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Author Topic: Time for Truth  (Read 57202 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #136 on: August 08, 2023, 12:20:52 AM »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #136 on: August 08, 2023, 12:20:52 AM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #137 on: August 08, 2023, 04:19:04 PM »
Apology to Alan Ford for diversionary discussion with Mr Buglio Mytton whom I no doubt will never be swayed there was a conspiracy of ANY sort.

That’s his perception of the “truth” ...

Image alteration which suggests some government coverup efforts to negate the Hosty interview notes of Oswald began  at the very start of Will Fritz investigation in 1963.

Well said, Mr. Mason, especially your assessment of Captain Fritz's hatchet job @ Mr. Hosty's notes. No great surprise since the coverup of the plain simple truth (the wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody) had to be ignored amid a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure. Lest the research community forgets it was Captain Fritz who invented the whole he said this and said that about returning to his rooming house. Quite a clever invention albeit nefarious in nature to put the wrongly-accused near the event that unfolded across town at 10th & Patton. The problem with Fritz's notes are twofold: (A) The photo images of both Mr. Mentesana (Ernest) and Mr. Hughes (Robert) capturing the wrongly-accused still in Dealey Plaza post-assassination time after the big red Fire Station 3 fire-truck arrives in Dealey Plaza (1:12PM) and (B) no great surprise that Fritz like so many others involved in the coverup succumbed to the following quote...

Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder. -- George Washington

Just a quick question before I gather my notes to make a brief post: Do you have any thoughts on the "white ring around the neck" photo shared by Mr. Iacoletti?

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #138 on: August 08, 2023, 04:44:19 PM »
There's plenty of evidence that the wrongly-accused spent ample time with Warren C. de Brueys down in New Orleans during the Summer of 1963. Back next week to make a follow-up on comparing the well-heeled suited gentleman in the Mentesana film standing roughly 25' away from the wrongly-accused in Dealey Plaza post-assassination time (1:12PM) ... no need to click upon the video just note the balding suited figure standing there in close proximity to the wrongly-accused in his familiar attire...

and compare with the the following video filmed down in New Orleans during the Summer of 1963 (freeze the frame at 9 secs in for better clarity) and note the blading suited gentleman just in front of the suited gentleman with one arm raised just behind him...

A striking resemblance for sure. Could the balding gentlemen in both venues standing in close proximity of the wrongly-accused each time of the year (Summer & late Fall) be none other than Bureau agent Warren C. de Brueys?

Will take a much closer look and return back here next week the Good Lord willing to follow-up. Meanwhile, safe travels, best of health & happiness to all. Somebody was responsible for handling the movements of the wrongly-accused. Perhaps the same person also transported him out of Dealey Plaza post-assassination time (1:12PM).

« Last Edit: August 08, 2023, 04:48:03 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #138 on: August 08, 2023, 04:44:19 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #139 on: August 08, 2023, 08:18:56 PM »
Mr. Hughes (Robert) freeze at 8:03 -- 8:04 as the wrongly-accused reenters the TSBD post-assassination time;

Mr. Ford, this man being escorted inside the building by an officer is NOT Mr. Oswald but a black man

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2023, 08:24:02 PM »
However since no one on this forum has substantially proved the newest version of Darnell image of PM is some  kind of fake image or that the effect of the white ring around the neck of PM is some anomaly caused by translation of the original Darnell to computer pixel format, then reluctantly, Oswald =PM is rendered doubtful.

If the round neckline were just white, there would be no problem!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2023, 08:24:02 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #141 on: August 08, 2023, 11:05:19 PM »
I’ve ruled out that PM is the women reporter with a microphone, because its highly doubtful she would have not informed anyone about being on those steps and witnessing the event from that vantage point.

Pauline Sanders is a good fit imo, but as Mr.I and myself have pointed out, her known recorded statements have no mention of moving  from her east side of the entrance steps to the west side.

The object in the hands of PM is not likely a camera being raised to take a photo because surely there would have been a photo from such camera contributed to the investigators.

What then is it? It’s not a white sandwich because why would there be only one bite taken and then never again?

