Viewing some of Mr.Collins’s computer images inadvertently gave me some insight into a possible answer to one a question: How could Arnold Rowland see a scope like the MC rifle that’s in the Back Yard photo (BYP) appearing to be held by Oswald, from 140 ft away when the scope is barely discernible in the Back Yard photo at distance of only approx 10 ft away?
It seemed to me that because of the way the scope was hardly perceptible in the BYP as close as about 10 ft away, that it would be even far less likely to be seen from 140 ft away as per where Rowland was approximately , from the TSBD , when he caught a brief sighting of the SW window gunman.
But then, as I was amused by Mr. Collins depiction of the SW gunman wearing black suit and tie, it occurred to me that perhaps if the gunman was wearing a very light shirt that the shape of the rifle and scope would be more distinct due to the contrast of dark rifle held diagonally against a much lighter background.
( ie: a light or white shirt)
My error viewing the BYP was that Oswald was wearing a DARK shirt, which DOES make the scope difficult to see, and I erroneously made a mistake in reasoning that the scope was therefore probably not likely to have been discernible from a distance of 140 ft.
So Now I have reconsidered that the scope of the MC rifle COULD probably have been seen from 140 ft distance, and that Rowland seeing the SHAPE of the whole rifle , noticed the scope, and that he made an approximation in describing the rifle as appearing like a 30.06 hunting rifle.
However, I’m not certain if the contrast of a light Khaki shirt would be as much contrast as a white T-shirt, and since the eye witness Brennan and Euins do not state seeing a white shirt, then there may be some doubt about my newest revelation