What’s hilarious is that “Mytton” thinks appeals to ignorance and shifting the burden are effective arguments for his fantasy conclusion.
This is the perfect encapsulation of the faith based Conspiracy Mind set. Btw I like how you search through various "argument fallacy" lists and present inappropriate fallacies/appeals that set you up as yet another evidence avoiding, self serving arbiter. Also from previous interactions, whenever I see you put my Forum name in quotes, you are stuck, will predictably lack any meaningful refuation and will present a nonsense diversionary tactic which is perfectly illustrated in your above response. Thanks for being so boringly predictable.
The CT's dismiss the evidence for the most absurd reasons and keep demanding that the Proven Evidence needs to bne Proven to some newly invented unreasonable standard by essentially splitting the split hair, then claim it's my burden to reprove some newly thought up objection. It's truly never ending.
Using my example that you responded to.
The coupon, envelope and Waldman 7 in Kleins completed business documents which all indicate Oswald's return PO Box which in any other case would be more than enough evidence to prove that someone sent an order then the order was fulfilled. But welcome to the Bonkers World of the ever more demanding Conspiracy Buff, where by their circular logic of "knowing" Oswald is innocent means something more is required and needs a new level of proof, or they conclude that this new evidence was faked or somebody lied, etc etc.
The original investigation went above and beyond the call of duty and tracked down the Money Order, established that Crescent sent Kleins C2766, found Lifschultz who transported C2766 and acquired the Kleins banking records. But how could the Warren Commission possibly be aware that this intricate level of intensive investigation still wouldn't be enough.
For example;
1. A member of this Forum who's new demand is that the writing on Kleins business document Waldman 7 needs verification. And if for some reason the WC could see the future and had a few words on Waldman 7 verified then the next split hair would be split even further and the usual someone must have lied or the form is fake, proves that something is sinister. There will never be evidence that will ever be satisfactory, the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper.
2. The microfilm is "missing"! For a start as far as I know, this has only been claimed by 1 CT(Armstrong) and even if true how is this relevant,
Waldman verified the microfilm way back when the assassination actually happened, I doubt that 60 years later that any one is left alive that can verify it's authenticity but every time the microfilm is mentioned some "clever" Ct adds "missing", because in their mind it must mean conspiracy! Obviously nothing new from this microfilm can be proved but so what, it's "MISSING"!!
3. In the verified Oswald documents, I haven't seen any examples besides the Hidell revolver coupon, where Oswald was forced into writing in a very small area. But with next to no samples of scrunched up writing to compare, another member here casts doubt because only 2 Block letters could be matched, No Kidding Einstein! But the envelope where Oswald had plenty of room to write had plenty of matches but for some reason said member wants to separate this single Microfilm image into two because they could be separate orders?, but if there was actually two different separate images for the Coupon and Envelope then by the above reasoning it would be up to the honest LNer to prove that they were part of the same order. Round and round we go.
4. The money order has a solid chain of custody so the keen CT first casts doubt and attacks any authority figure along this chain but having no luck, starts attacking the Money Order itself, and again we have amateurs with no banking experience deciding the inauthenticity of the Money Order. Madness. Luckily Lance from the Ed Forum put this issue to bed, well until the next time, when a new split hair is split.
5. The Dallas Post Office must have someone who remembered giving the rifle package to Oswald. Another unrealistic request considering the length of time and the number of packages that they deal with on a daily basis.
I could go on but why bother, there will NEVER be enough evidence for the true Buff and anyone and their dog can invent some new unattainable or missing piece of evidence and then create doubt because this evidence MUST be produced or there MUST be a conspiracy. For just 1 of many avenues for conspiracy, I have demonstrated the amount of effort required to magically create the Hidell persona, but still I am required to prove the already proven evidence to some unknown or knowingly unattainable standard that it's all authentic, then the hollow victory is declared. It's all a bit sad really.
The modern CT can't see the forest for the trees.