Buell W. Frazier describes (sort of)Oswald wearing a blue jacket when Oswald rode in BWFs car that Friday morning of Nov/22/63.
If that’s the dark blue jacket and Oswald wore that jacket when he left the TSBD approx 12:33, pm and IF Oswald never actually went to McWatters bus, and instead went more directly to Whaleys taxi, then what Whaley saw as Oswald’s OUTER garment is close enough to be the dark blue jacket.
It may have taken Oswald more than just 7 minutes to walk directly to Whaleys taxi, so the timing of entering the taxi about 12:44-45 may still be the approx time , which therefore still precludes Oswald having walked to 10th and Patton st by 1:08 pm.
How to explain Earlene Roberts seeing Oswald entering the house wearing just a light colored long sleeve shirt?
If Oswald took off the dark blue jacket just as he was entering the house and just before Roberts looked at him, then it’s possible she would have only seen the light pinkish reddish shirt that Oswald had on and remember that more vaguely as a light colored long sleeves shirt.
How to explain Roberts seeing Oswald zipping up a dark blue jacket as Oswald was leaving the house?
While Earlene Roberts was fixated on the TV news about JFK, Oswald could have exited his room and made it to the place in the house where he had taken off his dark blue jacket when he had entered the house, and he was able to put that dark blue jacket back on and just as he was zipping it up on his way to the front door, is the moment when Roberts looked up and saw him zipping it.
So since the time exiting the house was 1:04,pm it’s not likely that Oswald ever was at 10th and Patton st at 1:07-1:08pm.
So that leaves the sightings of Oswald in the theatre by Burroughs at 1:15 ( his later statements) and Davis at 1:20pm and Brewers 1:30 sighting of Oswald at his store.
Can Oswald walk to the theatre from the boarding house in just 11 minutes? Maybe, if he walked “briskly”.

Burroughs didn’t actually see Oswald enter the theater , so Oswald could have had on his dark blue jacket when he entered the theater .
Davis only saw Oswald moving around in the DARK so maybe he didn’t notice if Oswald had on a jacket or the color of the Oswald’s clothing.
Oswald could have also just taken off the jacket leaving it at one seat and then started moving around to the other seats.
CT explanations for Brewers sighting at 1:30 pm of Oswald just in the brown shirt?
A. Brewer saw Oswald earlier about 1:16pm wearing the dark blue jacket. There was some kind of coercion of Brewer by the WC to alter his observation and time.
B. Oswald took off his dark blue jacket after entering theater at 1:15om. He had bought a ticket from Postal, and so Oswald went back out for a few minutes to visit Brewers store, wearing only his brown shirt. Oswald returned about 1:19 , and went past the ticket booth without stopping because he had already paid. Brewer observed this and misinterpreted that as Oswald having nefariously slipped into the theatre. For the next 60 seconds , Oswald moved around in the dark to several seats which is why Jack Davis noticed him and noted the time as 1:20 pm.
C: Some other man resembling Oswald and wearing only a brown shirt showed up at Brewers store at 1:30 pm and then this man entered the theater a few minutes later and went to the balcony. If this man was the Tippit shooter, he could have already discarded his gun before entering the theater and so when he was questioned by the police, there was no cause to arrest him.
D: Oswald was being transported by a conspirator car To be able to move quicker to arrive at 10th and Patton by 1:08 and then at the theater by 1:15 pm.