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Author Topic: Time for Truth  (Read 57854 times)

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #416 on: October 26, 2023, 05:47:59 PM »
we know she said she heard the news and was working on her tv , and then oswald walked in . so from that we can pretty much establish that oswald came home at 1pm or shortly there after .

I'm not sure about the logic you're using here.
You can tell it was after 1pm because Roberts was working on her TV?
Roberts own reasoning for placing Oswald's arrival at the rooming house after 1pm is equally ridiculous:

"Now, it must have been around 1 o'clock, or maybe a little after, because it was after President Kennedy had been shot-what time I wouldn't want to say... "

It was after 1pm because it was after JFK had been shot??
What does that mean? How does that make it after 1pm?
That Roberts is totally guessing at the time is revealed by two details in her above statement:
" must have been..." = guessing
"...what time I wouldn't want to say..." = doesn't really know.

oswald emerges from his room and leaves . she watches tv for a spell longer . then apparently was curious and got up and went to her window and sees oswald still outside by the bus stop

Where does it state that Roberts watched TV before looking out of her window?

"Where does it state that Roberts watched TV before looking out of her window?" dan omeara

"at approximately 1 :OO pm I was sitting in the
living room watching television about the President’s assassination when a man
I knew as 0. H. Lee, but who has since been identified as Lee Harvey oswald " earlene roberts

"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I
saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right" earlene roberts

she said she was sitting in the living room watching tv , a moment later after oswald left she looked out the window , her words not mine .

to some degree yes she guessed at the time , which means she did not look at a clock .but that does not mean she was not accurate in her guess . thats accurate not perfect .we know when normal programs were stopped and news of the assassination took over .she cant have watched news of the assassination before the news cut in . so we know it had just turned 1pm .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #416 on: October 26, 2023, 05:47:59 PM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #417 on: October 26, 2023, 06:54:54 PM »
"Where does it state that Roberts watched TV before looking out of her window?" dan omeara

"at approximately 1 :OO pm I was sitting in the
living room watching television about the President’s assassination when a man
I knew as 0. H. Lee, but who has since been identified as Lee Harvey oswald " earlene roberts

"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I
saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right" earlene roberts

she said she was sitting in the living room watching tv , a moment later after oswald left she looked out the window , her words not mine .

"her words not mine"

And my point is that you are saying something different from what Roberts is saying.
You are saying that after Oswald left the house, Roberts started watching TV and after a while she decided to look out of the window;
Here's what you actually posted:

oswald emerges from his room and leaves . she watches tv for a spell longer . then apparently was curious and got up and went to her window and sees oswald still outside by the bus stop

But that's not what Roberts says.
She states that after Oswald left the house she looked out of the window.
She does not say she went back to watching the TV and then decided to look out of the window.
That is something you've made up.
It's important that these details are correct when establishing what happened.

to some degree yes she guessed at the time , which means she did not look at a clock .but that does not mean she was not accurate in her guess . thats accurate not perfect .we know when normal programs were stopped and news of the assassination took over .she cant have watched news of the assassination before the news cut in . so we know it had just turned 1pm .

she cant have watched news of the assassination before the news cut in . so we know it had just turned 1pm .

This is completely incorrect.
You appear to be saying that the news of JFK's shooting first appeared on the 1PM news program. You are wrong.
The Roberts story is that she was at the rooming house and a friend of hers rang up to tell her that JFK had been shot and to turn on the TV.
Roberts turns on the TV and a program called "As The World Turns" is on [from 12:30pm to 1pm]
She watches this for a few minutes and a "Special Bulletin" comes on regarding the shooting of JFK.
There is something wrong with the TV and Roberts is trying to fix it, so she can find out about Kennedy and that's when Oswald comes in.

There are three "Special Bulletins" played while "As The World Turns" is on.
The first around 12:40pm
The second around 12:43pm
The third around 12:48pm.

Its is this third bulletin that comes on while she is watching "As The World Turns" [this program resumed playing after the second bulletin]
It can be assumed that her friend had seen one or both of the earlier bulletins then gave Roberts a call.
So it is any time after 12:48pm that Roberts could be referring to as the time when Oswald comes in.
It seems almost certain that it is before 1pm as she appears to be watching the third bulletin when Oswald comes in and not the 1pm News.
She makes no mention of the 1pm News program starting [which it does after the third bulletin].

