Using the above example;
Martin suspected that "Oswald's rifle" was not Oswald's rifle, but Martin could never prove it.
When you start to do your usual song and dance it simply means that you can't back up your pathetic claim with actual evidence.
Ridicule doesn't help you. I don't need to prove it was not Oswald's rifle. I don't even have to suspect that it wasn't Oswald's rifle.
You claimed it was his rifle so you are the one who needs to prove it.
But don't bother because you will never be able to do so and any further posts from you about the subject will be an even bigger waste of time than they usually are.
The bottom line is a simple one;
"John Mytton" claimed that Oswald owned a Carcano but can not prove it.
"John Mytton" claimed Kleins' sent a rifle to Oswald but can not prove it
"John Mytton" falsely claimed that the HSCA photographic panel confirmed Oswald was holding C2677 in the BY photos but not only can't he prove it, he has been proven a liar
See the pattern?
Thanks for playing, Johnny