A woman’s make up thingy or mirror being raised to check one’s appearance? Now why would a woman who’s basically back in the shadows who isn’t likely going be seen anyway ( and is only a 5’2” woman wearing glasses like Sanders) be worried  about her appearance?

Not likely a cigarette lighter as there’s no indication of erratic change/flicker in the shape of the white area nor does there appear to be cigarette in PMs mouth.

A white radio? It would have been held up to the EAR at the SIDE of the head, not up to the mouth.

Since it does appear it’s going up to the mouth and down again in just a few seconds then it’s more probably a bottle with white label or it’s a white cup, with liquid in it, because there’s not much reason to lift up an EMPTY  bottle or cup to mouth.

Since it’s therefore promote probably a bootie  or white cup, then which one is more probable?

If PM is Pauline Sanders, she could have brought out a white cup of some liquid. However as Walt Cakebread once suggested, would such a small cup if having coffee  or tea in it not have already been totally consumed in 15-20 minutes waiting on the steps?

So this points to a larger bottle which contains 20 0z or larger volume of liquid which if such bottle had been bought at 12:17 from the 2nd floor lunchroom, has a fair probability that some % of liquid was still left in the bottle  at 12:29.

Now all one has to do is prove that a bottle of a 1963 Dr.Pepper bottle (or Coke) from the 2nd floor lunchroom soda machine has an oval shaped white label that could plausibly appear  as a white fuzzy ball if held in hand by someone standing in the shadows at PMs location at 12:29 Nov 22/63, with label facing towards the camera, and the bottle held by the hand at the base of the bottle thus not obscuring the label.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #142 on: August 09, 2023, 05:59:53 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #143 on: August 09, 2023, 03:08:41 PM »
The problem is that it just seems incredibly stupid that Oswald would have used his P.O. Box to  list a  secondary fake name to receive mail at that same address.

If Oswald could make a fake ID then why not just open a P.O. Box addressed ONLY to that fake name and then there’s virtually no link to himself , since in 1963 there were not many cameras recording people in real time as much as in 2023.

Because Oswald seemed fairly smart in his ability to get in and out of the U.S.S.R. and was able to speak fluent Russian, then is it not plausible to suggest that Oswald was NOT a stupid person?

Somewhere I read that Oswald’s IQ was only 108, but I don’t know if that’s really true or if it could be part of an CIA defector program to hide the true ability of Oswald if he were in fact a CIA operative in such program.

There’s also the stupidity of ordering a rifle by  mail and creating a paper trail when it would have been just as easy to buy a rifle from some shady gun dealer for cash.

Then there’s the curiosity of  leaving the serial no.on the rifle and the pistol and why  not get the pistol from  some other shady character instead of ordering it by mail?

Since there appears to be some evidence of Oswald having had a  meticulous plan of finding Gen Walker, getting to the scene by bus or other means and carrying a rifle without being seen,  it’s reasonable to question why Oswald would make it so easy to trace a rifle and a pistol to himself , when he had other options which if he were such a meticulous person, then he theoretically should have figured out a better plan.

Oswald having his wife take  a picture of himself holding an MC rifle was pretty stupid also, if he were intending to use an MC rifle in any criminal act, so it’s either a case of kook stupidity, or it’s a case of Oswald being set up somehow, or believing himself to be on some CIA mission whether real or imagined.

This is the old claim that there is so much evidence against Oswald that we can only conclude he is innocent.  Oswald used a fake name to order his rifle.  He did what he could to cover his tracks.  Of course, when he ordered the rifle, he also had no intention of leaving it at the crime scene to be discovered.  He intended to hide it after the Walker attempt and later retrieve it.  Which is what he did.   The JFK/TSBD scenario would not have entered into consideration where the rifle was left at the crime when he ordered the rifle.  But more importantly, if Oswald was an intelligent guy as you point out, he realized that there was no getting away after assassinating the president.  He would have known that arrest or death was part of the decision to carry out that deed.  And he decided to move forward with the act knowing the consequences.  The evidence left behind was of no consequence to him.  It was committing the act and becoming a person of historical significance that mattered.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #143 on: August 09, 2023, 03:08:41 PM »