How many of us would pay to be able to sit in the sniper's nest in the TSBD in Dealey Plaza? Count me in. Until recently, I have only had a virtual sniper's nest to experiment with. And it has shown me quite a few things. However, the virtual sniper's nest has it's limitations. To be able to experience actually sitting in a model of the sniper's nest is the next best thing (to the real experience) that I can reasonably expect to be able to do. So, I built four boxes and a "window" to full size specifications. The boxes are even weighted with sand bags inside to simulate the actual weights. And now, I can at least get a better feel for what it might have been like for the assassin. This model is still a work-in-progress. So suggestions are welcome. Here's a couple of photos of what I have accomplished so far:

The three paper targets visible on the right side are meant to represent the location of JFK at approximately Z161, Z225, and Z313. I used the appropriate vertical angles as measured by the WC and FBI and horizontal angles as I measured off of Don Roberdeau's map. Out of curiosity, I overlaid a couple of photos that show the view out of the actual sniper's nest window in December of 1963. These images depict the approximate Z313 position and the limo appears to be stopped at approximately the Z214 position. The paper targets that I had positioned using the appropriate angles and a laser level and tripod appear to line up reasonably well with the positions in the images from 1963. The two paper targets on the left are meant to represent the positions of Howard Brenan, and Fischer & Edwards. And there is a sixth paper target which represents Z133 which is hidden from view by the corner of the box on the window sill. More to come...