Here is the actual channel Roberts was watching that day:

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #418 on: October 27, 2023, 12:37:05 AM »
The only way it would be probable that Oswald  could have arrived at the boarding house at an earlier time of 12:50 is if Oswald never went to the McWatters bus , and sat  in that bus for several minutes.

To make it to the boarding house by 12:50, Oswald would have had to go directly to Whaleys taxi from leaving the TSBD at approx 1:33pm.

Oswald walked  the 7 blocks in about 6-7 minutes so he arrives ti Whaleys taxi approx 12:40pm.

Whaleys drives the distance to the point 5 blocks from the boarding house in approx 7-9 minutes.

Oswald exits the taxi at 12:48

He doubletimes the 5 block distance in about 2.5 minutes, thus arrives to the boarding house approx 12:50-12:51 pm.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #418 on: October 27, 2023, 12:37:05 AM »

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #419 on: October 27, 2023, 09:56:46 AM »
The only way it would be probable that Oswald  could have arrived at the boarding house at an earlier time of 12:50 is if Oswald never went to the McWatters bus , and sat  in that bus for several minutes.

To make it to the boarding house by 12:50, Oswald would have had to go directly to Whaleys taxi from leaving the TSBD at approx 1:33pm.

Oswald walked  the 7 blocks in about 6-7 minutes so he arrives ti Whaleys taxi approx 12:40pm.

Whaleys drives the distance to the point 5 blocks from the boarding house in approx 7-9 minutes.

Oswald exits the taxi at 12:48

He doubletimes the 5 block distance in about 2.5 minutes, thus arrives to the boarding house approx 12:50-12:51 pm.

I think 12:50 would be pushing it but it is an interesting thought experiment.
If we assume Oswald is desperate and on the run [I'm not saying he is, it's just for the purposes of this thought experiment].
Let's see how quickly it is reasonably possible for Oswald to get from the TSBD to the shooting of Tippit.
Keeping any assumptions within the realms of distinct possibility:

Leaves TSBD at 12:33
6 minutes to get to bus - 12:39
Stays on bus 2 minutes - 12:41
3 minutes to reach taxi - 12:43
9 minute taxi ride - 12:52
3 minutes back to rooming house - 12:55
2 minutes to change - 12:57
2 minutes at bus stop - 12:59
10 minutes to Patton - 1:09

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #420 on: October 27, 2023, 09:08:36 PM »
"her words not mine"

And my point is that you are saying something different from what Roberts is saying.
You are saying that after Oswald left the house, Roberts started watching TV and after a while she decided to look out of the window;
Here's what you actually posted:

oswald emerges from his room and leaves . she watches tv for a spell longer . then apparently was curious and got up and went to her window and sees oswald still outside by the bus stop

But that's not what Roberts says.
She states that after Oswald left the house she looked out of the window.
She does not say she went back to watching the TV and then decided to look out of the window.
That is something you've made up.
It's important that these details are correct when establishing what happened.

she cant have watched news of the assassination before the news cut in . so we know it had just turned 1pm .

This is completely incorrect.
You appear to be saying that the news of JFK's shooting first appeared on the 1PM news program. You are wrong.
The Roberts story is that she was at the rooming house and a friend of hers rang up to tell her that JFK had been shot and to turn on the TV.
Roberts turns on the TV and a program called "As The World Turns" is on [from 12:30pm to 1pm]
She watches this for a few minutes and a "Special Bulletin" comes on regarding the shooting of JFK.
There is something wrong with the TV and Roberts is trying to fix it, so she can find out about Kennedy and that's when Oswald comes in.

There are three "Special Bulletins" played while "As The World Turns" is on.
The first around 12:40pm
The second around 12:43pm
The third around 12:48pm.

Its is this third bulletin that comes on while she is watching "As The World Turns" [this program resumed playing after the second bulletin]
It can be assumed that her friend had seen one or both of the earlier bulletins then gave Roberts a call.
So it is any time after 12:48pm that Roberts could be referring to as the time when Oswald comes in.
It seems almost certain that it is before 1pm as she appears to be watching the third bulletin when Oswald comes in and not the 1pm News.
She makes no mention of the 1pm News program starting [which it does after the third bulletin].

