The same can be said for Westbrook, who is the person who supposedly saw the identifications inside the wallet and asked Barrett if he was familiar with the two names. To this day, there has never been anything from Westbrook surface which mentions such a thing took place at the scene.
Yes, I agree. Westbrook is a highly dubious individual, IMO. He was not only involved in the wallet issue, but also the white/gray jacket farce.
We'll have to agree to disagree, re: whether or not Barrett should have mentioned in his report that a wallet at the scene contained identifications for both Oswald and Hidell. I think you're dismissing the point that Barrett would have mentioned such an important item in his report. It was more than being asked only "a simple question".
So, you believe that Barrett was part of the investigation, despite the fact that the FBI had no jurisdiction? I'm not dismissing anything. You expect that Barrett wrote a report and it should have included the question being asked? Really? Have you read Barrett's report on what happened at the Tippit crime scene?
It was more than being asked only "a simple question".Asking somebody if he knows a couple of names is not "a simple question"? Why?
I think you're dismissing the point that Barrett would have mentioned such an important item in his report.So, in your opinion, Barrett, an observer, should have been so much aware it was an important item that he would have put it in his report? But the same doesn't apply to Bentley, Hill, Carroll and Westbrook, who were actually involved in the investigation?
Picture it like this...
Once the day is concluding, Barrett writes his report (which he did do). Obviously, the alleged assassin is in custody and by now everyone knows his name. A wallet was found at the scene which contained identifications inside for both Oswald and Hidell. If such a thing happened, Barrett mentions it in the report. He didn't.
Nice assumptions. First you assume that Barrett had reason to report about what happened at the Tippit scene and secondly you assume that Barrett knew about Oswald's name and that he was aware of the fact that Hidell was a fake alias used by Oswald. Thirdly, you assume that Barrett could have stated what the content of the wallet was, when in fact he never held it or examined it.
All he really knew was (1) there was a wallet and (2) Westbrook asked him if he knew a guy named Oswald or a guy named Hidell. And you expect him to write this in a report?
Barrett writes his report (which he did do) I have actually never seen Barrett's report for 11/22/63. Can you point me to where I can find it?