This is a little more detailed, but it has the same fundamental issue. You keep creating this dilemma between Baker and the Patrolmen,
then rule out Baker.
Which leaves the Patrolmen. 
Do you not get that you keep doing that?

You still haven't figured out that it has nothing to do with the patrol man and everything to do with your suggestion that Baker gave the wallet to Rose?
And you say I don't understand English

Well, apparently you don't because you have been making the same mistake over and over again. You keep on insisting that if it wasn't Baker who gave the wallet to Rose, it must have been the patrol man. And you couldn't have been more wrong. I never claimed that the patrol man gave the wallet to Rose. I, in fact, accepted that Rose wasn't sure who gave him the wallet.
I merely stated that if Rose did get the wallet from Baker (who he knew very well), as you suggested, he would have had no need to even bring up any other possible source for the wallet, which of course includes the patrol man. At some point you argued (I'm paraphrasing) that Rose simply may have forgotten the event, because it was a mundane act that frequently happened. This, of course, makes no sense, because first of all it doesn't happen every day that you get to talk to a man accused of killing the President. But more importantly, you want us to believe that it is plausible that he simply had forgotten that Baker (who he knew well) gave him the wallet, yet at the same remembered the presence of an unknown police man. Really?
For all I know it was neither Baker or the patrol man who actually gave the wallet to Rose. But that - and you probably will not understand this - was never the subject of our discussion.
Other than that, your problem is that you continue to presume what Rose would have done and what was going through his mind. In reality, you have no idea what Rose would have been thinking or how he would have acted in the situation.
Sorry, I can't fix stupid.
Other than that, your problem is that you continue to presume what Rose would have done and what was going through his mind.No. That was you;
It may be that the handover was such a mundane, routine, trivial act --repeated many times a week, week after week as suspects came and went-- that it faded into the background noise of Rose's memory
And not only that, but you also presumed to know what I was thinking;
Again, the statement makes no sense in the current discussion unless you thought that Rose said he received the wallet from a patrolman.
I'm done with this pointless argumentative BS. I'm sure you'll find somebody else to bore to death.