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Author Topic: Time for Truth  (Read 57739 times)

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #256 on: September 06, 2023, 02:19:21 PM »
Let's just have a look at some of the things these "top notch" cops did or did not do.....

They find a jacket under a car, but they don't know the name of the officer who "found" it, nor do they know who the officer was that Captain Westbrook gave that (white) jacket to or how it made it's way to the DPD office. Then, suddenly, the jacket (which is now grey), shows up in the possession again of Captain Westbrook, with markings on it from DPD officers that never handled the jacket and were never part of the chain of custody.

Then we have the BY photos, which the DPD officers allegedly "found" in Ruth Paine's garage during the second search of her home, on SaPersonay afternoon, with a search warrant. Strangely enough, Michael Paine testified that a FBI agent showed him one of the photos on Friday evening for identification of the location and Fritz already had a blow up of one of the photos on SaPersonay morning.

Then there is the bus transfer and some bullets that they allegedly "found" on Oswald's person, during, not the first, not the second but the third search of his body. How is that even possible?

Then we have officer Hill, who was given a revolver at the Texas Theatre and was told it belonged to Oswald. Instead of marking it and entering it in the evidence room as soon as he arrived (with Oswald) in the car, he decided to carry it around for a couple of hours and then ask some fellow officers to put markings on a revolver presented to them as being the one that Hill had received at the Texas Theatre.

And it goes on and on. Lt Day claims to have lifted a print from the rifle found at the TSBD. The same rifle that nobody bothered to check if it even had been fired that day. Instead of turning it over to the FBI on Friday evening, Day kept it for several days on an evidence card and only presented it to the FBI on 11/26/63.

A folded up paper bag was allegedly "found" at the so-called sniper's nest at the TSBD, but the first six officers who were in that location did not recall seeing it. Then Studebaker, the second in charge of the forensics department, showed up and failed to photograph that bag in situ. It's only after his arrival, that officers started seeing the paper pag in the sniper's nest. The first time the paper bag is seen in public is when officer Montgomery carried it out of the TSBD in an unfolded state, with something inside holding it up, which means the opening was at the bottom, which allowed for anything inside the bag to fall out. Yet, later, they somehow "found" fibers matching Oswald's blanket in that bag.... Go figure.

It goes on and on.... but, yes, if you disregard all this, they really did a "top notch" job     Thumb1:

All this from the guy who denies he is alleging a conspiracy or that the evidence was fabricated.  But his constant response to the evidence against Oswald is that some unknown person COULD have fabricated it to frame him.  This is just a lazy defense attorney approach.  There is nothing "allegedly" about any of this evidence. In many cases, there are actually films and photos of the evidence at the crime scene etc. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #256 on: September 06, 2023, 02:19:21 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #257 on: September 06, 2023, 04:58:44 PM »
All this from the guy who denies he is alleging a conspiracy or that the evidence was fabricated.  But his constant response to the evidence against Oswald is that some unknown person COULD have fabricated it to frame him.  This is just a lazy defense attorney approach.  There is nothing "allegedly" about any of this evidence. In many cases, there are actually films and photos of the evidence at the crime scene etc.

Name one thing I said that isn't correct.......

He won't.... Nothing new there. Rather than dealing with actual facts, "Richard", as always, prefers to just ignore them and instead go on another pathetic insignificant off topic rant.

He still hasn't understood (and probably never will) that questioning the evidence against Oswald does not automatically mean alleging a conspiracy. That's just another idiotic strawman used by a guy who fully understands that the evidence against Oswald isn't nearly as conclusive and credible as he would like it to be. That's why he can't stand people looking more closely at the evidence. For "Richard" (and guys like him) it's a simple matter of believing evidence that he can't present because, in the real world, it doesn't exist.

All this from the guy who denies he is alleging a conspiracy or that the evidence was fabricated.

Wrong again. All this from the guy who is stating factual and true information. You should try it once....

But his constant response to the evidence against Oswald is that some unknown person COULD have fabricated it to frame him.

