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Author Topic: Contemporary Right Wing Extremist "infiltration" of JFK research community.  (Read 4028 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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The Ed Forum is experiencing a much worse case of it over the last several years but this forum certainly is plagued with it also.

The push back against the right wing disinfo agenda has been exemplary here, in contrast with the Ed Forum.

This "hack" for example was pushed yesterday in an Ed Forum post,
"Mark A. Moyar (born May 12, 1971) is the former Director of the Office for Civilian-Military Cooperation at the US Agency for International Development.[1] He currently serves as the William P. Harris Chair of Military History at Hillsdale College.[2] He served previously as the Director of the Project on Military and Diplomatic History[3][4] at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and has been a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute[5] and a member of the Hoover Institution Working Group on the Role of Military History in Contemporary Conflict.[6] ..."

The same poster, also an active member here, promoted the Hillsdale College extremist, Dr. Moyar, and dismissed this
man as "a hack"!

What excuse could there be for this?

Jerome Corsi and James DiEugenio - Kennedys and King

Kennedys and King
Feb 27, 2023 — James DiEugenio is one of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the ...
Monday, 27 February 2023 15:34
The JFK Assassination Decoded: Two Reviews
Written by Jerome Corsi and James DiEugenio
"...Perhaps even more critical, Mantik allows us to see disinformation campaign parallels, suggesting both the JFK assassination and the removal of Donald Trump from the presidency were both Deep State planned and executed coup d’états.

Mantik’s forensic analysis of the JFK autopsy X-rays proves Lee Harvey Oswald could not have been the assassin. Equally important, Mantik’s new book allows us to see the Deep State parallel between the JFK assassination and the DOJ/CIA conspiracy to remove President Trump from office. The Justice Department and the CIA conspired to infiltrate and control social media to conceal the Deep State’s role in fabricating the Russian collusion hoax to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency. So too, Allen Dulles penetrated the Warren Commission to cover the Justice Department and CIA’s complicity in the crossfire in Dealey Plaza that removed JFK from the White House..."

May 18, 2022
"..It’s less clear precisely when SSCI shared Cohen’s lies with Mueller. But in the same period, both Mueller and SDNY were developing parallel investigations of him. But by the time Cohen pled guilty in SDNY (also in August 2018), Mueller had the evidence to spend almost three months obtaining information from Cohen as well before he entered into a separate plea agreement with Mueller in which he admitted to the secret communications with the Kremlin that he and Trump lied to hide.

Meanwhile, HPSCI’s much more hapless investigation proved a way to get a limited hangout prosecution of Roger Stone. By May 2018, when Mueller developed evidence showing not just ways that Stone was obstructing his own investigation but also how Stone attempted to craft lies to tell to the Committee — coordinated with Jerome Corsi and reliant on threats to Randy Credico — it provided a way to prosecute Stone while protecting Mueller’s ongoing investigation into whether Stone conspired with Russia..."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2023, 12:45:55 AM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Jim DiEugenio informed me a couple of days ago that he published Jerome Corsi's review of Mantik's book because of Jim's high opinion of Mantik's book. Jim says that Corsi ran into resistance from right wing outlets he had submitted his Mantik book review to.

Jim assured me that was not changing its established political direction.

I had no contact with Jim for at least three years prior. We disagree vehemently as to whether Jim Garrison drastically deceived Joan Mellen who first met Garrison in 1969, as well as Zachary Sklar, editor of Garrison's autobiography as well as co-author of the screenplay of "JFK, the Movie".

The "tell" is that if Garrison had been forthcoming about the relationships described below, Zachary Sklar would have known to point out to Nicholas Lemann that Lemann's father, Thomas, was the step-brother of David Baldwin's wife.

My comment to John McAdams,
...Considering this discussion began with a presentation of Nicholas B. Lemann’s January, 1992 Garrison “hit piece” accompanied by no disclaimer, and that the unnamed lawyer described by Garrison to the FCC chief in 1967 is obviously Nicholas’s uncle, I cannot grasp what your criticism is founded on...
JANUARY 20, 2016 AT 3:01 PM

This particular string of comments only began yesterday, but already we are informed of deep seated
opinions; authors Mellen and DiEugenio have squandered their reputations and broader reliability,
(See Dr. McAdams at: )
but curiously, (at least to me) Nicholas Lemann has not. He is “sitting pretty” by conventional measures.:
JUNE 6, 2016 AT 11:36 PM
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people.……"
JUNE 7, 2016 AT 12:24 AM
"Bogman, Joan Mellen, Garrison’s book editor, Sklar, also co-writer of the movie screenplay, Oliver Stone, Clay Shaw, Nicholas Lemann, and Garrison himself all acted as if these facts did not exist.

We know that Garrison and Shaw were aware of them, and Nicholas B Lemann is a very smart man. DiEugenio says he was only aware that Nicholas is Stephen B. Lemann’s nephew. Shaw knew more than Mellen or DiEugenio and no indication exists that he or his lawyers protested Garrison’s conflict of interests. Garrison’s wife was first cousin and god child of Shaw’s first CIA hire, PR man David Baldwin, brother-in-law of Stephen B Lemann. Shaw was informed of this by Baldwin during the same week he was arrested..."

« Last Edit: March 13, 2023, 06:21:34 PM by Tom Scully »

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Jim DiEugenio informed me a couple of days ago that he published Jerome Corsi's review of Mantik's book because of Jim's high opinion of Mantik's book. Jim says that Corsi ran into resistance from right wing outlets he had submitted his Mantik book review to.

Jim assured me that was not changing its established political direction.

I had no contact with Jim for at least three years prior. We disagree vehemently as to whether Jim Garrison drastically deceived Joan Mellen who first met Garrison in 1969, as well as Zachary Sklar, editor of Garrison's autobiography as well as co-author of the screenplay of "JFK, the Movie".

The "tell" is that if Garrison had been forthcoming about the relationships described below, Zachary Sklar would have known to point out to Nicholas Lemann that Lemann's father, Thomas, was the step-brother of David Baldwin's wife.

My comment to John McAdams,
JUNE 7, 2016 AT 12:24 AM
"Bogman, Joan Mellen, Garrison’s book editor, Sklar, also co-writer of the movie screenplay, Oliver Stone, Clay Shaw, Nicholas Lemann, and Garrison himself all acted as if these facts did not exist.

We know that Garrison and Shaw were aware of them, and Nicholas B Lemann is a very smart man. DiEugenio says he was only aware that Nicholas is Stephen B. Lemann’s nephew. Shaw knew more than Mellen or DiEugenio and no indication exists that he or his lawyers protested Garrison’s conflict of interests. Garrison’s wife was first cousin and god child of Shaw’s first CIA hire, PR man David Baldwin, brother-in-law of Stephen B Lemann. Shaw was informed of this by Baldwin during the same week he was arrested..."

Thanks, Tom.  Old threads never die, they just go to the back of the 'short bus', a term Charles Drago used many years ago.  Sigh

JFK Assassination Forum