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Author Topic: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?  (Read 92788 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #96 on: May 19, 2023, 04:57:18 PM »

It only takes one or two people to manipulate evidence. Not everyone on the Dallas PD had to know or be aware of what was going on. The person on the Dallas PD who I think potentially was a conspirator or part of the coverup was Captain Westbrook. I can't prove it but his involvement in all three crime scenes that day put him in a position to manipulate the evidence and the investigations as needed.

There's enough corroboration to conclude that the Dallas police found a wallet at the Tippit scene. The contents of the wallet and whether it was a "second Oswald wallet" remain up for historical debate. There's good reason to believe Barrett told the truth as he remembers it but his memory could be inaccurate.

As I noted previously, the lack of references by the Dallas PD to the Hidell ID on November 22 looks suspicious as well but we can't rule out that they intentionally avoided talking about it before they knew more. 

So, the two wallet thing is not easily dismissed. It remains one of the many unsolved mysteries of the Kennedy and Tippit murders...

If the police had found a wallet at the murder scene of a police officer knowing that the murderer was still on the loose in the vicinity, don't you think someone would have radioed that person's name and/or description to the police dispatcher?  Just as they did after the JFK assassination based on a witness description of the shooter.  It would be logical to assume that a wallet left at that scene was related to the crime and the person whose ID was found in the wallet would likely be involved.  Certainly, enough of a circumstance for the police to pursue that clue.  And that would be the entire motivation of anyone who planted the wallet.  We know that didn't happen, however.  I doubt we can ever proof exactly what it is with certainty.  But the circumstances lend themselves toward this being an item belonging to Tippit. 
« Last Edit: May 19, 2023, 05:01:42 PM by Richard Smith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #96 on: May 19, 2023, 04:57:18 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #97 on: May 19, 2023, 07:04:35 PM »
So hostile.  It is unfortunate that posters are allowed to engage in this type of constant tirade and insults.   And, of course, this rant is full of false premises and "assumptions."  In which we learn that the police will not broadcast the name of a murder suspect over their police radio or even his description for other officers!  LOL.  And it's not up to the cops to determine if the wallet's owner had anything to do with the crime! Wow.  I'm left speechless by that one. They certainly broadcast a description of the JFK assassin over the radio but in Martin's fantasy world that doesn't happen.  And again, the discovery of a second wallet on Oswald would fully have been anticipated by anyone planting a wallet at the Tippit scene.  It wouldn't have blown the deal.  And they certainly would not have stood out in the open looking at it and being filmed if they intended to suppress that wallet.

In which we learn that the police will not broadcast the name of a murder suspect over their police radio or even his description for other officers!  LOL. 

Who said anything about transmitting a description? Your idiotic claim is that the police would have broadcast the name of a murder suspect. They don't broadcast names of suspects, but why don't you prove me wrong and show me where in the DPD transcripts a name of a suspect or even a witness is broadcast.

And it's not up to the cops to determine if the wallet's owner had anything to do with the crime! Wow.  I'm left speechless by that one.

It would have been much better for you to have remained speechless, instead of displaying your massive level of ignorance. How in the world would they even know that the wallet they found belonged to the suspect, when it could just as easily be lost by a bystander? And what if they broadcast the name of a murder suspect and the media or (even worse) a bounty hunter gets hold of it with all sorts of possible consequences? And what if it later turns out the person they named had nothing to do with the crime after all?

They certainly broadcast a description of the JFK assassin over the radio but in Martin's fantasy world that doesn't happen.

That's just another one of your bold lies. I never said anything of the kind nor did I ever deny that descriptions are being broadcast. You do know the difference between a description and a name, do you?

And again, the discovery of a second wallet on Oswald would fully have been anticipated by anyone planting a wallet at the Tippit scene. It wouldn't have blown the deal.

Repeating the same BS again doesn't make it true. It's just another one of those wacky "they would have done this or that" arguments that go nowhere. You have already been told how they could have solved (and probably did) the two wallets scenario, but you seem to lack the capacity to understand what is written.

And they certainly would not have stood out in the open looking at it and being filmed if they intended to suppress that wallet.

