So many false premises, contradictions, and absence of common sense and logic. Here you are alleging that the fact that Day did not mention the print to anyone means that he fabricated that evidence. You can't even prove that he didn't mention it to anyone. But even if he didn't, why would he lie to fabricate evidence after Oswald was dead? There would be no prosecution of Oswald by the DPD. If the DPD was satisfied by the evidence without this print - and they were, and there would never be any trial why in the world would someone risk their reputation and career lying about the evidence in the most important case in his career? It makes absolutely no sense. In fact, it is baseless and idiotic.
Did you take classes to become so patheticly ignorant?
You can't even prove that he didn't mention it to anyoneA negative can't be proven. Instead prove that Day did mention it to somebody. You can't!
But even if he didn't, why would he lie to fabricate evidence after Oswald was dead? There would be no prosecution of Oswald by the DPD.If you had read my previous post you would have your answer.
If the DPD was satisfied by the evidence without this print - and they were,Really? And you know this, how?
The reality is of course that we know now they had no case of any significance against Oswald for the Kennedy murder, despite the bogus claims made by Henry Wade.
why in the world would someone risk their reputation and career lying about the evidence in the most important case in his career? What risk? Day would tell the WC, behind closed doors, and the evidence (including his testimony) would be locked away as top secret for decades. Who was going to call out Day for lying?
Btw, I'm still waiting for an answer to my question;
When the FBI examined the rifle on Friday evening or early SaPersonay morning and found no trace of a print or residue of a print that was lifted, why did Day keep his mouth shut? Oswald was still alive at that point and his print found on the rifle would be crucial evidence, yet Day said nothing and by doing so discredited the evidence and the chain of custody. Does that make sense to you?