Anything's better that just debating the actual evidence, right Johnny?
Keep running....
I only debate the evidence and quote actual testimony and supply Commission Exhibits to support my arguments whereas you makeup stuff like substituting the word "information" instead of "identification" in the weak hope no one notices but luckily Mitch knows the evidence a bit better than you.
And your (easily fact checked) story about Bentley taking Oswald's wallet to the Hospital was extra Kooky.
And saying to Richard that the wallet in the TV footage wasn't even opened "In the footage you see the wallet being held but not opened", yet another Marty clanger.
C'mon Weidmann just admit that your reality is in trying to discredit the CT's because you are doing nothing to further the Conspiracy cause and this last Whopper of a theory about substituting wallets/identification is especially embarrassing because as has been pointed out on numerous occasions, why coverup the most damning piece of evidence in the Tippit murder? and don't repeat your indefensible BS when we all know the Dallas Police were in control of all the evidence.
And ALL this is just in the short time I've been back posting. WOW!
Btw thanks for calling me Johnny, that was my nickname when I was a young'un and it brings back some neato memories.