You still haven't grasped the reality of the fact that the person claiming somebody is guilty needs to present credible and authenticated evidence to support his claim. Again, you should try it once.

There is nothing "allegedly" about any of this evidence. 

Total and utter BS. All there is, is "cop said so".... :D

In many cases, there are actually films and photos of the evidence at the crime scene etc.

Don't just say it (as per usual), but present that film and photographic evidence.... Go on then 

« Last Edit: September 06, 2023, 06:34:29 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #258 on: September 07, 2023, 03:19:22 AM »
They find a jacket under a car, but they don't know the name of the officer who "found" it

This may be because the jacket was in fact found by Mrs. Doretha Dean (of Dean's Dairy Way), who claimed she found a jacket thrown onto a tire rack. Not dramatically furtive enough-------------------> 'Let's say we found it hidden under a car'

Mr. Dale Myers LOVES Mrs. Dean's story of 'Oswald' making noise at the second-hand furniture store, and so gives it full credence. He dislikes Mrs. Dean's jacket story, however, so dismisses it as an uncredible embellishment............

Those of us not signed-up life members of the Warren Gullibility Fellowship need not be so agenda-driven in our sifting of the evidence.

Tan Jacket Man (the man who shot Officer Tippit) was seen going into the alley off Patton.
Light-Gray Jacket Man (the man who went all the way down Patton AFTER Tan Jacket Man) was in all likelihood the owner of the discarded jacket. Before discarding his jacket, he was seen by Mr. Warren Reynolds going into the furniture store: this sighting formed the basis of the suspect description that would go out on police radio. There is a very good chance THIS man was the man seen a little later by Mrs. Dean (who found his jacket), and after that by Mr. Johnny Calvin Brewer (or was it actually Mr. Tommy Rowe who saw him?).

Mr. Oswald was in the Texas Theatre when all this was going down, moving from seat to seat beside a series of people sitting solo, wondering where the hell his promised contact was. And then the cops came in, which confirmed Mr. Oswald's worst fear: he had been hung out to dry.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 01:19:18 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #258 on: September 07, 2023, 03:19:22 AM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #259 on: September 07, 2023, 03:43:21 AM »
Does it seem kind of odd that Oswald just didn’t get rid of his revolver ( if he even had one on his  person in the first place), when he observed that

1. He couldn’t escape as the police officers were entering the theater

2. Officer McDonald was searching 2 other people BEFORE having yet approached Oswald .
Now if the  explanation for this keeping the revolver is that Oswald had intention to have a final “shootout”  with cops in the theatre then why did Oswald not pull out the revolver when he STOOD UP to move and then sat down again , which action occurred just as the lights came on and the police were entering  the theater.?

And as for McDonald, Oswald supposedly HIT McDonald and McDonald fell BACKWARD (according to one witness)  and THEN a revolver is seen in the hands of Oswald AND several police including McDonald who bounced back up quickly and grabbed a revolver simultaneously with several OTHER hands on it also.

So it does seem (to me ) that  Oswald must have had the revolver in his hand at some point just after hitting McDonald and its difficult imo to see how the revolver could have  been shoved into Oswald’s hand by McDonald or other cop as a post event set up of Oswald. ( But I could be wrong if McDonald lied as Mr.I has already provide a link that kind of makes one wonder about McDonald).

But what about the firing pin of the revolver?
It was not functional apparently after McDonalds hand web supposedly was able to get stuck in between hammer and pin , which is an amazing thing since the hammer of a revolver doesn’t have to be “cocked” back before firing, One only has to  press the trigger and the hammer is automatically engaged and then released striking the pin.

Would Oswald have been wearing his revolver with the hammer already cocked?

Is this a typical thing with revolvers that a web of  a thumb and forefinger getting caught between hammer and pin as the hammer strikes would cause the firing pin to become permanently dysfunctional thereafter? 

