Fritz wrote his report from memory after Oswald's death.
With the aid of his handwritten notes, of course. You're not going to pretend
Fritz' notes were written up days later, are you?
Fritz, in my mind, lost all credibility when he presented Buell Wesley Frazier with a pre-written "confession" on Friday evening, which Frazier refused to sign.
I have some serious doubts as to whether that event took place.
It's not surprising, though, to see the conspiracy theorists jumping for joy after Buell Frazier came up with that story about Captain Fritz 39 years after it allegedly occurred (while never saying a word about it prior to 2002).
But, what do I know? Maybe it did happen. But the 39-year delay should make a person at least wonder about it a little bit.
More about Mr. Frazier's multiple late-arriving bombshell tales
You're using a very vague time estimate of Earlene Roberts to make some sort of point. Even worse, you are doing so while ignoring the fact the Roberts said that she was concentrating on the television as she wanted to see the 1 PM news, just as Oswald walked in. That places his arrival at just about 1 PM and his departure at around 1:03 or 1:04.
one and only source for the "1:03" or "1:04" departure time for Oswald is Earlene Roberts' absurdly long (IMO) estimate of the length of time Oswald was inside his room ("3 or 4 minutes").
But if the
actual time that LHO spent in that room was along the lines of 30 to 60 seconds (which is very likely much more accurate, especially given the "hurried" nature that Oswald was said to have exhibited during
both his arrival and his departure from the roominghouse that day), then that would have provided Oswald with up to
3 additional minutes to travel the 0.85 mile from 1026 Beckley to 10th & Patton.
But a CTer named Martin Weidmann, who just said in his last post that he thinks Mrs. Roberts is an "unreliable witness", seems to want to embrace Roberts' "3 or 4 minutes" testimony as the absolute truth. Therefore, per many CTers, Mrs. Roberts' estimate is now written in stone and has (somehow) been turned into a rock-solid and proven
fact. (Pot meets Kettle once more, it would seem.)
The total evidence does not indicate that Tippit was shot at 1:14 or 1:15. A simple example: Markham testified that she left her home a little after 1 PM, perhaps 1:06. She needed to walk two blocks to get to the bus stop on Jefferson. According to their timetable there were busses at 1:12 and 1:22. Markham estimated that she would catch her usual bus at 1:15, which could be either one of the busses mentioned. To walk two blocks, Markham would have needed no more [than] 6 minutes, which means that she would have passed by 10th and Patton no later than 1:09 or 1:10 and she would have arrived at the bus stop at around 1:12 or 1:13. It is physically impossible for Markham to have been at 10th and Patton when Tippit was killed, if that indeed happened at 1:14 or 1:15. It does, however, match a timeline where Tippit is killed between 1:08 and 1:10.
Helen Markham's Bus ---
Click Here.
Also See ---
Tippit Timelines.
At her WC testimony, she [Earlene Roberts] was shown the jacket and she denied that it was the jacket she had seen.
No, she didn't. When Mrs. Roberts was shown Oswald's gray zipper jacket (CE162), she did say
"It seems like the one he put on was darker than that", but she didn't flat-out "deny" that CE162 was the jacket she saw Oswald wearing on Nov. 22nd. In fact, she said
"Well, maybe it was". And she also said
"I won't be sure, because I really don't know." (Source:
6 H 439.)