Here is the actual channel Roberts was watching that day:

ok lets put this to bed . firstly ive made  nothing up , that is akin to calling me a liar , if you wish to assert i am a liar atleast be up front about it . everything i said is based upon the time it took to leave the depository , get on and then off a bus , and then walk and get a cab , and the cab journey after that , and also based on warren commission time trials , and based on statements made by roberts .yes there is a certain level of assumption here , as there is in many aspects of this case , things we simply cant know exactingly . you are also using a degree of assumption , because you dont know everything precisely either . in addition where i am atleast making honest efforts to try and determine what and when things happened as accurately as is humanly possible , i have zero agenda here . you on the other hand have an agenda . which is you seek to find ways to give oswald more time , because you know without that time what you would claim he did is made extremely difficult if not outright impossible .

lets re cap here a bit because you are claiming i am saying things that roberts did not , which is false .

you asked the following question , the insinuation being that roberts did not watch tv at all BEFORE LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW .

"Where does it state that Roberts watched TV before looking out of her window?" dan omeara

"at approximately 1 :OO pm I was sitting in the
living room watching television about the President’s assassination when a man
I knew as 0. H. Lee, but who has since been identified as Lee Harvey oswald " earlene roberts sworn statement

now again HER WORDS or atleast her written statement NOT MINE .i think it is quite clear to anyone who reads it properly , or atleast it should be . it states clearly at APPROXIMATELY 1.00PM i was sitting in the living room watching tv WHEN MR OSWALD WALKED IN .

there are atleast three pieces of info there

1/ the time : 1.00pm
2/ what she was doing : she was watching tv at that time
3/ who she saw : and then she saw oswald come in

so by her own admission she was watching tv , maybe she was still working on the picture , but none the less she was watching it when oswald walked in .

roberts gave us some more info , while oswald was in his room she heard toots of a car horn , looked and saw it was a police car , now she either looked out the window or opened her door and looked out .given what was going on on the tv my money is on the window .

next she tells us oswald left , then she tells us she went and looked and saw that oswald was outside at the bus stop  . she never said she immediately went and looked to see why he came and went as he did . but it was not very long , i believe the word she used was a moment , but you can put your own spin on that if you want . actually i wouldnt want you to say im INVENTING OR MAKING STUFF UP so lets see her own words again .

"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I
saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right " earlene roberts

so you asked a question IT IS VERY MUCH ANSWERED . not only does it state here what she said , you can see in QUOTE exactly what she said . and you can see where its from , its her sworn statement , and SHE not me said she was WATCHING TV (all be it maybe not with as clear a screen as she might like  ) .

my friend some may call it READING BETWEEN THE LINES , you can call it what you will . she was looking at her tv trying to make a clearer picture when she said oswald was walking in . between his entry and his departure she looked out the window because a car tooted its horn . but i would imagine jfks assassination was of a bit more interest to her than a car tooting its horn , wouldnt you agree ? . then at some point not long after oswald  leaves . by her OWN ADMISSION again when he came in (her words not mine ) she didnt pay great attention to oswald , she looked but her focus was on the tv .

Mr. BALL. What color was his shirt? Do you know?
Mrs. ROBERTS. I don't remember. I didn't pay that much attention for I was interested in the television trying to get it fixed.

lets not assume about where her attention was focused when he left either , i mean i wouldnt want to be making stuff up now would i ? . lets have a look

Mr. BALL. Did he have the same colored pants on when he came in as when he went out?
Mrs. ROBERTS. Now, I wouldn't say that because I don't remember-I didn't pay that much attention. I didn't mean to be hateful, but I didn't.
Mr. BALL. Now, did it appear to you he had on the same pants or different pants from the time he came in and when he went out ?
Mr. ROBERTS. Well, I just didn't pay that much attention. All I remember-he was zipping up a coat and I was trying to find out about President Kennedy--I was still trying to find out about President Kennedy-they was broadcasting it then-I was more interested in that.

so is there a doubt that the tv was more important to her ? i dont think so . yes she noticed things but he main focus was the tv .

what i said was about her working on her tv / watching tv before he came home , while he was home at when he left . i said she could not see the news before it was broadcast that was all , i know the program that was interrupted you dont need to tell me about it . I DID NOT / NEVER said she only started watching tv after he left , maybe i was not as clear as perhaps i could have been . but now its clear is it not ? she was both working on / listening to and watching tv in the time before he came home , while he was at home and when he was leaving . a moment after he left she went to the window HER WORDS not mine .

i am not saying the news of jfks shooting only came on tv at 1pm , there is tv footage between the time of the shooting and 1pm . again i guess i was not as clear as i might have been . i was combining what roberts said , with other things like warren commission time trials , official times such as events on the bus , the cab etc . so im not just speaking  based on what roberts said .