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #260 on: September 07, 2023, 02:55:11 PM »
..or Oswald didn’t have a revolver at all and the gun that was struggled over was a throw-down gun that McDonald brought.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #260 on: September 07, 2023, 02:55:11 PM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #261 on: September 07, 2023, 03:49:14 PM »
How many people have been added to the conspiracy to frame Oswald for the crime within just an hour of the assassination?  And mostly random citizens.  That was quite a plan.  They are willing to lie or avoid telling the truth to help frame Oswald.  Never in their entire lives do they ever say differently or indicate that anyone coerced them into lying.  It's just possible.  Or it can't be disproven with absolute certainty to the subjective satisfaction of CTer/contrarians.  Imagine applying that standard to any other criminal case or fact in human history. 

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #262 on: September 07, 2023, 03:51:15 PM »
..or Oswald didn’t have a revolver at all and the gun that was struggled over was a throw-down gun that McDonald brought.

And how did McDonald know the person he was supposed to framing with the "throw-down gun" was in the Texas Theater?

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #263 on: September 07, 2023, 05:02:58 PM »
Brewer's basic story of seeing a man acting suspiciously on the street who he saw go into the Texas Theater and who he followed, is confirmed by a number of eye-witnesses he told this story to before Oswald was arrested.
Postal, Burroughs and Walker confirm the detail that Brewer had mentioned the man ducking into his own store before moving on.
Brewer then points out Oswald as the man who he saw acting suspiciously.

Postal - Well, just as I turned around then Johnny Brewer was standing there and he asked me if the fellow that ducked in bought a ticket, and I said, "No; by golly, he didn't," and turned around expecting to see him... Mr. Brewer said he had been ducking in at his place of business, and he had gone by me, because I was facing west, and I said, "Go in and see if you can see him," it isn't too much people in there.

Burroughs - ...the police were cruising up and down Jefferson hunting for Oswald, and he ran to a shoestore and then came out and came on up to the Texas, and the man [Brewer] came in and told me that a man fitting that description came in the show and he wanted me to help him find him, and we went and checked the exit doors...

Hawkins - I believe Officer McDonald was at the back door at the time and Officer Hutson and Captain Westbrook and Officer Walker and myself went in the rear door, all went to the rear door, and at this time we saw a white male [Brewer] there and began talking to him and he identified himself as being the manager of a shoe store next door and that he was the person who had noted the suspicious acting on the suspect, and he at that time was brought into the rear of the theatre and on the stage and he pointed the person out sitting about three or four rows from the back of the theatre on the right hand or the south side.

Walker- I went in the alley up to the back door. When I arrived there, there was several officers ... around the back of the theatre, and myself, and/McDonald, and Officer Hutson went in the back door. And this man [Brewer] told us, or this boy told us that there was someone, said the person that he had seen was inside the theatre, and that he had changed seats several times, and he thought he was out there in the middle now ... He said he seen him duck into the store where he worked, kind of looked back, and looked like he was running, and just run into the theatre ... He said he looked like he was scared.

Mcdonald - ... And as we got inside the door, we were met by a man that was in civilian clothes [Brewer], a suit, and he told us that the man that acted suspiciously as he ran into the theater was sitting downstairs in the orchestra seats, and not in the balcony. He was sitting at the rear of the theater alone.
Officer Walker and I went to the exit curtains that is to the left of the movie screen. I looked into the audience. I saw the person that the shoe store salesman had pointed out to us.

This doesn't prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the man Brewer pointed out was the same man he saw entering the cinema. It might just be an outrageously perverse coincidence that the man he pointed out was Oswald.
Or maybe Brewer was the man Oswald was going to meet at the cinema and he concocted this story on the spot in order to get the police down there.
And maybe McDonald was carrying a "throw-down gun" with him all that day, knowing that Tippit was going to be shot and that it would be needed to frame the soon-to-be prime suspect in the assassination of JFK, who Brewer was going to throw under the bus.  ::)
« Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 05:05:13 PM by Dan O'meara »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #263 on: September 07, 2023, 05:02:58 PM »