Could the single bullet fragment have broken apart? If someone shook or dropped that plastic case the fragment could potentially have broken apart.
Not really the issue Gerry.
An FBI report dated the 30th [SA Doyle Williams] states that Gregory removed a single metal fragment from JBC's arm and that Gregory himself stated that no other bits of metal were removed from JBC's body. Gregory also reported that Surgery Supervisor, Audrey Bell, took custody of the metal fragment and that she received a receipt for it from State Trooper Bob Nolan.
Another FBI report by Williams dated the 23rd, states that a bullet fragment was turned over to Tooper Nolan at Parkland and that he eventually turned it over to Will Fritz. This fragment was part of the evidence collected by SA Vince Drain and transported to the FBI lab in Washington where it was received by SA Robert Frazier, Lead Examiner of the investigation into the assassination. Frazier recorded it as being a single fragment and gave it the Q number Q9.
A single fragment removed by Gregory and recorded by Frazier as a single fragment.
But then we have Gregory's operative record - that he removed multiple fragments at various levels of flesh. And Audrey Bell insisting she received multiple fragments, "perhaps 4", from JBC's body and turned them over to plainsclothes federal agents, not a state trooper.
When showed CE 842 she accepts the envelope was the one she used that day (she even points the word "fragments" out, meaning multiple fragments) but when showed the picture of the fragments she stated they "were too small, and were too few in number, to represent what she handled on 11/23/63".
We have two completely different narratives concerning the number fragments removed from Connally's wrist and what happened to them. These are documented difference and have nothing to do with shaking containers.
But there does seem to be a way of definitively ascertaining how many fragments were removed from Connally's wrist. This is from Dr. Gregory's WC testimony:
Dr. GREGORY. Only to indicate that there were two fragments of metal retrieved in the course of dealing with this wound surgically.
For the subsequent X-rays of the same area, after the initial surgery indicate that those fragments are no longer there.
And as I stated, I thought I had retrieved two of them. The major one or ones now being missing. The small one related to the bone or most closely related to the bone...Not one, not four, but two fragments.
In this section of his testimony, Gregory is referring to sets of X-rays that were taken of JBC's wrist pre-op and post-op. They demonstrate beyond doubt that before JBC had surgery performed on his wrist there were three metal fragments in his wrist and that after surgery was performed, only one remained, meaning Gregory had removed two metal fragments.
This, however, doesn't answer Audrey Bell's recollection of turning over the fragments to federal agents and not State Trooper Nolan.
And it most certainly doesn't answer why Frazier, so meticulous when recording other evidence, would label Q9 as a single fragment.
But it is definitive, right?
The X-rays prove two fragments were removed from JBC's wrist, right?
Then we come to a the picture of Q9 in the National Archives:

Just as Audrey Bell thought there was.
What on earth can explain all of these differences in narratives and physical evidence?