“I don’t remember”
“I couldn’t say specifically”
“Best I recall”
“I don’t recall”
“I am not certain”
“I believe”
“If I remember correctly”
“A social security card or something”
“As best my knowledge”
“In his pocket or in his notebook”
“Someone asked him”
By the time these guys testified, months later, the Hidell story was firmly implanted in the law enforcement grapevine, group-think psyche.
Spot on. We already discussed most of this nonsense testimony recently, but either "Mytton" has fallen behind and is not aware of it or it's just another case of rinse, wash and repeat because of the total lack of a better argument.
Only Hill and Carroll were actually in the car with Oswald, when Bentley took his wallet and none of them said a word about a second ID for months.
What guys like Mytton will never be able to deal with is this;
In a memo written on 11/29/63, to Mr. Conrad and several other high ranking FBI officials, W.D. Griffith states that ASAC Dallas Kyle G. Clark has learned from the DPD that they forgot to photograph Oswald's wallet and it's content. They (the DPD) request that they be furnished with photographs of those items.
According to the memo, the wallet contained photographs of Oswald, his wife and a baby, as well as various Civil Service, Social Security and other identification cards. What isn't mentioned is a fake Hidell ID card.
There is a photograph of the photographs and ID cards that were in the wallet;

The fake Hidell ID is not there.