Again, what makes you think that was the wallet they suppressed?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 12:18:56 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #98 on: May 19, 2023, 07:10:04 PM »
If the police had found a wallet at the murder scene of a police officer knowing that the murderer was still on the loose in the vicinity, don't you think someone would have radioed that person's name and/or description to the police dispatcher?  Just as they did after the JFK assassination based on a witness description of the shooter.  It would be logical to assume that a wallet left at that scene was related to the crime and the person whose ID was found in the wallet would likely be involved.  Certainly, enough of a circumstance for the police to pursue that clue.  And that would be the entire motivation of anyone who planted the wallet.  We know that didn't happen, however.  I doubt we can ever proof exactly what it is with certainty.  But the circumstances lend themselves toward this being an item belonging to Tippit.

Pure speculation and more of the same "they would have done so and so" BS.

And that would be the entire motivation of anyone who planted the wallet.  We know that didn't happen, however.

Really? And how do "we" know that?

And why do you keep ignoring the fact that FBI agent Bob Barrett, who was there and saw the damned thing, confirmed that it was a wallet?

But the circumstances lend themselves toward this being an item belonging to Tippit.

Hilarious. For years LNs have been claiming that the wallet seen in the video belonged to Tippit. But then Marie Tippit confirmed that her husband had his wallet with him when he was delivered to the hospital. Unable to explain why Bob Barrett would lie about seeing Westbrook holding a wallet, we are now back to "it probably belonged to Tippit".  It's beyond pathetic!
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 12:20:17 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #98 on: May 19, 2023, 07:10:04 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #99 on: May 19, 2023, 07:55:50 PM »
If the police had found a wallet at the murder scene of a police officer knowing that the murderer was still on the loose in the vicinity, don't you think someone would have radioed that person's name and/or description to the police dispatcher?

Without doing an investigation, how would they have known the wallet belonged to Tippit's killer? For all they knew at the time, the wallet could've belonged to an innocent bystander who ran away and dropped his wallet. I don't think the fact that they didn't do what you think they should've done proves anything. The Dallas PD didn't do lots of things that we assume SHOULD happen during crime scene investigations. The sniper's nest in TSBD almost certainly was staged and didn't look as it did in the photos when the police first arrived. The police certainly shouldn't tamper with potential evidence or stage evidence for photos but we know those sorts of things happened at the Kennedy crime scene.

If the wallet wasn't Oswald's who do you think it belonged to? It remains an unsolved mystery whether it belonged to Oswald or not.

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #100 on: May 19, 2023, 11:58:39 PM »
Did you two clowns go to the same "dumb and dumber" school?

Did you read the rules regarding posting etiquette in this forum? Pretty sure that your lead-off broke a couple.

They would have immediately broadcast the name and description of any individual whose wallet was left at the scene.  That didn't happen.

That didn't happen because (1) police never give names of potential suspects on the radio and (2) it's not up to a cop to determine that the wallet's owner had anything to do with the crime. He could just as easily have been a bystander who simply lost his wallet.

police never give names of potential suspects on the radio

This is from the Shearer transcript of the channel one recording:

DIS: 72.
72:   Go ahead.
DIS: No wanted on a 1950 Chevrolet two-door, 1104 Vista Drive, Mesquite.
72:   Check three persons for me: James Pride, colored male, 21; Charles Pride, colored male, 23; then a Carroll B. Pride (P-R-I-D-E), a colored male, 29.
DIS: Not registered to any of those.
72:   Not

He could just as easily have been a bystander who simply lost his wallet.

Then wouldn't the obvious course of action be to ask the witnesses and gawkers assembled at the scene if they lost a wallet? Ask if anyone was or knew a Lee Oswald? Ask if anyone was or knew A. Hidell?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #100 on: May 19, 2023, 11:58:39 PM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #101 on: May 20, 2023, 12:00:40 AM »
Without doing an investigation, how would they have known the wallet belonged to Tippit's killer? For all they knew at the time, the wallet could've belonged to an innocent bystander who ran away and dropped his wallet. I don't think the fact that they didn't do what you think they should've done proves anything. The Dallas PD didn't do lots of things that we assume SHOULD happen during crime scene investigations. The sniper's nest in TSBD almost certainly was staged and didn't look as it did in the photos when the police first arrived. The police certainly shouldn't tamper with potential evidence or stage evidence for photos but we know those sorts of things happened at the Kennedy crime scene.

