McWatters the bus driver, gave testimony that seems to indicate he followed dutifully the rules of the bus company such as being on time to each bus stop.
He also explained the rule that transfer tickets
Were not to be issued earlier than 15 minutes from the expiration time.
So if McWatters was being consistent in his dedication to follow the company rules, then the ticket that allegedly was given to Oswald , being a 1:00 transfer ticket would not have been given to Oswald any earlier than 12:45.
Of course this completely upsets the timeline of getting Oswald to William Walleys taxi , which Walleys manifest record indicates an Oswald entering his cab not later than 12:45.
Fortunately and coincidentally for the WC, Mcwatters who had just given an ample amount of testimony about how he followed the rules, then explained how he often would hand out tickets earlier than 15 minutes, (a clear violation of the rules) which was quite a contradiction for a man who was portraying himself as a most dutifully employee.
One has to wonder if McWatters was under some pressure to help out the WC given this crucial time line that Needed to be established to fit Walleys manifest of 12:30-12:45 block.
Even with this “helpful” McWatters modification of breaking the company rule in just this one area, the time line STILL had problems because Oswald would not have arrived to his boarding room until 1:00 and then did not leave until 1:04.
So then the Markam 1:06-1:07 time stamp and the Bowley watch that read 1:10 had to be dismissed as mistaken times, and the DPD radio dispatch record of 1:16 being declared as the official time.
But they still had a problem , because of the 1:15 DOA time stamp from the emergency room doctor, which de facto would mean the ambulance had to have been dispatched at 1:10-1;11, because it takes approx 2 minutes of travel time from hospital to Tippet scene and back and about 30 secs to load body and unload body from ambulance, and to the actual room, thus arriving to doctor AT 1:15.
That would mean that Bowleys 1:10 watch WAS correct and that Bowleys radio call most likely was1:10:30, which then means the shooting of Tippet had to have been approx 1:07-1:08, because of Benavides having waited 2 minutes approx after the shooter had left the scene before Benavides went to Tippets car and attempted a call just preceding Bowley.
One attempted solution offered on this forum was that the 1:15 time stamp was NOT the doctor noting the time of the dead body arriving, rather it was the physicians “estimate” of when he thought the death of Tippet occurred.
So this why it’s so difficult to ascertain the “absolute” truth about the time line because of the witnesses own personal time estimates as well as the DOA time stamp of the emergency doctor, vs the DPD radio records, which do not appear to be reconcilable.
If the WC timeline is the “truth” then Markam & Bowley, must be wrong, McWatters must be accepted as an inconsistent dutiful employee who violated just one rule, allowing an earlier arrival of Oswald to Walleys taxi by 12:45 and the DOA 1:15 time stamp by the emergency doctor must be alternatively interpreted as “estimate of death” meaning Tippet was shot at 1:15.
This all to give Oswald the necessary 11 minutes required to “walk briskly” from leaving boarding room at 1:04 approx.