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Author Topic: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63  (Read 16686 times)

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2023, 02:34:32 AM »
One revealing part of the full transcript is where Hoover tells LBJ that someone was impersonating Oswald in Mexico City.

Right. And some of the individuals at the Cuban consulate in Mexico City didn't believe they were visited by the real Oswald or described someone who didn't resemble Oswald as having visited them in September 1963. There were also recordings of Oswald's alleged phone calls in Mexico City and the translators suspected that it wasn't the real Oswald because the person spoke in broken Russian and Spanish. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2023, 02:34:32 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2023, 04:37:05 AM »
Sure, but aren't you surprised that the Keystone Cops (DPD) managed to identify and capture Oswald within an hour after assassinating the POTUS. There were many records broken that day and Hoover and Johnson even appeared to be clairvoyant. Otherwise, they had surprisingly detailed knowledge of Oswald, who they were trying to link to the Kremlin as part of the coup, but they didn't seem at all concerned it might have been a precursor to WW3. But that's just my take because I'm convinced this was a conspiracy for many reasons. When I assume that, it allows me to flesh out motive, etc. and then everything fits. The magic bullet goes away. Oswald's lack of prints on everything. The backyard photos. Oswald's murder. The autopsy anomalies. The behavior of the SS, FBI and DPD.

Regarding the DPD, in what universe does a lead investigator to the assassination of the POTUS, Captain Will Fritz, notice 3 spent hulls on the floor of the sniper's nest, walks up to them, bends over and picks them up with his bare hands and places them in his pocket, then later tosses them on the floor for a photo-op? Maybe in your universe, not mine.

Regarding the SS, in what universe does the driver of the limo, Greer, hear gunshots striking the limo and slow it down to a near stop, turns around to look at JFK until he sees his head explode, then steps on the gas and hightails it outta Dodge? Was that in the SS manual?

Regarding the FBI, Hoover was the de-facto boss of the Mafia at the time and James Angleton possessed a very salacious photo of Hoover that brought him onboard.

Regarding the CIA, James Angleton was acting director of the CIA after Allen Dulles got fired by JFK. He was Dulles' right hand man and fellow Nazi who plucked Oswald from the CIA's fake defector program to be the patsy in the coup. The CIA assigned George de Mohrenschildt to be Oswald's handler and he was a proven Nazi. Dulles was the highest ranking Nazi sleeper cell and after getting fired he was not about to go quietly into the night. He was forced to make his move, which was to assassinate JFK and link it to the Kremlin to provoke WW3. The 4th Reich would then pick up the pieces in the aftermath. When you don't have nukes at your dispose, the 4th Reich had to take over from the inside using sleeper cells thru coup d'états and establishing autocracies.

The irony here is that what's left of the 4th Reich is the far right, which includes Putin and Trump, which is far more plausible than Oswald being a lone nut, IMHO.
Ah! You get shown that your suspiciously amazing turn of events betrayed by the LBJ/Hoover call is neither suspicious or amazing when visited by even a few seconds of thought. Your response is to change the subject and break stride into a Gish Gallop like a started squid jetting off behind a cloud of obscuring ink.

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2023, 06:25:52 AM »
Ah! You get shown that your suspiciously amazing turn of events betrayed by the LBJ/Hoover call is neither suspicious or amazing when visited by even a few seconds of thought. Your response is to change the subject and break stride into a Gish Gallop like a started squid jetting off behind a cloud of obscuring ink.

Who showed me what? Squid analogies? Well played!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2023, 06:25:52 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2023, 11:43:47 PM »
Who showed me what? Squid analogies? Well played!
How soon you forget.

In the OP, you said:

if you lean towards a conspiracy and Oswald was the patsy, then this transcript demonstrates how far up the ladder it went.

I pointed out that this statement is just a load of circular reasoning.

And you expressed incredulity:

That's a lot to know and do less than a day later. WTF?

Which isn't that hard to believe when you realize that, by the time of the call, a small army of investigators had been employed in the investigation. The FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, Dallas County Sherriffs Department, USPS, and any number of other agencies had assigned every investigator that they could to the case. 

Your response was to change the subject by launching into a classic Gish Gallop, and when called out on that, you fell back on some cheese-boy sarcasm. And here we are.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2023, 12:02:02 AM by Mitch Todd »

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2023, 11:58:58 AM »
Add to the small army of investigators the rather large world press. Just one example is the reporter from a Ft. Worth newspaper who remembered Oswald’s name as soon as he heard it. This is because he had written about LHO’s trip to Russia a few years earlier. And that is one reason that it became known very early in the investigation that LHO had lived in Russia. I believe it was Hugh Aynesworth of the Dallas Morning News who helped discover LHO’s taxi ride to the neighborhood of his rooming house. I am sure there are more examples out there. The point is that the press was going after a lot of the leads immediately after the assassination.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2023, 11:58:58 AM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2023, 08:19:15 PM »
Add to the small army of investigators the rather large world press. Just one example is the reporter from a Ft. Worth newspaper who remembered Oswald’s name as soon as he heard it. This is because he had written about LHO’s trip to Russia a few years earlier. And that is one reason that it became known very early in the investigation that LHO had lived in Russia. I believe it was Hugh Aynesworth of the Dallas Morning News who helped discover LHO’s taxi ride to the neighborhood of his rooming house. I am sure there are more examples out there. The point is that the press was going after a lot of the leads immediately after the assassination.
Yes, Aynesworth said he got a phone call from a (unnamed) source who had heard that Whaley had given Oswald a ride. So he spent a couple of days finding him (Whaley's wife was hospitalized and he couldn't find him at his home). It's called reporting. To the conspiracy mindset this is all evidence of intrigue, of someone controlling things behind the scenes.

Reporters from around the country and the world were all over Dallas. Interviewing the witnesses, hunting down leads. The idea that the conspirators could control all of these witnesses, control the scene of the crime, is absurd. They couldn't do it. Period.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2023, 08:26:06 PM »
So many false premises and grafting of your biased subjective opinions onto the facts to reach a desired outcome.  The surprising thing here is not that Oswald was arrested in an hour, but that Oswald was not arrested immediately in the building.  He was very lucky to have escaped at all.  He had no means of transportation except access to public buses and with little money.  He was unlucky to have encountered Tippit.  His arrest was a result of the circumstances that played out in the aftermath of the assassination.  They are entirely indicative and consistent with Oswald's guilt including flight from the crime scene, murdering a police officer, and resisting arrest.  To suggest that these circumstances are somehow indicative of innocence is delusional.  And, again, neither Hoover nor LBJ discussed anything that would not have been known to them at the time.  You keep repeating that false claim.
All Oswald had to do was go into the shoe store. Buy a pair of shoes. He had about $15 which is about $100 today. Let the police go by and then walk out. He panicked instead.

How did the police know he - Oswald - went into the theater? He was just a suspect, someone who reportedly sneaked in. Were the police walking around with a revolver to plant? And they came across this guy in the theater and planted it? They knew the guy was Oswald? How does this go exactly?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2023, 08:38:12 PM »
Oh yeah, Brewer totally described a guy who was "panicking".   ::)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hoover-Johnson Transcript 11/23/63
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2023, 08:38:12 PM »