but again it is you not i that makes an assumption . you assume that the bulletin kicked in at 12.48 and that she tuned in immediately at that time and that oswald walked in right there .this is because you have a need to give him more time .now lets show people the actual video of as the world turns complete with cbs interruptions

you correctly stated as the world turns started at 12.30 and would end no later than 1pm . as can be seen in the video above the third bulletin which started as you said about 12.48 carried on at the least until 29.37 of that video , or 12.59 and 37 seconds . and im certain after that point also . so your agenda requires that oswald arrive as early as possible pre 1pm , but the news bulletin shows he could have arrived as roberts said at 1pm or shortly there after . a good investigation would have tried to clear up any questions of timing , its not always easy to be precise , but even you mention the bulletin as opposed to the actual 1pm news , they could have asked her about that and clarified . but as she was working on her tv it might have been hard for her to answer , i mean if she had audio with no video for a time . but then all they had to do was say MRS ROBERTS DO YOU RECALL SEEING ANY VIDEO AT ANY TIME WHILE OSWALD WAS THERE ? . not mentioning something perhaps because one was never asked does not automatically mean it never happened or was never the case .

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #420 on: October 27, 2023, 09:08:36 PM »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #421 on: October 27, 2023, 09:26:15 PM »
I think 12:50 would be pushing it but it is an interesting thought experiment.
If we assume Oswald is desperate and on the run [I'm not saying he is, it's just for the purposes of this thought experiment].
Let's see how quickly it is reasonably possible for Oswald to get from the TSBD to the shooting of Tippit.
Keeping any assumptions within the realms of distinct possibility:

Leaves TSBD at 12:33
6 minutes to get to bus - 12:39
Stays on bus 2 minutes - 12:41
3 minutes to reach taxi - 12:43
9 minute taxi ride - 12:52
3 minutes back to rooming house - 12:55
2 minutes to change - 12:57
2 minutes at bus stop - 12:59
10 minutes to Patton - 1:09


then you say 10 minutes to the corner of 10th and patton  . how did you get that time ? . well now gary mack had two time trials of two routes to 10th and patton . like you he worked on the notion that oswald arrived home before 1pm and left at 1pm . that i saw or recall he made no mention that roberts said he arrived about 1pm and stayed 3 to 4 minutes . and lets face it once he started working for the 6th floor museum he was not quite as honest as he could be lol . the official route was timed  by the warren commission , it took 16 minutes or so , macks timing was about the same .even mack said that did not work . so he timed a shorter route that took 12 minutes plus , a route that even the warren commission didnt adopt . so where are you getting your 10 minutes from ? .

Online Dan O'meara

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #422 on: October 29, 2023, 01:01:30 AM »
ok lets put this to bed . firstly ive made  nothing up , that is akin to calling me a liar , if you wish to assert i am a liar atleast be up front about it . everything i said is based upon the time it took to leave the depository , get on and then off a bus , and then walk and get a cab , and the cab journey after that , and also based on warren commission time trials , and based on statements made by roberts .yes there is a certain level of assumption here , as there is in many aspects of this case , things we simply cant know exactingly . you are also using a degree of assumption , because you dont know everything precisely either . in addition where i am atleast making honest efforts to try and determine what and when things happened as accurately as is humanly possible , i have zero agenda here . you on the other hand have an agenda . which is you seek to find ways to give oswald more time , because you know without that time what you would claim he did is made extremely difficult if not outright impossible .

lets re cap here a bit because you are claiming i am saying things that roberts did not , which is false .

you asked the following question , the insinuation being that roberts did not watch tv at all BEFORE LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW .

"Where does it state that Roberts watched TV before looking out of her window?" dan omeara

"at approximately 1 :OO pm I was sitting in the
living room watching television about the President’s assassination when a man
I knew as 0. H. Lee, but who has since been identified as Lee Harvey oswald " earlene roberts sworn statement

now again HER WORDS or atleast her written statement NOT MINE .i think it is quite clear to anyone who reads it properly , or atleast it should be . it states clearly at APPROXIMATELY 1.00PM i was sitting in the living room watching tv WHEN MR OSWALD WALKED IN .

there are atleast three pieces of info there

1/ the time : 1.00pm
2/ what she was doing : she was watching tv at that time
3/ who she saw : and then she saw oswald come in

so by her own admission she was watching tv , maybe she was still working on the picture , but none the less she was watching it when oswald walked in .

roberts gave us some more info , while oswald was in his room she heard toots of a car horn , looked and saw it was a police car , now she either looked out the window or opened her door and looked out .given what was going on on the tv my money is on the window .

next she tells us oswald left , then she tells us she went and looked and saw that oswald was outside at the bus stop  . she never said she immediately went and looked to see why he came and went as he did . but it was not very long , i believe the word she used was a moment , but you can put your own spin on that if you want . actually i wouldnt want you to say im INVENTING OR MAKING STUFF UP so lets see her own words again .