If the wallet wasn't Oswald's who do you think it belonged to? It remains an unsolved mystery whether it belonged to Oswald or not.
What if the wallet belonged to someone they knew was at the scene, like Ted Callaway? He certainly would have attracted police interest, as he'd been riding around the 'hood with Scoggins, bearing the dead officer's pistol.

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #102 on: May 20, 2023, 12:06:46 AM »

Did you read the rules regarding posting etiquette in this forum? Pretty sure that your lead-off broke a couple.

police never give names of potential suspects on the radio

This is from the Shearer transcript of the channel one recording:

DIS: 72.
72:   Go ahead.
DIS: No wanted on a 1950 Chevrolet two-door, 1104 Vista Drive, Mesquite.
72:   Check three persons for me: James Pride, colored male, 21; Charles Pride, colored male, 23; then a Carroll B. Pride (P-R-I-D-E), a colored male, 29.
DIS: Not registered to any of those.
72:   Not

He could just as easily have been a bystander who simply lost his wallet.

Then wouldn't the obvious course of action be to ask the witnesses and gawkers assembled at the scene if they lost a wallet? Ask if anyone was or knew a Lee Oswald? Ask if anyone was or knew A. Hidell?

If you believe Barrett, he was asked at the Tippit murder scene if he knew an Oswald or Hidell:

"The first officer on the Tippit murder scene was Dallas Police Sergeant Kenneth H. Croy, who arrived as the ambulance was picking up Tippit’s body. Croy told an interviewer that an unknown man handed him Oswald’s wallet right after his arrival. The witnesses who preceded Croy at the crime scene were adamant that no one dropped a wallet anywhere in the vicinity.

The wallet wound up in the hands of Captain Pinky Westbrook. FBI agent Bob Barrett recalled that Westbrook turned to him at the scene and asked, ‘You ever heard of a Lee Harvey Oswald?’ I said, ‘No, I never have.’ He said ‘How about an Alek Hidell?’ I said, ‘No. I never have heard of him either,'” Barrett explained."
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 12:12:33 AM by Jon Banks »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #103 on: May 20, 2023, 12:30:05 AM »

Did you read the rules regarding posting etiquette in this forum? Pretty sure that your lead-off broke a couple.

police never give names of potential suspects on the radio

This is from the Shearer transcript of the channel one recording:

DIS: 72.
72:   Go ahead.
DIS: No wanted on a 1950 Chevrolet two-door, 1104 Vista Drive, Mesquite.
72:   Check three persons for me: James Pride, colored male, 21; Charles Pride, colored male, 23; then a Carroll B. Pride (P-R-I-D-E), a colored male, 29.
DIS: Not registered to any of those.
72:   Not

He could just as easily have been a bystander who simply lost his wallet.

Then wouldn't the obvious course of action be to ask the witnesses and gawkers assembled at the scene if they lost a wallet? Ask if anyone was or knew a Lee Oswald? Ask if anyone was or knew A. Hidell?

police never give names of potential suspects on the radio

This is from the Shearer transcript of the channel one recording:

DIS: 72.
72:   Go ahead.
DIS: No wanted on a 1950 Chevrolet two-door, 1104 Vista Drive, Mesquite.
72:   Check three persons for me: James Pride, colored male, 21; Charles Pride, colored male, 23; then a Carroll B. Pride (P-R-I-D-E), a colored male, 29.
DIS: Not registered to any of those.
72:   Not

Which of those three was a murder suspect / witness or a suspect / witness in any other crime?


He could just as easily have been a bystander who simply lost his wallet.

Then wouldn't the obvious course of action be to ask the witnesses and gawkers assembled at the scene if they lost a wallet? Ask if anyone was or knew a Lee Oswald? Ask if anyone was or knew A. Hidell?

Sure, that's exactly what FBI agent Bob Barrett said happened. Westbrook asked him if he knew Oswald or Hidell!

He possibly asked other people as well, but that's not recorded anywhere, so we'll never know for sure.

I would argue that it is possible Westbrook did not call in the finding of the wallet exactly because he wasn't sure if it belonged to Tippit's killer or not. What he did call in was the white jacket that an unidentified cop found under a car, because he did have reason to assume it did belong to the killer.

One thing is for sure. Westbrook is essential in two pieces of crucial evidence and both pieces of evidence (the wallet and the jacket) are obviously tainted.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Who Killed J.D. Tippit?
« Reply #103 on: May 20, 2023, 12:30:05 AM »