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Author Topic: When the SN was built  (Read 45594 times)

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #312 on: August 07, 2023, 04:00:04 PM »
The problem is the 12:15 time that Arnold Rowland claims seeing the elderly negro at the SE window , at the same time seeing the white or latin gunman at the SW window.

There’s no way that’s mistaking Harold Norman or James Jarman on the 5th floor since they didn’t get up there until about 12:23 at the earliest.

And so that leaves Bonnie Ray Williams.

However BRW never places himself at the SE window, nor was  BRW wearing a green and red “plaid” shirt, nor had any dust fallen in his hair yet, nor was BRW leaning out the window he was at.

1. Rowland completely fabricated a story
2. Rowland embellished an original statement sighting ONLY ONE man, the SW window gunman , by adding the of sighting a 2nd man, the elderly balding negro , wearing a red and green plaid shirt,  whom was leaning out the window.
3. Bonnie Ray Williams lied about being on the 6th floor from 12:05-12:20 approx.
 4. Bonnie Ray Williams was on the 6th floor , yet unaware that 2 men were on either side of him, one at the SE window “leaning out”  and the other one, with a rifle in hand , almost reaching the SW within about 5ft-7ft of it.
3. BRW was aware of 2 men and decided for some reason not to say anything about it.
4. If Rowland embellished , and therefore only a  SW window gunman was on the 6th floor, then it’s possible that BRWs story is completely true, and he did not see a SW  gunman because the gunman stopping  5ft-7ft from the SW window , beyond the right hand peripheral view of BRW whom was likely looking forward out of the window at  Dealey plaza.

Does the research community have any same day photos of the clothing, particularly the shirt Mr. Piper (Eddie) donned that afternoon.

If so it wouldn't surprise if he was, quote, "wearing a red and green plaid shirt", unquote. Mr. Piper certainly fits the "elderly" "balding" man of colour as well. Moreover, there was a young teenage eyewitness that afternoon (cannot recall his name at the moment, he can be seen riding on the back of a policeman's-motorcycle No. 99 in some photos) who also described an individual with balding hair in and/or near the sniper's nest. Sounds consistent with Mr. Rowlands observation as well.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 04:00:42 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #312 on: August 07, 2023, 04:00:04 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #313 on: August 07, 2023, 04:24:53 PM »
Amos Euins

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #314 on: August 07, 2023, 04:27:29 PM »
Amos Euins

The research community can always count on the exemplary research of Mr. Iacoletti for highlighting/sharing the specific details, Thank you sir!


Mr. SPECTER. What did you see in the building?
Mr. EUINS. I seen a bald spot on this man’s head, trying to look out the
window. He had a bald spot on his head. I was looking at the bald spot.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2023, 04:32:41 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #314 on: August 07, 2023, 04:27:29 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #315 on: August 07, 2023, 09:37:57 PM »
Euins In the WC testimony was unable to declare that the complexion of the man was dark nor that the man was wearing a green and red plaid shirt

And time of Euins sighting was AS the shots were being fired at 12:30 approx.

Euins has no statements about seeing any person in that SE window at 12:15-12:29 leaning out or whom was a balding negro.

Eddie Piper was always photographed wearing glasses ( even outside also) which suggests he probably had to wear those glasses all the time which suggests he was probably nearsighted.

It’s doubtful therefore that Arnold Rowlands eagle eye would have failed to notice the rather large glasses on the face  of Piper if at the SE window at 12:15, because the purpose of Piper looking out that window wound  probably be to take a look at Dealey plaza activity, which would require him if he was nearsighted to keep his glasses on to have a detailed visual view.

Therefore Eddie Piper is an unlikely candidate.

None of the other black employees of the TSBD  were wearing a green and red plaid shirt so this leaves only the possibility of some nefarious other dark complected person not on the usual TSBD roster of employees.