"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I
saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right " earlene roberts

so you asked a question IT IS VERY MUCH ANSWERED . not only does it state here what she said , you can see in QUOTE exactly what she said . and you can see where its from , its her sworn statement , and SHE not me said she was WATCHING TV (all be it maybe not with as clear a screen as she might like  ) .

my friend some may call it READING BETWEEN THE LINES , you can call it what you will . she was looking at her tv trying to make a clearer picture when she said oswald was walking in . between his entry and his departure she looked out the window because a car tooted its horn . but i would imagine jfks assassination was of a bit more interest to her than a car tooting its horn , wouldnt you agree ? . then at some point not long after oswald  leaves . by her OWN ADMISSION again when he came in (her words not mine ) she didnt pay great attention to oswald , she looked but her focus was on the tv .

Mr. BALL. What color was his shirt? Do you know?
Mrs. ROBERTS. I don't remember. I didn't pay that much attention for I was interested in the television trying to get it fixed.

lets not assume about where her attention was focused when he left either , i mean i wouldnt want to be making stuff up now would i ? . lets have a look

Mr. BALL. Did he have the same colored pants on when he came in as when he went out?
Mrs. ROBERTS. Now, I wouldn't say that because I don't remember-I didn't pay that much attention. I didn't mean to be hateful, but I didn't.
Mr. BALL. Now, did it appear to you he had on the same pants or different pants from the time he came in and when he went out ?
Mr. ROBERTS. Well, I just didn't pay that much attention. All I remember-he was zipping up a coat and I was trying to find out about President Kennedy--I was still trying to find out about President Kennedy-they was broadcasting it then-I was more interested in that.

so is there a doubt that the tv was more important to her ? i dont think so . yes she noticed things but he main focus was the tv .

what i said was about her working on her tv / watching tv before he came home , while he was home at when he left . i said she could not see the news before it was broadcast that was all , i know the program that was interrupted you dont need to tell me about it . I DID NOT / NEVER said she only started watching tv after he left , maybe i was not as clear as perhaps i could have been . but now its clear is it not ? she was both working on / listening to and watching tv in the time before he came home , while he was at home and when he was leaving . a moment after he left she went to the window HER WORDS not mine .

i am not saying the news of jfks shooting only came on tv at 1pm , there is tv footage between the time of the shooting and 1pm . again i guess i was not as clear as i might have been . i was combining what roberts said , with other things like warren commission time trials , official times such as events on the bus , the cab etc . so im not just speaking  based on what roberts said .

but again it is you not i that makes an assumption . you assume that the bulletin kicked in at 12.48 and that she tuned in immediately at that time and that oswald walked in right there .this is because you have a need to give him more time .now lets show people the actual video of as the world turns complete with cbs interruptions

you correctly stated as the world turns started at 12.30 and would end no later than 1pm . as can be seen in the video above the third bulletin which started as you said about 12.48 carried on at the least until 29.37 of that video , or 12.59 and 37 seconds . and im certain after that point also . so your agenda requires that oswald arrive as early as possible pre 1pm , but the news bulletin shows he could have arrived as roberts said at 1pm or shortly there after . a good investigation would have tried to clear up any questions of timing , its not always easy to be precise , but even you mention the bulletin as opposed to the actual 1pm news , they could have asked her about that and clarified . but as she was working on her tv it might have been hard for her to answer , i mean if she had audio with no video for a time . but then all they had to do was say MRS ROBERTS DO YOU RECALL SEEING ANY VIDEO AT ANY TIME WHILE OSWALD WAS THERE ? . not mentioning something perhaps because one was never asked does not automatically mean it never happened or was never the case .

lets re cap here a bit because you are claiming i am saying things that roberts did not , which is false .

It's quite irritating to have to post the same thing again but here goes.
You posted the following:

"oswald emerges from his room and leaves . she watches tv for a spell longer . then apparently was curious and got up and went to her window and sees oswald still outside by the bus stop"

When you post that Roberts "got up" you are implying she was sat down watching TV.
Oswald leaves the house - Roberts is sat down watching TV "for a spell longer"
She "apparently was curious" so she "got up" and "went to her window".
She looks out the window and sees Oswald "by the bus stop".

