The wrongly-accused, despite a hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure to the contrary, did not leave Dealey Plaza via a phantom bus ride nor a fictitious cab ride either. It is w/good reason that the LNs cannot refute amateur photographer Mr. Mentesana's image of the wrongly-accused still in Dealey Plaza post-assassination time as late as 1:12PM. They cannot explain away how someone who is supposed to be clear across town at 10th & Patton wearing an Eisenhower sport jacket cannot be in two places all at once. We may never know the genuine identities of the two assailants truly responsible for Mr. Tippit's ambush, but those of us who don't believe in magic bullets also know no one can be in two places all at once. That said, let's get back to Dealey Plaza, where the wrongly accused remained post-assassination.
Take a long hard honest to goodness look at the following garment... a single individual donned this material on Friday, November 22, 1963 pre-assassination, during the assassination and post-assassination. Comparing the garment to Mr. Mentesana's capture of the wrongly-accused leaves no wiggle room for the LNs to explain the obvious away. It's the exact same material, same colour and same manner of style. Today, let's train our focus on two other instances where this garment material and the wrongly-accused shares the same space and time:
be right back...
11:28 this time I don't have my Martin & Hughes post-assassination film handy; however, in the following film, courtesy of the Dallas Cinema Associates (DCA), fast-forward to the 5:43 mark and freeze that frame.
If you are not a parrot with an agenda parroting back the same old hastily contrived script mired in the stench of horse manure about a phantom bus ride and equally fictitious cab ride you will readily admit the wrongly accused & his brown shirt shared in yet another filming sequence is still in Dealey Plaza in yet another instance (this time the object of interest by Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) and Mr. Lovelady (Billy Nolan) standing below him on our viewing left and right respectively.
One gets the impression--at least from the grimace upon Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray's face) that something isn't going as planned...
Next week--the Good Lord willing will return here to share my Martin & Hughes images that---with no offense to the DCA film--captures more detailed and an extended view of the wrongly-accused actually climbing the front steps which once again puts him still in Dealey Plaza post-assassination time, nowhere near 10th & Patton where two assailants were ambushing Mr. Tippit.
The wrongly accused did Not shoot anybody. Anybody.
“Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder."― George Washington
Bunch of lying treasonous cowards.