The contrarians would have us believe it was just a matter of bad luck that the one and only time of his marriage that he left his wedding ring at home was on the morning of Nov. 22. Do they really believe this nonsense? All the circumstances that link Oswald to the crimes over and over and over again are all just bad luck. The contrarians attempt to compartmentalize the evidence as though each piece is independent of all the other evidence against him. Oswald worked in the building from which JFK was assassinated. He was one of the few people who we know was in the building at the moment the shots were fired. Unlike most of the OTHER TSBD employees, Oswald was in the building at the moment the shots were fired. Unlike most of the OTHER TSBD employees he was not in the presence of any of his coworkers who could provide him with an alibi. All those folks can be eliminated as suspects. So we very quickly place Oswald in a small subset of the TSBD employees as the possible assassin. Only a handful of folks were in the building. He is one of them. What terrible luck for him. How many TSBD employees who were IN the building took off within minutes of the assassination not to return? Some who were OUTSIDE the building were blocked from reentering, but Oswald was IN the TSBD and left for good. To compare those two situations as though they are the same highlights the lengths these contrarians will go to exonerate Oswald.
He also leaves his wedding ring at home for the very first time that very day. Bad luck. He also leaves his wife a large amount of money. Bad luck. All of this suggests some foreknowledge that he will not be returning when viewed in the totality of circumstances. Why? Because he didn't just leave his wedding ring at home as contrarians frame this. He did so for the first and only time on the very same day he was arrested for murder. He carries a long package that very morning from the location where his own wife indicates he kept a rifle. Bad luck. A bag with his prints is found next to the location from which witnesses saw a rifle pointed at JFK at the moment of the assassination. Terrible luck. He is the only TSBD employee to leave identifiable prints on the very boxes in the SN. What bad luck. He decides to knock off for the day and gets his gun. He passes the vicinity of the Tippit murder on his way to the movies and looks so much like the shooter that multiple witnesses place him at the scene with his gun. He has the same two brands of ammo in his possession used to kill Tippit. What are the chances? But it's more just bad luck.
The contrarians would have us believe it was just a matter of bad luck that the one and only time of his marriage that he left his wedding ring at home was on the morning of Nov. 22. A marriage can only end once. Marina and Ruth Paine both testified they believed Oswald came to Irving on Thursday to save his marriage. When Marina refused to live with him again, he concluded that his marriage was over and left his ring and money for the kids behind. Not really an occurrence that happens more than once.
Oswald worked in the building from which JFK was assassinated. He was one of the few people who we know was in the building at the moment the shots were fired. Indeed, one of the few people
we knowSo we very quickly place Oswald in a small subset of the TSBD employees as the possible assassin. How do you know that the assassin must have been a TSBD employee?
Only a handful of folks were in the building. He is one of them. Who are the others?
How many TSBD employees who were IN the building took off within minutes of the assassination not to return? Some who were OUTSIDE the building were blocked from reentering, but Oswald was IN the TSBD and left for good. That's what the official story says, but there is no real evidence for it that Oswald left "within minutes not to return"
He also leaves his wedding ring at home for the very first time that very day. Bad luck. He also leaves his wife a large amount of money. Bad luck. All of this suggests some foreknowledge that he will not be returning when viewed in the totality of circumstances. Maybe, but only when the "totality of circumstances" is in fact what really happened. You keep on assuming that the WC story is true, when in fact most of it is conjecture based on very little and conflicting evidence.
He did so for the first and only time on the very same day he was arrested for murder. So, he left his ring because he knew he was going to be arrested for murder? Is that what you are saying? Was Oswald psychic?
He carries a long package that very morning from the location where his own wife indicates he kept a rifle.So many misrepresentation to unpack here. Yes he left Irving carrying a package, which according to the descriptions of the only two witnesses who saw it, could not have contained a broken down rifle. A broken down carcano doesn't fit between the cup of Oswald's hand and his shoulder. And Marina never indicated Lee kept a rifle in the garage. At best, she only saw a rifle (or the wooden stock of one) once, in late September, just after leaving New Orleans. She had no knowledge if there was still a rifle in the garage on 11/21/63. She also could only assume that the rifle she had seen in late September belonged to Oswald, since she never talked to him about it.
A bag with his prints is found next to the location from which witnesses saw a rifle pointed at JFK at the moment of the assassination. That's what some police officers said, but others didn't see it and there is no in situ photograph of it. They claimed the bag was folded up, but when it was carried out the TSBD it was unfolded and held upside down. What was in it, to keep it upright and how could fibers similar to those of the blanket still be in there? Also, that bag was made from TSBD materials and had to have been made at the TSBD. This means Oswald must have made it and taken it to Irving, but nobody ever saw him near the wrapping paper machines and Frazier did not see Oswald carry a folded up bag with him to Irving. Too many unanswered questions to reach any conclusion about that bag.
He is the only TSBD employee to leave identifiable prints on the very boxes in the SN. So, that fact that other prints also found on the boxes were not identified makes Oswald guilty because his prints were identified? Is that your what you are saying?
He passes the vicinity of the Tippit murder on his way to the moviesAre you for real?
looks so much like the shooter that multiple witnesses place him at the scene with his gun. Which gun was that? The one for which there is no chain of custody and Hill apparently walked around with for several hours or the one Oswald said he bought in Fort Worth?
What are the chances? What are the chances that you would tell a story honestly, rather than concocting are weak circumstantial prosecutorial fairytale for which you lack credible evidence?