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Author Topic: When the SN was built  (Read 45931 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #184 on: February 09, 2023, 11:52:18 AM »
Then it's a good match for Arnold Rowland's eyesight.

Yes, only so much detail can be discerned from the distance Arnold Rowland was from the TSBD. Even he indicated the distance prevented him from being able to identify the man with the rifle. Here's a relative close up from professional photographer Dillard. And, to me BRW looks older than he really was. Also, consider that Arnold Rowland was only 18-years old on 11/22/63. To a teenager, "elderly" is quite different to what a middle-aged person would consider elderly.

I can see how Arnold Rowland (from his distance to the TSBD) might describe BRW as appearing elderly.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #184 on: February 09, 2023, 11:52:18 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #185 on: February 09, 2023, 01:13:38 PM »

Yes, only so much detail can be discerned from the distance Arnold Rowland was from the TSBD. Even he indicated the distance prevented him from being able to identify the man with the rifle. Here's a relative close up from professional photographer Dillard. And, to me BRW looks older than he really was. Also, consider that Arnold Rowland was only 18-years old on 11/22/63. To a teenager, "elderly" is quite different to what a middle-aged person would consider elderly.

I can see how Arnold Rowland (from his distance to the TSBD) might describe BRW as appearing elderly.

Still nothing substantial? Oh dear!

What's next? A Soopah-Doopah-Sun-Analysis from Mr. Organ showing that Mr. Rowland's 'elderly Negro' was in fact Mr. Oswald, and the man with the gun over on the west end an hallucination brought on by migraine?

Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination...............


Online Charles Collins

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #186 on: February 09, 2023, 03:13:22 PM »
Something else that I noticed on a photo of the sniper's nest is what appears to be small gaps between the flooring and the wall with a few cracks all the way to the floor below. This could be the reason that, I believe it was BRW, had some dust and debris fall on his head. Dust and dirt, etc. would tend to collect in the gap and the concussion of the shots could have shaken it loose to fall through the cracks.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #186 on: February 09, 2023, 03:13:22 PM »

Offline Gerry Down

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #187 on: February 10, 2023, 02:18:42 PM »
Something else that I noticed on a photo of the sniper's nest is what appears to be small gaps between the flooring and the wall with a few cracks all the way to the floor below. This could be the reason that, I believe it was BRW, had some dust and debris fall on his head. Dust and dirt, etc. would tend to collect in the gap and the concussion of the shots could have shaken it loose to fall through the cracks.

Good point. And that crack is right above where BRW would have had his head, as per the Dillard photo, as he looked out the window.

So we can now pin point exactly where the dust came from.

Small point but interesting all the same.

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2023, 02:55:17 AM »
Since Carolyn Arnold did not likely see Oswald as early as 12:12,( other women still present in the 2nd floor lunchroom) nor likely see Oswald exactly at 12:15 if he is the shooter being seen by Rowland at the SW window at 12:15, then the time would have to be 12:17 or later to give the time necessary for Oswald to have retreated from 6th floor after leaving the SW window.

But this scenario kind of interferes with the idea  that Oswald moved over and around past BRW to the SE window and just waited there on that east aisle for BRW to leave the floor by about 12:24 and then Oswald placed the boxes by 12:25 just in time to be captured by Bronson film.

If Oswald leaves the 6th floor, he’s probably going to hide the rifle in between some boxes on the 6th floor before he starts down the stairs to go to the 2nd floor lunchroom and be there by 12:17.

It’s seems odd though , to go all the way back down that many floors and into a room where he has no way of knowing if BRW will ever leave the 6th floor , nor much chance to know when and where the JFK limo will be.

For the LN Oswald shooter theorist, what is the explanation?

Did Oswald temporarily lose his nerve upon being spooked by BRW to the point that Oswald was going to abandon his mission entirely? So he went back down 4 flights of stairs to “think about it” in the lunchroom?

What prompted Oswald to “give it another try” at about 12:22, which is about the time he would have to leave the 2nd floor lunchroom to make it back to the 6th floor and able to place a box by 12:25 in the SE window.

The only coincidental thing I’m aware of at 12:22 is the radio transmission that Norman and Jarman heard. But Oswald is in the isolated lunchroom far way from that radio. Was there another radio he could have heard in the lunchroom?

There’s that 12:19 approx siren of the ambulance for the epileptic man. Maybe that siren was heard and Oswald mistook it to as a sign the motorcade might be entering Dealey Plaza? So it’s “now or never” he thinks?

Would Oswald even consider “trying again” at this point since he doesn’t have time to get back to the SE window if he thought the siren was heralding arrival of the motorcade.

In either case, Oswald would still be uncertain about BRW ( presuming BRW was the cause of Oswald’s retreat from the SW window at 12:15), while he is in the 2nd floor lunchroom from 12:17 forward.

Maybe being seen by Carolyn “calms” Oswald down? And then he thought: Maybe this sighting was an opportunity for him to use the lunchroom as his escape plan and alibi. So he decides to go back up to 6th floor just after Carolyn left about 12:18?