So either this latter detail by Rowland is embellishment and fictional, or there was an unaccounted for nefarious elderly black man with red and green plaid shirt leaning out the SE TSBD 6th floor at 12:15 , a window which he would have to raise up to do so, and yet BRW somehow was completely unaware of the man from only approx 30 ft distance.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #316 on: August 08, 2023, 12:09:17 PM »
Does the research community have any same day photos of the clothing, particularly the shirt Mr. Piper (Eddie) donned that afternoon.

If so it wouldn't surprise if he was, quote, "wearing a red and green plaid shirt", unquote. Mr. Piper certainly fits the "elderly" "balding" man of colour as well. Moreover, there was a young teenage eyewitness that afternoon (cannot recall his name at the moment, he can be seen riding on the back of a policeman's-motorcycle No. 99 in some photos) who also described an individual with balding hair in and/or near the sniper's nest. Sounds consistent with Mr. Rowlands observation as well.

In this photo, there is a resemblance of the man in the center with a newspaper folded up under his right arm, to another photo (the second one) that is purportedly of Eddie Piper.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #316 on: August 08, 2023, 12:09:17 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #317 on: August 08, 2023, 03:43:37 PM »
Euins In the WC testimony was unable to declare that the complexion of the man was dark nor that the man was wearing a green and red plaid shirt

And time of Euins sighting was AS the shots were being fired at 12:30 approx.

Euins has no statements about seeing any person in that SE window at 12:15-12:29 leaning out or whom was a balding negro.

Eddie Piper was always photographed wearing glasses ( even outside also) which suggests he probably had to wear those glasses all the time which suggests he was probably nearsighted.

It’s doubtful therefore that Arnold Rowlands eagle eye would have failed to notice the rather large glasses on the face  of Piper if at the SE window at 12:15, because the purpose of Piper looking out that window wound  probably be to take a look at Dealey plaza activity, which would require him if he was nearsighted to keep his glasses on to have a detailed visual view.

Therefore Eddie Piper is an unlikely candidate.

None of the other black employees of the TSBD  were wearing a green and red plaid shirt so this leaves only the possibility of some nefarious other dark complected person not on the usual TSBD roster of employees.

So either this latter detail by Rowland is embellishment and fictional, or there was an unaccounted for nefarious elderly black man with red and green plaid shirt leaning out the SE TSBD 6th floor at 12:15 , a window which he would have to raise up to do so, and yet BRW somehow was completely unaware of the man from only approx 30 ft distance.

Appreciate your astute assessment, Mr. Mason, and cheers to Mr. Collins as well for sharing a couple of photos (which both of them just so happen to buttress your keen observation that Mr. Piper indeed wore glasses).

Just a quick question that either of you and/or the exemplary research of someone like Mr. Iacoletti could bear out, but does the research community know for sure if Mr. Lovelady (Billy Nolan) could not have been at the sniper's window @ 12:15PM?

Could it have been possible that Mr. Rowland saw Mr. Lovelady?

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #318 on: August 08, 2023, 09:39:19 PM »
Could it have been possible that Mr. Rowland saw Mr. Lovelady?

No, the man described by Mr. Rowland can no more be Mr. Lovelady than he can be Mr. Bonnie Ray Williams. Mr. Piper? Possible, but only just.

In all likelihood, the Cuban-looking fellow seen at the SN window by Mr. Rowland was a member of the external floor-laying crew described by Mr. Harold Norman.

In which case, the reason a Cuban-looking fellow was making himself conspicuous there was so that folks would remember having seen a Cuban-looking fellow there. All part of the original (i.e. false-flag) plan: deliberate misses from that window, to be blamed on pro-Castroites

« Last Edit: August 08, 2023, 09:43:18 PM by Alan Ford »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #319 on: August 08, 2023, 10:31:49 PM »
 Arnold Rowlands description of the SW window gunman wearing a  “white or “light blue shirt with a collar”, (= SOLID rather that pattern color)) is not consistent with either just a white T shirt only or if Oswald was wearing the reddish brown shirt with it.

