And this is the very reason that Conspiracy Kooks won't give us an alternative narrative on what happened that day because out of all their conspiratorial allegations this is just one and Weidmann can't even produce a logical scenario that makes sense from this solitary contention and when you add the rest of their massive claims it just becomes a jumbled mess of contradictions, so most of them simply stick to playing Oswald's defence "lawyers" with no hope of ever solving the case.
Because "the wrongly-accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody." Dammit!
Whining Johnny strikes again. Unwilling or unable to listen to or understand any argument made. Incapable of responding to anything that doesn't fit the official narrative and utterly unable to answer even the easiest questions. Throw a coin in the machine and Johnny will start complaining about those horrible people who do not believe and see right through his favorite fairytale.
His last four posts on this forum are all about attacking people who don't agree with him. He surely is a valuable poster, in his own mind, of course

In this particular case, we were discussing before Mytton jumped in, Paul Bentley took Oswald's wallet from him in the car. He did not mention finding a fake Hidell ID, nor did any of the three other officers in the car. Even as late as December 3, 1963, when Bentley wrote his report, there was no mention of him finding a Hidell ID and the WC never even called him to testify. Clearly he wasn't important enough. Allegedly Bentley gave the "information" to Baker, but the WC, who did call Baker did not ask him either about what that "information" was. With all that in mind, Gus Rose said that he started talking to Oswald directly after he had been brought in and that somebody (he could not identify) gave him a wallet which that person claimed belonged to Oswald. It was in that wallet where Rose found the fake Hidell ID.
So, the question that John Mytton and Richard Smith can't answer is; if the fake Hidell ID wasn't in the wallet Bentley took from Oswald, where did it come from? The simpelton's answer will probably be that the fake Hidell ID was in the wallet that Bentley took from Oswald after all, but there is no evidence for that. Even worse, according to Richard Smith that fake ID was highly incriminating because it tied Oswald to the orders for the rifle and the revolver. So, are we really to believe that Bentley and the other three officers in the car simply "forgot" to mention this vital piece of evidence?
Let's just find out if Mytton has the balls to tackle this issue head on or if he will run and hide behind a gif as usual......