking towards the limo at the head shot. If you will notice, the camera's position places Euins' head inline with the sixth floor windows. Therefore the camera has to be on the same line (which defines the angle of elevation) that Euins viewed the shooting from. In other words, the camera angle shows Euins' head at the same angle that Euins would have seen the shooter from. Now, if you have followed so far, I think that it is pretty obvious that if Euins had a typical male pattern bald spot on the top of his head, that it would not be visible from the camera's angle.

Excellent point Charles and well presented.
Yes, I would have to agree "that if Euins had a typical male pattern bald spot on the top of his head, that it would not be visible from the camera's angle."
However, the point I'm making regarding Euins' testimony is that the bald spot becomes visible
because the shooter is holding his head in a certain way while taking aim down the rifle. In the pic you have posted, how far do you think Euins would need to tilt his head before his imaginary bald spot became visible? As much as this guy?

I think it's fairly obvious that if Euins had his head tilted as much as this guy, a bald spot on the top of his head would become clearly visible.
You must surely agree with that.
Some of us have 3D models of the sniper's nest, etc. and can simulate the same thing using a 3-D model. One of the limitations is that the 3D models of the human figures are static in their positions and manipulating one into a position of firing a rifle would not be feasible. Therefore, I think that the photo of LHO on the firing range (that I posted earlier in this thread) shows that the position of the head would be close to vertical (left to right) and tilted forward basically at the 17-degrees involved with the location of the limo at that point in time. And this is what I attempted to show with the tilted photo of Euins as described above.
I cannot believe how difficult it is to get an image that accurately represents someone taking a shot from the SN.
It's one of the more important historical moments of recent times and the key moment is the actual taking of the shots.