Rowland also leaves the  choice of Latin or White to describe the complexion of the man.

Since I  have ruled out Oswald as the gunman, then my choice of whom the SW window gunman might have been is one of 2 Cuban  ex BOP / former Alpha 66 members ( a group that for some reason has an Oswald looking guy in one photo with some of them) .

A 2nd gunman might have been a mafia guy whom was seen in the Daltex  building , 3rd floor , carrying a briefcase on that floor several minutes before the JFK limo arrived. He had no alibi and had an arrest record which required him to meet  his parole officer at the time, but which meeting was not corroborated by the parole officer.

This option of 2 gunman  because of John Martino’s alleged death bed confession ( per his wife’s account) that he was part of a conspiracy to hire 2  gunman for $50k

An Alpha 66 member +  a Mafia member
Angry BOP survivor meets  Angry Mob contractor in Miami Fl. ( coincidentally where 1st plan to assassinate JFK failed , followed by 2nd attempt in Chicago , foiled by preempting one Thomas Arthur Vallee, another ex USMC combat veteran trained as a rifleman and of similar 5’9” lightweight body type as Oswald !?)

Coincidences much?

The coincidence of Loran Hall and William Seymour ( 2  ex BOP CIA assets) having statement of visiting an apartment and the Sylvia Odio statement of having seen Oswald in her apartment in the company of 2 “Mexicans” , she being a  member of an anti Castro political group that FBI man Guy Banister in New Orleans was keeping an eye on, whilst at the same time Oswald has an adjacent office to Banister, (with connecting door no less)…um..

About the Oswald similar looking guy in the Alpha 66 photo: I hesitate to say the man IS Oswald because he has the same oddly larger nose as that one photo of Oswald in the collage  collection of all Oswald photos together, ie: The SINGULARLY ANOMALOUS fat nosed Oswald.

I’m sorry  I’m unable to post images, but I’m certain many of the forum members here know exactly the photos or can find them and post them to support or refute the above hypothetical connection of persons.

And how this relates to the thread topic of When the SN was built, is that it follows from the question of why there was a gunman seen by Rowland at the SW window at 12:15 and only for a few seconds, and that the gunman was probably NOT an employee of TSBD. Rowlands “Latin” man with a light blue collar shirt coincides with images of Loran Hall, William Seymour wearing light solid color  shirts with collars.

This is NOT , however any declaration that Hall or Seymour did the job, but to illustrate the coincidences here that point to the Alpha 66 group of which both of them allegedly were members.  Hall actually has WC testimony implying that there was some attempt to recruit him for the job but he declined.

The SW window gunman seems to have not been  familiar with where some employees were going at 12:00 and erroneously presumed the 6th floor would be clear. The gunman arrived perhaps dressed like one of the floor laying crew (light blue shirt w/collar?) that had been contracted by Truly, only this particular “contractor” had other mission to accomplish. Which he was planning to do as a quick 1shot kill from SW 6th floor window, then scoot, beginning his entrance into TSBD taking advantage possibly of the ambulance distraction.

Thus being thwarted by presence of BRW, this (hypothetical) professional Alpha 66 gunman ADAPTED and STAYED on the 6th floor waiting for BRW to leave and as BRW left by 12:24, it fits the timeline of Box In the SE Window in the Bronson film at 12:25 but NOT a box in the window any earlier than that, otherwise Arnold Rowland would have likely seen that detail at 12:15.

And Oswald seen by Carolyn Arnold 12:15-12:17 SEATED in the 2nd floor lunchroom is fair support for the idea of Oswald NOT having been the SW gunman because there’s no way he would know when exactly to go back up, not knowing if BRW has left the floor, nor knowing when /if the JFK had arrived.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When the SN was built
« Reply #319 on: August 08, 2023, 10:31:49 PM »