it also---------if Officer Baker's same-day affidavit is to be believed----------meant that Mr. Roy Truly could tell the honest truth when reassuring Officer Baker that the man they had just caught walking away from the rear stairway several floors up 'works here'. For he had been working here since three weeks ago.

If Officer Baker really did (as per his affidavit) catch this man walking away from the rear stairway several floors up, then his quick dash into the building was an unforeseen disaster for the plan. Mr. Truly had some explaining to do------------------
without revealing the existence of the external floor-laying crew.The original plan, one presumes, was to allow the culprits to get out of Dallas, leaving folks to believe that pro-Castro Cubans had been responsible for the assassination. (The 'elderly Negro' in an attention-seekingly bright plaid shirt seen by Mr. Arnold Rowland was surely a key part of this strategy.)
But Mr. Truly now had an obviously fleeing culprit to explain away. And so he set the cops on Mr. Oswald, a man who had documented Leftist credentials. Mr. Oswald had to become the man who 'works here' encountered just after the shooting.
Unfortunately, however, Mr. Oswald had been out front for the P. Parade. Hence the invention of a second-floor lunchroom encounter: consistent (with a bit of fine-tuning) with a descent from the sixth floor, but also consistent with an ascent from the front steps.
And so all efforts went into deleting Mr. Oswald's presence on the front steps, but with an escape clause in case firm proof of his true whereabouts at 12:30 should come to light.
If that were to happen, then Mr. Oswald would be written into History as an accomplice. And the Warren Gullibles would have spent all these years wasting their lives defending a different fairytale as to who had fired the shots.