If you ever become sincere about doing this experiment correctly and have any questions that I can help you with please ask and I will try to help.

Sure, I'll be sure to look you up. The laser experiment was intended for the layman to convince themselves the magic bullet trajectory was not feasible. You claim that you managed to pull it off, but you offer no proof. Am I supposed to take the word of a devoted LNer layman? It requires some photogrammetry to resolve the true trajectory of the magic bullet well beyond the laser experiment, which is why I know your experiment was not sincere.
So you never did mention what vertebrae the lasers landed on, front and back. Because that's what this is all about and why the WC was obsessed with moving the back wound up to the C6 vertebrae. They knew that the back wound had to be higher than the throat wound for Oswald to have taken the shot. The smoking gun turns out to be the x-ray autopsy image of JFK showing a hole thru the right side of his T1 vertebrae caused by the magic bullet.
http://www.kohlbstudio.com/Images/x-ray_mb.gifAssuming there was a hole midway thru JFK's T1 vertebrae where the MB impacted, then the exit wound must have been 17 degrees below T1. But the WC claimed the throat wound was at C6. This was the dilemma they tried frantically to cover up. The ramifications being that if there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back at T1 and out his throat at C6 then Oswald could not have taken the shot, your fudged laser experiment notwithstanding.
So if the exit wound was higher than the entrance wound and both wounds represented the trajectory of the magic bullet thru JFK, I wonder where the shot was actually taken from? Glad you asked, and damn you for making me waste my time putting this graphic together.
I'm coining it the "Real Bullet Theory"
http://www.kohlbstudio.com/Images/JFK_AMBT.pngWhat say you? Didn't think so. But unless your laser experiment trumps geometry, then I won't be needing your help any time soon, but thanks anyway.