Do you believe the wallet Bentley removed from Oswald's back pocket (while in the car from the theater to headquarters) contained credit cards?
Hi Bill, Hope you are well. I like your Ed Forum posts and trying to keep those paranoid loonies somewhat honest, I was just over there and they now have a Hidell ID thread and Griffith is already claiming that there was two wallets with the Hidell ID contained within, but how does that fit in any narrative?, did they not expect Oswald to be carrying a wallet? And why suppress the wallet at the Tippit crime scene when their whole plan was to frame Oswald? The lack of critical thinking skills is on full display and is quite the embarrassment.
Getting back to your question, of course there was no credit cards or drivers licence or things like that in Oswald's wallet, the reason that they looked at the wallet in the Police car in the first place was just to find Oswald's name and when they found the library card with Oswald's name, there was no need for an extensive search of anything else. Then when they got back to the station a more thorough search revealed the Hidell ID, it's not rocket science.
The first mention of an Oswald wallet at the Tippit crime scene was an off hand comment made decades later but these CT's are like ravenous dogs who will latch onto these factoid anomalies and then create new scenarios which obviously don't fit any overall structure, but logic be buggered when it gets in the way of some massive undefinable conspiracy.

Anyway have a great day and don't be a stranger!