Problem is , why didn’t Oswald say something to Will Fritz about his 12:17 meeting with Carolyn Arnold if Oswald had conceived of such meeting as a possible alibi?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #188 on: February 11, 2023, 02:55:17 AM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #189 on: February 11, 2023, 10:32:13 AM »
Since Carolyn Arnold did not likely see Oswald as early as 12:12,( other women still present in the 2nd floor lunchroom) nor likely see Oswald exactly at 12:15 if he is the shooter being seen by Rowland at the SW window at 12:15, then the time would have to be 12:17 or later to give the time necessary for Oswald to have retreated from 6th floor after leaving the SW window.

But this scenario kind of interferes with the idea  that Oswald moved over and around past BRW to the SE window and just waited there on that east aisle for BRW to leave the floor by about 12:24 and then Oswald placed the boxes by 12:25 just in time to be captured by Bronson film.

If Oswald leaves the 6th floor, he’s probably going to hide the rifle in between some boxes on the 6th floor before he starts down the stairs to go to the 2nd floor lunchroom and be there by 12:17.

It’s seems odd though , to go all the way back down that many floors and into a room where he has no way of knowing if BRW will ever leave the 6th floor , nor much chance to know when and where the JFK limo will be.

For the LN Oswald shooter theorist, what is the explanation?

Did Oswald temporarily lose his nerve upon being spooked by BRW to the point that Oswald was going to abandon his mission entirely? So he went back down 4 flights of stairs to “think about it” in the lunchroom?

What prompted Oswald to “give it another try” at about 12:22, which is about the time he would have to leave the 2nd floor lunchroom to make it back to the 6th floor and able to place a box by 12:25 in the SE window.

The only coincidental thing I’m aware of at 12:22 is the radio transmission that Norman and Jarman heard. But Oswald is in the isolated lunchroom far way from that radio. Was there another radio he could have heard in the lunchroom?

There’s that 12:19 approx siren of the ambulance for the epileptic man. Maybe that siren was heard and Oswald mistook it to as a sign the motorcade might be entering Dealey Plaza? So it’s “now or never” he thinks?

Would Oswald even consider “trying again” at this point since he doesn’t have time to get back to the SE window if he thought the siren was heralding arrival of the motorcade.

In either case, Oswald would still be uncertain about BRW ( presuming BRW was the cause of Oswald’s retreat from the SW window at 12:15), while he is in the 2nd floor lunchroom from 12:17 forward.

Maybe being seen by Carolyn “calms” Oswald down? And then he thought: Maybe this sighting was an opportunity for him to use the lunchroom as his escape plan and alibi. So he decides to go back up to 6th floor just after Carolyn left about 12:18?

Problem is , why didn’t Oswald say something to Will Fritz about his 12:17 meeting with Carolyn Arnold if Oswald had conceived of such meeting as a possible alibi?

Mr. Rowland said the bald plaid-shirt-wearing 'elderly Negro' he saw at the SN window over several minutes was not as dark-complected as some black men.

In all likelihood, this man spent a lot of time at this window for one reason: to be noticed up there while looking Cuban

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #190 on: February 11, 2023, 04:59:57 PM »
Conclusion for me at this point is that Oswald was not on the 6th floor after 12:00 and that the rifle displaying person Arnold Rowland saw for only a few seconds at the SW 6th floor window , had originally intended  that window. This shooter had not yet set up the SE window ledge box and did not do so until very close to 12:25 after he changed his plans and decided the SE window was the better vantage point.

There reason to change to the other window does necessarily have to be a BRW or any other person on the floor. It could just be the shooter thought the trees at the SW were too much of a potential LOS obstruction.

I don’t see the need for a 2nd shooter unless one of them was trying to shoot using the MC rifle to further set the frame up of Oswald. In that case, a 30.06 precision rifle shooter May have shot the kill head shot at  Z-313 from the SW window. The shot would have been fired about 1 sec after the MC rifle shooter missed his 2nd shot, (z285) such shot possibly hitting  the curb near Tague( at the Triple underpass)

Walt Cakebread preplanted MC rifle theory is the easier way to do the frame up if it’s just one shooter, so I’m partial to that idea more so than the post planted rifle scenario or the 2 shooter theory.

One shooter with a semi auto rifle is enough. However , would a semi auto rifle make the kind of “clack clack” noise that Harold Norman described ?

Maybe a faster firing bolt action version of the MC rifle like the Cavalry carbine MC , could be fired 3 shots in about 4 secs?

The cavalry carbine version had a shorter wooden stock and about 12” of barrel exposed. Disassembled would fit in a 22” length package because of the shorter stock and barrel length.

The idea of an elderly negro leaning out a fully open SE window at 12:15 seems an odd and unnecessary action by a conspirator. Why risk photographs or filmed, jeopardizing the mission?

On the other hand, BRW was definitely not “bald” nor were Norman or Jarman.

BRW shirt was a solid reddish shirt not a plaid green and red shirt.

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #191 on: February 11, 2023, 05:19:06 PM »
The idea of an elderly negro leaning out a fully open SE window at 12:15 seems an odd and unnecessary action by a conspirator. Why risk photographs or filmed, jeopardizing the mission?

Why would that jeopardize the mission?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #191 on: February 11, 2023, 05:19:06 PM »