Would A Bullet Really Knock You Backwards? DEBUNKED
At around the 2:56 mark, the narrator states:
"only results in a backwards motion of 80 kg target body of 0.01-0.18 m/s,"
Or, to units readers may be more familiar with:
"only results in a backwards motion of 176 pound target body of 0.02-0.40 mph,"
President Kennedy's head backwards motion, at it's maximum speed, at frame z318, was 1.9 mph. Much faster than one would expect from any plausible weapon. But well within the capabilities of JFK's own muscles, if the bullet triggered a Neurological Spasm, which is immoral to demonstrate with humans but can and has been shown in films of animals, like that of the goat in the 1947 U. S. Army tests.
Of course, a more powerful weapon, like an anti-tank gun (equipped with a silencer, do doubt

), could, in theory push JFK's head backwards at that speed. But there are multiple problems, even with that:
1. Most fundamentally, a push from a bullet or a shell would give an almost instant impulse to JFK's head, pushing JFK's head with constant momentum. Resulting in an initial fast speed (that momentum being used to push the head alone) followed by a slower speed (the same momentum pushing both the head and torso). Instead, what is measured in the Zapruder film by Physics graduate student William Hoffman, is a slow initial speed backwards, that gradually builds up, 4 frames later, to 1.9 mph.
2. As pointed out, a weapon that powerful would splatter the whole head, not just part if it, in many directions. There would be no head left afterwards.
3. Also, a bullet, or a shell, would only pass on some of it's momentum, not all of it, as the projectile would pass through the head and continue with most of it's momentum.
But, with most people not understanding simple Classical Physics, the "Back and to the Left" argument should still continue to hold great sway over the masses.