This scenario is not supported by Roberts' testimony.
This is what happened according to Roberts' testimony:

"I went and turned it on [the TV] and I was trying to clear it up---I could hear them talking but I couldn't get the picture and he come in..."
"All I remember-he was zipping up a coat and I was trying to find out about President Kennedy--I was still trying to find out about President Kennedy-they was broadcasting it then-I was more interested in that."
"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right "

She was still "trying to find out about President Kennedy" when Oswald left the house.
After a "moment" she went to the window and looked out.
No sitting down watching TV for a spell longer.

Why is such a seemingly trivial important?
Because the timeline we're dealing with is so tight and every minute counts.
When Roberts says a "moment" she could mean 2 minutes or 3 minutes, but she could also mean 20 seconds.

"so your agenda requires that oswald arrive as early as possible pre 1pm"
"you assume that the bulletin kicked in at 12.48 and that she tuned in immediately at that time and that oswald walked in right there ."

You're looking at this the wrong way.
All I'm saying is that claims it had to be 1pm or later when Oswald entered the rooming house are very questionable.
Roberts is clearly guessing at the time when Oswald came in, what she makes clear is that the news about Kennedy has come on the TV by the time Oswald enters the house.
As demonstrated, the bulletin Roberts almost certainly sees is the one beginning around 12:48pm [she is already watching "As The World Turns" when it comes on].
12:48pm marks the earliest possible time Oswald could have come in and that's all. I'm not saying Oswald entered the rooming house at that time.
What I am definitely saying is, just because news of Kennedy's shooting was on the TV doesn't automatically mean it was 1pm or later.

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #423 on: October 29, 2023, 03:18:16 PM »
lets re cap here a bit because you are claiming i am saying things that roberts did not , which is false .

It's quite irritating to have to post the same thing again but here goes.
You posted the following:

"oswald emerges from his room and leaves . she watches tv for a spell longer . then apparently was curious and got up and went to her window and sees oswald still outside by the bus stop"

When you post that Roberts "got up" you are implying she was sat down watching TV.
Oswald leaves the house - Roberts is sat down watching TV "for a spell longer"
She "apparently was curious" so she "got up" and "went to her window".
She looks out the window and sees Oswald "by the bus stop".

This scenario is not supported by Roberts' testimony.
This is what happened according to Roberts' testimony:

"I went and turned it on [the TV] and I was trying to clear it up---I could hear them talking but I couldn't get the picture and he come in..."
"All I remember-he was zipping up a coat and I was trying to find out about President Kennedy--I was still trying to find out about President Kennedy-they was broadcasting it then-I was more interested in that."
"Oswald went out the front door. A moment later I looked out the window. I saw Lee Oswald standing on the curb at the bus stop just to the right "

She was still "trying to find out about President Kennedy" when Oswald left the house.
After a "moment" she went to the window and looked out.
No sitting down watching TV for a spell longer.

Why is such a seemingly trivial important?
Because the timeline we're dealing with is so tight and every minute counts.
When Roberts says a "moment" she could mean 2 minutes or 3 minutes, but she could also mean 20 seconds.

"so your agenda requires that oswald arrive as early as possible pre 1pm"
"you assume that the bulletin kicked in at 12.48 and that she tuned in immediately at that time and that oswald walked in right there ."

You're looking at this the wrong way.
All I'm saying is that claims it had to be 1pm or later when Oswald entered the rooming house are very questionable.
Roberts is clearly guessing at the time when Oswald came in, what she makes clear is that the news about Kennedy has come on the TV by the time Oswald enters the house.
As demonstrated, the bulletin Roberts almost certainly sees is the one beginning around 12:48pm [she is already watching "As The World Turns" when it comes on].
12:48pm marks the earliest possible time Oswald could have come in and that's all. I'm not saying Oswald entered the rooming house at that time.
What I am definitely saying is, just because news of Kennedy's shooting was on the TV doesn't automatically mean it was 1pm or later.

The earliest TV broadcast was not at 12:48 but at 12:45 when Don Pardo read James Altgen’s two shot news bulletin on NBC TV. The earliest radio broadcast was Merriman Smith’s three shot news bulletin read by Walter Cronkite of CBS News. Altgens was the only news reporter who was an eyewitness and was standing mere feet from the car, Smith was an earwitness located by the corner of Houston.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Time for Truth
« Reply #423 on: October 29, 2023, 03:18:16 PM »